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Configuration & Issues

Francisco Cabrera edited this page Feb 10, 2022 · 7 revisions

Table of Contents

  1. Issue: Can't configure static IP and MTU for EFLOW VM
  2. Issue: Lost SSH connectivity after creating an IpVlan inside the EFLOW VM
  3. Issue: Unreachable wssdagent
  4. Issue: IoT Edge module with CUDA support: OCI runtime create failed
  5. Issue: Failed to connect to the EFLOW VM - VM Runnig

Issue: Can't configure static IP and MTU for EFLOW VM

To configure a static IP, check the Static IP parameters of the Deploy-Eflow cmdlet. For more information, check PowerShell functions for IoT Edge for Linux on Windows.

Issue: Lost SSH connectivity after creating an IpVlan inside the EFLOW VM

This problem is related to the ipvlan configuration. By default, ipvlan does not assign unique MAC addresses to the created subinterfaces and uses the same MAC address of the EFLOW VM eht0 interface. For more information, check MacVlan vs. IpVlan docs.

To solve this problem, use a macvlan with a bridge connection. Using a macvaln, all the newly created subinterfaces will have a new randomized MAC, preventing problems with Hyper-V configurations.

Issue: Unreachable wssdagent

To solve this problem, follow these steps:

  1. Run Services.msc as an Administrator
  2. Find the WSSD Agent Service, set the Startup Type to Automatic
  3. On the left, start the service; no reboot is required.

Issue: IoT Edge module with CUDA support: OCI runtime create failed

To solve this problem, follow step 11 on Configure and run a module on GPU on Azure Stack Edge Pro device.

Issue: Failed to connect to the EFLOW VM - VM Running

To solve this problem, first, check that the VM is actually up and running using the command hcsdiag list and check there's an instance with the wssdagent. If it's running, restart the WSSDAgent with the following commands:

  1. Stop-Service Wssdagent
  2. Start-Service wssdagent