Azure Portal leverages the Declarative framework and Hubs to automatically generate & serve experiences for resource types using Azure Resource Provider metadata. Extension developers can save time by making use of these auto-generated artifacts (asset definitions and views).
If your resource provider has published Azure REST API specs (check here), we most likely have asset definitions and views generated for your resource types.
You can discover the experiences for your resource types through Global Search. Default experiences include:
Browse + Management | |
> Global Search | Discover resource instances and browse view through search |
> All Resources | Discover resource instances in All Resources and launch Overview UX |
> Browse | Browse and manage resource instances in standard browse view |
Overview UX | |
> Commands: | Refresh, Delete, Create*, Open in mobile* |
> Tabs: | Get Started template, Properties, Monitoring, Recommendations |
> Essentials | Enable essentials control |
Resource Menu | |
> Standard Framework Options: | Support + Troubleshooting, Activity Log, IAM, Tags, Monitoring, Diagnostics, etc. |
> Properties view | Enable properties view for resource |
> CLI / PS view | Enable CLI / PS view for resource |
> Child Browse views | View child resources in menu |
You can copy, adjust & ship several generated artifacts in your extension to expedite development. We generate asset definitions for top level resource types, proxyasset definitions for child level resources and overview template that includes get started, properties, monitoring and recommendations tabs if applicable.
To customize the default experience, you must take ownership of the generated asset and develop a portal extension. Kickoff development by browsing the AzureUX-GeneratedExtension repo for your generated asset definition & views that you can copy and use into your extension repo.
Look for the name of your resource provider in the "views" folder of the Generated Repo
Drill into your current API-version
Copy and paste the available asset definitions and dx views into your extension project
After adjusting icons, strings and making any changes, you can ship your extension with these asset definitions and views.
We highly encourage using default experiences to reduce maintainence and feel free to submit feature requests. If you have any questions regarding default experience or generated UX, please contact [email protected]