The following will be created:
- Resource Group for Landing Zone Networking
- Spoke Virtual Network and Subnets
- Peering of Hub and Spoke Networks
- Private DNS Zones
- Application Gateway
- NSGs for AKS subnet and Application Gateway subnet
Navigate to "/Scenarios/AKS-Secure-Baseline-PrivateCluster-AVM/Bicep/04-Network-LZ" folder
cd ../04-Network-LZ
Review "parameters-main.json" and update the values as required. Please note to verify the Azure Firewall Private IP (dhcp options in parameters-main.json) from the previous deployment in step 03. Once the files are updated, deploy using az cli or Az PowerShell
az deployment sub create -n "AKS-LZA-Spoke-AKS" -l $REGION -f main.bicep -p parameters-main.json
New-AzSubscriptionDeployment -TemplateFile .\04-Network-LZ\main.bicep -TemplateParameterFile .\04-Network-LZ\parameters-main.json -Location $REGION -Name AKS-LZA-Spoke-AKS