To use a H2 with your Terrakube deployment create a terrakube.yaml file with the following content:INT
## Terrakube API properties
defaultDatabase: false
loadSampleData: true
databaseType: "H2"
databaseHostname: ""
databaseName: ""
databaseUser: ""
databasePassword: ""
{% hint style="danger" %} H2 database is just for testing, each time the api pod is restarted a new database will be created {% endhint %}
{% hint style="success" %} loadSampleData this will add some organization, workspaces and modules by default in your database, keep databaseHostname, databaseName, databaseUser and databasePassword empty {% endhint %}
Now you can install terrakube using the command.
helm install --values terrakube.yaml terrakube terrakube-repo/terrakube -n terrakube