Releases: Azure/api-management-developer-portal
- f2ccec0 Fixing inconsistency between Sample request body select label and aria-label (#1962)
- 368b9a7 Fixed scrolling issue with GQL console (#1964)
- d812a1e Collapsibles refactor to use native details summary components (#1960)
- f4ad331 Sync hash between main window URL & custom widget iframes src (#1949)
- 0c4bb80 Added support for PKCE extension for Authorization code grant. (#1945)
- 474d3b8 Fixed authorization header remove logic (#1940)
This release contains improvements and bugfixes.
- f59530d Remove locales from search (#1937)
- b5141c9 Added handling for hash part of URL in case of server-side redirect. (#1935)
- 3ebd4a8 Fixed description error appearing on SOAP APIs (#1934)
- 1afb427 Added handling and telemetry for failed captcha initialization. (#1932)
- 6c8538e Fixed formatting response body (#1929)
- 51ec561 Custom widget development instructions - widget folder path fix (#1923)
- 4f38182 Improved luminosity ratio for focus indicators (#1916)
- 37c884e Fixed operation console error on response without content type header (#1921)
This release contains a series of improvements and bugfixes to API reference pages, test console, and other widgets and components of the developer portal.
- f7b3ef0 custom widgets df testing fixes (#1917)
- d2d7830 pointless spaces removed (#1915)
- 41aadce Custom widget scaffolding tool (#1910)
- 0c91e7c Revert "Upgraded paperbits dependencies (#1900)" (#1911)
- f417633 Fixed: ensure ARIA attributes are allowed for an element's role (#1906)
- 9bc9530 Unified Test console request and error handling (#1905)
- d8deb7f Remove response from error object (#1904)
- 8309436 Add exception trace to log (#1901)
- 952b008 Upgraded paperbits dependencies (#1900)
- 4b1df4b Fixed: show subscription keys only if they are active (#1886)
- 13055ae Added token as GitHub secret (#1899)
- 634f23f Fixed cached schemas for operations (#1898)
- 0d0f2b3 Replaced logging to console with error when mapping grant types. (#1897)
- 2514e77 Added suppression tags for cred scan false-positives. (#1895)
- 1c61c99 Fixed: remove/edit test console required headers (#1892)
- 9d96c0a Removed duplicated ids for group by tag (#1883)
- 2f351a2 Fixed: api-details page breaks for long display name (#1884)
- df7affd Fixed default release name format. (#1882)
- b45e399 Fixed the focus switch on test console opening. (#1879)
- 334b4d2 Description rendering for examples (#1876)
- This release fixes a regression in the user sign-up functionality for Azure AD and Azure AD B2C identity providers.
Update 7/22/2022: This release contains a regression in the test console. We will create a new release with a bugfix in the week of 7/25.
- API schemas in the API reference pages now load faster thanks to caching. Additional performance improvements will be released with the next main API Management service release. 874a533 (#1807)
- Automation scripts now use the latest API version. 25c7525 (#1858)
- Test console now supports file download. b2b3c41 (#1849)
- API reference pages now include "Examples" column. 34cb018 (#1856)
- Improvements to GraphQL API reference and test console.
- 47abee5 Merging back from managed repo. (#1861)
- 25c7525 Switching to the latest API version (#1858)
- 1149682 Upgraded dependencies to latest versions. (#1860)
- 371e066 examples for headers fix (#1859)
- dc94b40 Introduce base dev portal logger (#1848)
- 091cbef Fixed required attribute for Other properties in complex schemas (#1850)
- 4951856 Create .editorconfig (#1854)
- 17feb36 Fixed delegation flow (#1852) [ #1792 ]
- 24a1aab Fixed multiple mapcharts to work independently on mouse move (#1843)
- 04e7f69 Fixed consoles height (#1840)
- 4d5935d Fixed operation list layout and accessibility issues. (#1839)
- e955330 accessability issue fix (#1837)
- 2142f03 Fixed Auth header not being cleared on No auth select (#1836)
- b9f96a5 Enhancing login error message (#1817)
- 265fc0f Add top param for document content type (#1796)
- 27478ec Release date column should show date of creation of release not date of release notes update (#1821)
- 5cb91a6 Added warning message in editor and console error in runtime if backendUrl setting is missed in config (#1809)
- e075f08 Migrated from deprecated TSLint to ESLint with @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin. (#1818)
- 85cf24c Dispatch errors to validation-summary refactor (#1799)
- 273b8f1 Fixed height in graphql console (#1811)
- 6672d4c Removed unneccessary focus from widget editors (#1806)
- 77b9b12 Pasted gql queries with required parameters displayed properly in the query editor (#1814)
- c5e5cce Upgraded dependencies. (#1815)
- beb8094 consoleHeader.ts move validation above return early (#1803)
- e2f535b Fixed Custom HTML widget layout and icons. (#1808)
- 4bbf6a4 Fixed operation list layout issue. (#1804)
- bb48b1b tslint --fix (#1802)
- 83130aa Upgraded dependencies (#1800)
- 2f3fd32 validation-summary added to profile - templates/default.json updated (#1797)
- 87ca051 Revert "Change workshop container height (#1785)" (#1795)
- 7787473 Fixed wildcard operation path behavior (#1793)
- ad0f69f Change workshop container height (#1785)
- becf65c Accessibility/luminosity on selection (#1790)
- 4607229 Fixed luminosity rato for margin and padding borders from the box editor (#1784)
- 51936b6 Migrate msal to @azure/msal-browser (#1643)
- ea351d0 Fixed Authorization header behaviour (#1777)
- 7792148 Fixed: default schema view combobox gets dismissed (#1770)
- 0de3544 Fixed luminosity ratio for placeholders (#1769)
- 68160f3 Create codeql-analysis.yml (#1771)
- 09c4e92 Switched Auth servers loading from publishing to get request (#1764)
- 0e0edd6 Added support for new captcha API and prepare current one for deprecation (#1569)
- 25cd312 Added all definitions listed in props to the list of definitions (#1755)
- Improvements to API reference pages and test console.
- Support for GraphQL subscriptions.
- 1580846 Wss protocol validations, building graphql path, added subscription-key to parameters. (#1748)
- ac4c62d Fixed copy to clipboard command. Fixed liquid templates (#1749)
- eabd1f7 Fixed disappearing authorization header (#1752)
- 211a6ff Hide "subscribe" button when subscriptions are pending (#1747)
- d23d304 Added a support for read-only properties displaying (#1742)
- 9160102 Added iframe sandbox "allow-popups" attribute (#1736)
- 94bdd0c Landing focus on Try It blade (#1729)
- fc1cf64 Fixed nested complex schemas rendering (#1726)
- 692e6f9 Supporting Graphql Subscriptions (#1723)
- ed5bdae markdownService processMarkdown - length as optional param (#1724)
- f4c5ff5 Upgraded dependencies. (#1722)
- 1da7c6b Fixing 'generate' command run instructions (#1721)
Known issues
4/4/2022 Update: This release contains a regression, which may cause the APIs dropdown widget to not load the list of APIs. The release rollout to managed portals is delayed until the fix is in place; existing managed portals aren't affected. The fix for self-hosted portals will be included in the next release on GitHub.
4/6/2022 Update: The just-released version 2.15.1 contains a fix for the regression in the APIs list dropdown widget.
- Following general feedback, we temporarily removed authorization server information from the API details widget (introduced in 2.13.0). We are working on an improvement, where you will be able to configure an authorization server entity for use either in a test console or API documentation (API details widget as well as exported OpenAPI files). After this improvement is released, we will bring back the authorization server support in the API details widget. e8da2a0 (#1700)
- The latest API Management service release includes security fixes for the password reset flow and product subscriptions.
- Terms of use are now included in the authentication pages. (#1648) 747f58a
- 2c320d1 Upgraded dependencies. (#1706)
- 2d7670f Removed the check for the terms of use consent, since it's not used (#1705)
- ab3cdc0 Removed duplicated call to /apis for the API list widget (#1703)
- b862227 When the operation changes, while the next operation is loading, hide the "send" button from the test console (#1704)
- 3cdf569 Add "API: Products (dropdown)" widget (#1695) [ #1177 ]
- e5cb3ff Merged back fixes from managed version. (#1702)
- bb2a3ee custom-html widget iframe allow fix (#1698)
- 00b7c78 Implemented support for complex schemas as a property (#1694)
- 3836205 Fix AAD/B2C message shown on SignUp page error (#1687) [ #1621 ]
- 67288bd Added support for union types in the graphql console (#1688)
- 9aa6723 Synchronized GraphQL parameters between query editor and explorer and other minor improvements (#1681)
- cf60711 Migrated developerPortalType from constants to settings provider (#1685)
- 39376a0 Fixed search by tag issues for "List of APIs (Tiles)" widget. (#1680)
- 0f44916 Removed duplicate widget registration. (#1679)
- e317104 An optional flag to publish changes post importing using scripts.v3/generate.js (#1675)
- 5a10127 Bump follow-redirects from 1.14.7 to 1.14.8 (#1654)
- 7e19721 Added check for media files in a snapshot folder. Cleaned up the default template. (#1669)
- a0b1865 Upgraded paperbits to v0.1.488 (#1668)
- 3492507 Added options to show/hide code samples (#1664)
- 373a3c0 Added an input field for a hostname if it was not specified (#1666)
- 3a8c6f9 Create pipeline that will automatically check for Accessibility Issues (#1584)