Releases: Azure/azure-sdk-for-js
Releases · Azure/azure-sdk-for-js
19.2.0-beta.1 (2023-08-10)
- Added operation group ManagedClusterSnapshots
- Added operation group TrustedAccessRoleBindings
- Added operation group TrustedAccessRoles
- Added operation ManagedClusters.getMeshRevisionProfile
- Added operation ManagedClusters.getMeshUpgradeProfile
- Added operation ManagedClusters.listMeshRevisionProfiles
- Added operation ManagedClusters.listMeshUpgradeProfiles
- Added Interface AgentPoolNetworkProfile
- Added Interface AgentPoolSecurityProfile
- Added Interface AgentPoolWindowsProfile
- Added Interface ClusterUpgradeSettings
- Added Interface CompatibleVersions
- Added Interface ContainerServiceNetworkProfileKubeProxyConfig
- Added Interface ContainerServiceNetworkProfileKubeProxyConfigIpvsConfig
- Added Interface DelegatedResource
- Added Interface GuardrailsProfile
- Added Interface IPTag
- Added Interface IstioCertificateAuthority
- Added Interface IstioComponents
- Added Interface IstioEgressGateway
- Added Interface IstioIngressGateway
- Added Interface IstioPluginCertificateAuthority
- Added Interface IstioServiceMesh
- Added Interface ManagedClusterIngressProfile
- Added Interface ManagedClusterIngressProfileWebAppRouting
- Added Interface ManagedClusterNodeResourceGroupProfile
- Added Interface ManagedClusterPropertiesForSnapshot
- Added Interface ManagedClusterSecurityProfileImageIntegrity
- Added Interface ManagedClusterSecurityProfileNodeRestriction
- Added Interface ManagedClustersGetMeshRevisionProfileOptionalParams
- Added Interface ManagedClustersGetMeshUpgradeProfileOptionalParams
- Added Interface ManagedClustersListMeshRevisionProfilesNextOptionalParams
- Added Interface ManagedClustersListMeshRevisionProfilesOptionalParams
- Added Interface ManagedClustersListMeshUpgradeProfilesNextOptionalParams
- Added Interface ManagedClustersListMeshUpgradeProfilesOptionalParams
- Added Interface ManagedClusterSnapshot
- Added Interface ManagedClusterSnapshotListResult
- Added Interface ManagedClusterSnapshotsCreateOrUpdateOptionalParams
- Added Interface ManagedClusterSnapshotsDeleteOptionalParams
- Added Interface ManagedClusterSnapshotsGetOptionalParams
- Added Interface ManagedClusterSnapshotsListByResourceGroupNextOptionalParams
- Added Interface ManagedClusterSnapshotsListByResourceGroupOptionalParams
- Added Interface ManagedClusterSnapshotsListNextOptionalParams
- Added Interface ManagedClusterSnapshotsListOptionalParams
- Added Interface ManagedClusterSnapshotsUpdateTagsOptionalParams
- Added Interface ManagedClusterWorkloadAutoScalerProfileVerticalPodAutoscaler
- Added Interface MeshRevision
- Added Interface MeshRevisionProfile
- Added Interface MeshRevisionProfileList
- Added Interface MeshRevisionProfileProperties
- Added Interface MeshUpgradeProfile
- Added Interface MeshUpgradeProfileList
- Added Interface MeshUpgradeProfileProperties
- Added Interface NetworkMonitoring
- Added Interface NetworkProfileForSnapshot
- Added Interface PortRange
- Added Interface ProxyResource
- Added Interface ServiceMeshProfile
- Added Interface TrustedAccessRole
- Added Interface TrustedAccessRoleBinding
- Added Interface TrustedAccessRoleBindingListResult
- Added Interface TrustedAccessRoleBindingsCreateOrUpdateOptionalParams
- Added Interface TrustedAccessRoleBindingsDeleteOptionalParams
- Added Interface TrustedAccessRoleBindingsGetOptionalParams
- Added Interface TrustedAccessRoleBindingsListNextOptionalParams
- Added Interface TrustedAccessRoleBindingsListOptionalParams
- Added Interface TrustedAccessRoleListResult
- Added Interface TrustedAccessRoleRule
- Added Interface TrustedAccessRolesListNextOptionalParams
- Added Interface TrustedAccessRolesListOptionalParams
- Added Interface UpgradeOverrideSettings
- Added Type Alias AgentPoolSSHAccess
- Added Type Alias BackendPoolType
- Added Type Alias ControlledValues
- Added Type Alias ControlPlaneUpgradeOverride
- Added Type Alias IpvsScheduler
- Added Type Alias IstioIngressGatewayMode
- Added Type Alias Level
- Added Type Alias ManagedClustersGetMeshRevisionProfileResponse
- Added Type Alias ManagedClustersGetMeshUpgradeProfileResponse
- Added Type Alias ManagedClustersListMeshRevisionProfilesNextResponse
- Added Type Alias ManagedClustersListMeshRevisionProfilesResponse
- Added Type Alias ManagedClustersListMeshUpgradeProfilesNextResponse
- Added Type Alias ManagedClustersListMeshUpgradeProfilesResponse
- Added Type Alias ManagedClusterSnapshotsCreateOrUpdateResponse
- Added Type Alias ManagedClusterSnapshotsGetResponse
- Added Type Alias ManagedClusterSnapshotsListByResourceGroupNextResponse
- Added Type Alias ManagedClusterSnapshotsListByResourceGroupResponse
- Added Type Alias ManagedClusterSnapshotsListNextResponse
- Added Type Alias ManagedClusterSnapshotsListResponse
- Added Type Alias ManagedClusterSnapshotsUpdateTagsResponse
- Added Type Alias Mode
- Added Type Alias NodeOSUpgradeChannel
- Added Type Alias Protocol
- Added Type Alias RestrictionLevel
- Added Type Alias ServiceMeshMode
- Added Type Alias TrustedAccessRoleBindingProvisioningState
- Added Type Alias TrustedAccessRoleBindingsCreateOrUpdateResponse
- Added Type Alias TrustedAccessRoleBindingsGetResponse
- Added Type Alias TrustedAccessRoleBindingsListNextResponse
- Added Type Alias TrustedAccessRoleBindingsListResponse
- Added Type Alias TrustedAccessRolesListNextResponse
- Added Type Alias TrustedAccessRolesListResponse
- Added Type Alias UpdateMode
- Interface AgentPool has a new optional parameter capacityReservationGroupID
- Interface AgentPool has a new optional parameter enableCustomCATrust
- Interface AgentPool has a new optional parameter messageOfTheDay
- Interface AgentPool has a new optional parameter networkProfile
- Interface AgentPool has a new optional parameter securityProfile
- Interface AgentPool has a new optional parameter windowsProfile
- Interface AgentPoolsDeleteOptionalParams has a new optional parameter ignorePodDisruptionBudget
- Interface AgentPoolUpgradeSettings has a new optional parameter drainTimeoutInMinutes
- Interface ContainerServiceNetworkProfile has a new optional parameter kubeProxyConfig
- Interface ContainerServiceNetworkProfile has a new optional parameter monitoring
- Interface ManagedCluster has a new optional parameter creationData
- Interface ManagedCluster has a new optional parameter enableNamespaceResources
- Interface ManagedCluster has a new optional parameter guardrailsProfile
- Interface ManagedCluster has a new optional parameter ingressProfile
- Interface ManagedCluster has a new optional parameter nodeResourceGroupProfile
- Interface ManagedCluster has a new optional parameter serviceMeshProfile
- Interface ManagedCluster has a new optional parameter upgradeSettings
- Interface ManagedClusterAgentPoolProfileProperties has a new optional parameter capacityReservationGroupID
- Interface ManagedClusterAgentPoolProfileProperties has a new optional parameter enableCustomCATrust
- Interface ManagedClusterAgentPoolProfileProperties has a new optional parameter messageOfTheDay
- Interface ManagedClusterAgentPoolProfileProperties has a new optional parameter networkProfile
- Interface ManagedClusterAgentPoolProfileProperties has a new optional parameter securityProfile
- Interface ManagedClusterAgentPoolProfileProperties has a new optional parameter windowsProfile
- Interface ManagedClusterAPIServerAccessProfile has a new optional parameter enableVnetIntegration
- Interface ManagedClusterAPIServerAccessProfile has a new optional parameter subnetId
- Interface ManagedClusterAutoUpgradeProfile has a new optional parameter nodeOSUpgradeChannel
- Interface ManagedClusterHttpProxyConfig has a new optional parameter effectiveNoProxy
- Interface ManagedClusterIdentity has a new optional parameter delegatedResources
- Interface ManagedClusterLoadBalancerProfile has a new optional parameter backendPoolType
- Interface ManagedClustersDeleteOptionalParams has a new optional parameter ignorePodDisruptionBudget
- Interface ManagedClusterSecurityProfile has a new optional parameter customCATrustCertificates
- Interface ManagedClusterSecurityProfile has a new optional parameter imageIntegrity
- Interface ManagedClusterSecurityProfile has a new optional parameter nodeRestriction
- Interface ManagedClusterStorageProfileDiskCSIDriver has a new optional parameter version
- Interface ManagedClusterWorkloadAutoScalerProfile has a new optional parameter verticalPodAutoscaler
- Added Enum KnownAgentPoolSSHAccess
- Added Enum KnownBackendPoolType
- Added Enum KnownControlledValues
- Added Enum KnownControlPlaneUpgradeOverride
- Added Enum KnownIpvsScheduler
- Added Enum KnownIstioIngressGatewayMode
- Added Enum KnownLevel
- Added Enum KnownMode
- Added Enum KnownNodeOSUpgradeChannel
- Added Enum KnownProtocol
- Added Enum KnownRestrictionLevel
- Added Enum KnownServiceMeshMode
- Added Enum KnownTrustedAccessRoleBindingProvisioningState
- Added Enum KnownUpdateMode
- Enum KnownOssku has a new value Mariner
- Enum KnownPublicNetworkAccess has a new value SecuredByPerimeter
- Enum KnownSnapshotType has a new value ManagedCluster
- Enum KnownWorkloadRuntime has a new value KataMshvVmIsolation
Sync eng/common directory with azure-sdk-tools repository for Tools P…
[Azure Monitor] OpenTelemetry Distro fix issue with tests reliability…
[keyvault] keyvault-keys: prepare release (#26775) ### Packages impacted by this PR - `@azure/keyvault-keys` ### Describe the problem that is addressed by this PR Changelog updates for new Keys patch.
[Storage]Prepare for STG90 preview (#26751) ### Packages impacted by this PR ### Issues associated with this PR ### Describe the problem that is addressed by this PR ### What are the possible designs available to address the problem? If there are more than one possible design, why was the one in this PR chosen? ### Are there test cases added in this PR? _(If not, why?)_ ### Provide a list of related PRs _(if any)_ ### Command used to generate this PR:**_(Applicable only to SDK release request PRs)_ ### Checklists - [ ] Added impacted package name to the issue description - [ ] Does this PR needs any fixes in the SDK Generator?** _(If so, create an Issue in the [Autorest/typescript]( repository and link it here)_ - [ ] Added a changelog (if necessary)
[Storage]Prepare for STG90 preview (#26751) ### Packages impacted by this PR ### Issues associated with this PR ### Describe the problem that is addressed by this PR ### What are the possible designs available to address the problem? If there are more than one possible design, why was the one in this PR chosen? ### Are there test cases added in this PR? _(If not, why?)_ ### Provide a list of related PRs _(if any)_ ### Command used to generate this PR:**_(Applicable only to SDK release request PRs)_ ### Checklists - [ ] Added impacted package name to the issue description - [ ] Does this PR needs any fixes in the SDK Generator?** _(If so, create an Issue in the [Autorest/typescript]( repository and link it here)_ - [ ] Added a changelog (if necessary)
[Search] Add Swagger transform for `SearchRequest.vector` (#26777)
Ai form recognizer/5.0.0 release (#26749) This PR replaces several instances of "Form Recognizer" in documentation with "Document Intelligence" (the service's new brand name). The goal isn't to be exhaustive, yet, and several cases wer are explicitly not changing, such as: - When we refer to a "Form Recognizer resource", as this is still how the portal refers to it - when we refer to specific type names, as we're not changing any code or the package name yet This PR also makes the final changes for a 5.0.0 release by regenerating samples and fixing last-minute errors detected while testing the package. Closes #25701 --------- Co-authored-by: Will Temple <[email protected]>
[OpenAI] Export modular APIs (#26747) Exports the standalone OpenAI operations under the `@azure/openai/api` path and adds a sample that shows how to use the `listCompletions` function. It also exports response models under `@azure/openai/models`.
[Schema Registry] Add Json package in ci.yml file (#26746)