The create experience is one of the most important customer journeys within the portal. Which is why our designers have spent many months testing and validating different design guidelines. Our most recent design incorporates a full screen blade and uses horizontal tabs to help organize different configuration settings into sections. The goal is to develop a consistent, simple, intuitive, and quick customer experience across resources.
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If you are authoring a new create experience or moving an existing create to our new compliant full screen create, do consider the new declarative JSON based create documented here. This can significantly reduce your dev costs (under 2 hours) while giving you a compliant, full screen create without any future maintenance costs!
The most recent Portal SDK contains a sample create in SamplesExtension/Client/V2/Create/Engine/CreateArmEngineBlade.tsx
. This sample uses NoPDL and includes 3 essential tabs and 2 optional tabs. All the styling and validation patterns are included and can be easily augmented to meet your needs. The remainder of this document is intended to help you understand the key design principles and create a consistent experience.
- Create a Resource
Here are the top 5 guidelines you should follow when designing your Create form:
- Full screen single blade with no side blades.
- Horizontal wizard using existing Tabs control.
- Allow customers to easily and freely navigate between tabs.
- Be descriptive and supportive.
- Ability to quickly deploy resources with minimal input.
Use the tabs control & sections to organize content. The Basics tab should be the starting point for all creates and where essential configurations should be placed. The design should allow for quick deployments at any time with unrestricted navigation between tabs. Enabling customers to freely navigate reduces the friction for customers looking to learn about your resource which can lead to additional deployments.
Most creates should have a minimum of 3 tabs; Basics, Tags, Review + create. All other tabs are optional.
Basics: Should contain most of the required elements needed to deploy a resource successfully. Set default values when possible to eliminate additional time spent on create.
Tags: Tagging resources during creates is now supported when using the Tags control. Subscription and Resource Group level policies may require users to tag resources during create. Not including the Tags control may block users from deploying resources.
Review + create: Allows customers to review configured and defaulted settings before procuring resources. Use the Summary control to organize and display key/value pairs before create. Validations are performed before users can successfully submit. See Validations below for further details.
Descriptions: The top of each tab should include a brief description about the content to follow. When possible include Learn more
links to relevant docs.
Project Details: Represents the collection of Subscription and Resource Group controls. To include the visual connector between Subscription and RG, set Nested = True
on the RG control. The default text for Project Details is Select the subscription to manage deployed resources and costs. Use resource groups like folders to organize and manage all your resources.
Section Headers: Used to separate common settings within a tab.
Alignment: Stack labels above controls if the screen resolution < 700px.
Info Bubbles: All form controls should include help text.
When creating a sub resource use the sub label property to add a Create new
link to open a new blade within a context pane. Avoid using side blades.
const engineDisplacement = FxDropDown.create<string>(container, {
label: ClientResources.engineDisplacementColumn,
infoBalloonContent: ClientResources.infoBalloonContent,
items: displacementItems,
validations: [
new Validations.Required(),
subLabel: {
htmlTemplate: `<a href="#" data-bind="text: createNew, fxclick: onClick"></a>`,
viewModel: {
createNew: ClientResources.createNew,
onClick: () => {
void container.openContextPane(BladeReferences.forBlade("CreateDisplacementItemBlade").createReference({
parameters: { label: ClientResources.engineDisplacementColumn },
onClosed: (reason, data) => {
if (reason === BladeClosedReason.ChildClosedSelf) {
const { value } = data;
const currentItems = displacementItems();
if (MsPortalFx.findIndex(currentItems, (i) => MsPortalFx.localeCompareIgnoreCase(ko.unwrap(i.text), value) === 0) === -1) {
const newItem = {
text: value,
value: value,
// Insert new items at the end of the list.
// Prevent the selected item from updating when the items in the dropdown are changed manually.
// Reenable default behavior now that the items have been updated.
The Tags control, allows users to assign key value pairs to selected Resource Types.
Include the tagMap
of a resource from the TagsByResource
control when constructing the parameters required by the ARM template. Note: tagMap
must be converted from an array to a StringMap
const parameters = {
primaryEngineName: primaryEngineName,
secondaryEngineName: this._secondaryEngineName(),
backupEngineName: this._backupEngineName(),
adminPassword: this._adminPassword(),
displacement: this._displacement(),
rgName: isFeatureEnabled("SubscriptionLevel") ? resourceGroupName : undefined,
primaryEngineTags: this._getTagMapForResource(tagResources[0]),
secondaryEnginesTags: this._getTagMapForResource(tagResources[1]),
Allowing the user to verify all settings prior to submission ensures accuracy and reduces the need for user redeployments. Use the summary control to help organize content from multiple tabs. Disable the create button until validation succeeds.
const { instanceId } = MsPortalFx.Base.Diagnostics.Telemetry.Context.getBladeContext();
const onCreateButtonClick = () => {
// Review & Create
if (this.tabs.activeTabIndex() < this.tabs.tabs().length - 1) {
// Go to the last tab.
return this.tabs.activeTabIndex(this.tabs.tabs().length - 1);
// Create
// All form and Arm validations have passed, deploy the template.
return provisioning.deployTemplate(this._supplyTemplateDeploymentOptions())
.then((val) => {
// IMPORTANT: If you decide to log your TemplateDeploymentResults, particularly the parameters
// property, make sure you do *NOT* log any secure strings or secure objects (e.g. passwords).
// This is a security compliance issue.
source: "CreateEngineSample",
action: "TemplateDeploymentResult",
data: {
correlationId: val.correlationId,
subscriptionId: val.subscriptionId,
bladeInstanceId: instanceId,
// The provisioner will handle closing the blade. Do not close it manually, especially before confirmation that your deployment has been provisioned.
// Closing the blade explicitly/manually can cause provisioning to fail to be initiated.
.catch(err => {
// This should only occur if there was a network issue when trying to call ARM, since validation has already succeeded.
// However, you should handle any sort of errors (connection, server errors etc.) should they arrise and display them to the customer.
showError(MsPortalFx.getLogFriendlyMessage(err), () => {
// Display the arm errors blade with results from arm
void container.openContextPane(this.context.provisioning.getArmErrorsBladeReference({
errors: err,
subscriptionId: this._subscription().subscriptionId,
troubleshootingLinks: [TemplateBlade.DoesProvisioning.TroubleshootingLinks.CommonDeploymentErrors, TemplateBlade.DoesProvisioning.TroubleshootingLinks.CreateArmTemplateDocs],
// Set up the create button.
const createButton = this.createButton = FxButton.create(container, {
text: ClientResources.reviewAndCreate,
onClick: onCreateButtonClick,
Validating the form and template is an essential part of the create process. When the Review + create
tab is loaded, validations begin and a status bar is used to communicate status. The first step evaluates the form for incomplete fields or invalid entries. The second step validates the ARM template. If validation succeeds the Create
button is enabled for submission.