Here are the steps to setup a Windows environment:
Download Terraform from and install to folder in the PATH
Install az cli per az cli install instructions for Windows
Save the latest Avere provider from releases to
. For example, version 1.0.0 will be save to path%APPDATA%\terraform.d\plugins\\hashicorp\avere\1.0.0\windows_amd64\terraform-provider-avere_v1.0.0.exe
. Here is the powershell to automatically download to the correct versioned directory:
# make Invoke-WebRequest go fast:
$ProgressPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
# get the latest download URL
$latestPage = Invoke-WebRequest
($latestpage.Content|ConvertFrom-Json|Select tag_name).tag_name -match '[^0-9]*([0-9\.].*)$'
$version = $matches[1]
$browserDownloadUrl = (($latestpage.Content |ConvertFrom-Json|Select assets).assets |where-object {$_.browser_download_url -match ".exe"}).browser_download_url
# download the provider
$pluginsDirectory = "$Env:APPDATA\terraform.d\plugins\\hashicorp\avere\$version\windows_amd64"
md $pluginsDirectory -ea 0
$pluginPath = "$pluginsDirectory\terraform-provider-avere_v$version.exe"
Write-Output "Downloading the avere plugin to $pluginPath"
Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile $pluginPath $browserDownloadUrl