Make sure you have the following prerequisites installed: (older or newer versions may work but this is what we've tested with)
- Your Liberty runtime must contain the following features several features, which can be installed using
as follows:bin/installUtility install cdi-1.0 servlet-3.0 mongodb-2.0 jaxrs-1.1
- Your Liberty runtime must contain the following features several features, which can be installed using
A Java 7 JDK
Either clone the repository or download and extract a snapshot
Rename server/
to server/
and edit to point to your mongodb and liberty
installation directories.
Have a look at test-utils/src/main/resources/
check that you are happy with the specified test ports
Launch gradle to build the code, run the tests and produce the distribution archives.
gradle build dist
You should now have three files in the build/distributions directory,
and larsServerPackage.jar