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diff --git a/examples/ramberg_osgood.py b/examples/ramberg_osgood.py
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index 0000000..50dfba8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/ramberg_osgood.py
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+Ramberg Osgood material law
+Introduction and governing equations
+The ramberg osgood material law can be used to model ductile behaviour for
+monotonic loading and is often used in fracture mechanics applications. In
+contrast to incremental plasticity models stress and strain are directly
+related and thus the ramberg osgood model is in fact a nonlinear elastic model.
+While algorithmically the solution of the ramberg osgood constitutive law
+in a FE code is rather simple, it involves the solution of a power law on
+integration point level which can be challenging with regard to the
+implementation in FEniCSx, UFL respectively.
+As in the other examples in the following we subclass
+``dolfinx.fem.petsc.NonlinearProblem`` to interact with
+``dolfinx.nls.petsc.NewtonSolver`` and solve the linearized principle of vitual
+power in each iteration. The consistent tangent and stress are functions in a
+quadrature space and _filled_ manually after solving the constitutive equations
+in a pure numpy code.
+Linearized principle of virtual power:
+.. math::
+ \int_\Omega \bm \varepsilon \cdot
+ \frac{\partial \bm\sigma}{\partial \bm\varepsilon} \cdot \bm \varepsilon \;\mathrm{d}x
+ = f_{\mathrm{ext}} - \int_\Omega \bm \sigma \cdot \bm \varepsilon \;\mathrm{d}x
+Constitutive law
+For the sake of brevity we skip a derivation of the equations and only summarize
+the ones essential for the presented implementation.
+The strain is given by
+.. math::
+ \bm{\varepsilon} = \frac{1}{3K} (\bm{\sigma} \cdot \bm I) \bm{I} + \left(
+ \frac{1}{2G} + \frac{3\alpha}{2E} {\left( \frac{\sigma_{\mathrm{v}}}{\sigma_{\mathrm{y}}} \right)}^{n-1}
+ \right) \bm{\sigma'},
+where the stress deviator is denoted by $\bm \sigma'$ and the equivalent stress is
+.. math::
+ \sigma_{\mathrm{v}} = \sqrt{\frac{3}{2} \bm \sigma' \cdot \bm \sigma'}.
+$E, \nu, \alpha, n$ and $\sigma_{\mathrm{y}}$ are material parameters (bulk modulus $K$ and
+shear modulus $G$ are given in terms of $E$ and $\nu$).
+Inversion of the strain stress relation:
+.. math::
+ \bm \sigma = \frac{2 \sigma_{\mathrm{v}}}{3 \varepsilon_{\mathrm{v}}}
+ \bm \varepsilon' + \frac{K}{3} (\bm\varepsilon \cdot \bm I) \bm I
+Equivalent stress and equivalent strain are related via a power law and for given
+$\varepsilon_{\mathrm{v}}$ we can determine $\sigma_{\mathrm{v}}$ by finding the
+root of:
+.. math::
+ f(\sigma_{\mathrm{v}}) = \frac{2}{3} \sigma_{\mathrm{v}} \left(
+ \frac{1}{2G} + \frac{3 \alpha}{2E} \left(\frac{\sigma_{\mathrm{v}}}{\sigma_{\mathrm{y}}}\right)^{n-1}
+ \right) - \varepsilon_{\mathrm{v}}\,.
+Consistent tangent:
+.. math::
+ \frac{\partial \bm \sigma}{\partial \bm \varepsilon} =
+ \frac{2\sigma_{\mathrm{v}}}{3\varepsilon_{\mathrm{v}}}\left(
+ \bm I - \frac{2}{3\varepsilon_{\mathrm{v}}}\left(
+ \frac{1}{\varepsilon_{\mathrm{v}}} - \frac{1}{
+ \frac{\sigma_{\mathrm{v}}}{3G} + \alpha n \frac{\sigma_{\mathrm{y}}}{E} {\left(\frac{\sigma_{\mathrm{v}}}{\sigma_{\mathrm{y}}}\right)}^{n}
+ }
+ \right)\bm{\varepsilon}' \circ \bm{\varepsilon}'
+ \right)
+ + \frac{1}{3}\left(K - \frac{2\sigma_{\mathrm{v}}}{3 \varepsilon_{\mathrm{v}}}\right) \bm{I} \circ \bm{I}
+Algorithm to compute stress and consistent tangent for a given strain state:
+ 1. Compute equivalent strain $\varepsilon_{\mathrm{v}}$,
+ 2. Compute equivalent stress $\sigma_{\mathrm{v}}$ via newton method (previous stress state can be used as initial guess),
+ 3. Compute stress,
+ 4. Compute consistent tangent
+We start by importing the usual ``dolfinx`` modules and other packages.
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+from matplotlib.ticker import FormatStrFormatter
+from typing import Callable
+from mpi4py import MPI
+import numpy as np
+import dolfinx as df
+import ufl
+from fenics_constitutive.interfaces import (
+ Constraint,
+ IncrSmallStrainModel,
+ IncrSmallStrainProblem,
+from fenics_constitutive.stress_strain import ufl_mandel_strain
+Solution of the constitutive law
+For the solution of the Ramberg Osgood material law, we use a python
+class that holds the material parameters and implements a
+method `evaluate` that follows the interface defined in
+Given the current strain, the method computes the current stress and consistent
+The solution of the power law mentioned above makes a vectorization of the numpy
+code difficult. Hence we could use a C++ function/class to solve the
+constitutive law. Another option is the use of
+`numba `_ to speed up the numpy code.
+class RambergOsgood3D(IncrSmallStrainModel):
+ gdim = 3
+ def __init__(self, param: dict[str, float]):
+ # material parameters, constants
+ self.e = param["e"]
+ self.nu = param["nu"]
+ self.alpha = param["alpha"]
+ self.n = param["n"]
+ self.sigy = param["sigy"]
+ self.k = self.e / (1.0 - 2.0 * self.nu)
+ self.g = self.e / 2.0 / (1.0 + self.nu)
+ self.lam = self.e * self.nu / (1 + self.nu) / (1 - 2 * self.nu)
+ self.mu = self.e / (2 * (1 + self.nu))
+ self.Cel = np.array( # elastic tangent
+ [
+ [self.lam + 2 * self.mu, self.lam, self.lam, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
+ [self.lam, self.lam + 2 * self.mu, self.lam, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
+ [self.lam, self.lam, self.lam + 2 * self.mu, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
+ [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2 * self.mu, 0.0, 0.0],
+ [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2 * self.mu, 0.0],
+ [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2 * self.mu],
+ ]
+ )
+ self.zero_strain_tolerance = 1e-12
+ self.sv_tol = 1e-12
+ self.maxiter = 50
+ # helpers voigt notation
+ self.I2 = np.zeros(
+ self.stress_strain_dim, dtype=np.float64
+ ) # Identity of rank 2 tensor
+ self.I2[0] = 1.0
+ self.I2[1] = 1.0
+ self.I2[2] = 1.0
+ self.I4 = np.eye(
+ self.stress_strain_dim, dtype=np.float64
+ ) # Identity of rank 4 tensor
+ def evaluate(
+ self,
+ del_t: float,
+ grad_del_u: np.ndarray,
+ mandel_stress: np.ndarray,
+ tangent: np.ndarray,
+ history: np.ndarray | dict[str, np.ndarray],
+ ) -> None:
+ stress_view = mandel_stress.reshape(-1, self.stress_strain_dim)
+ tangent_view = tangent.reshape(-1, self.stress_strain_dim**2)
+ for n, eps in enumerate(grad_del_u.reshape(-1, self.stress_strain_dim)):
+ # eps = strain at time t + delta t
+ tr_eps = np.sum(eps[:3])
+ eps_dev = eps - tr_eps * self.I2 / 3
+ ev = np.sqrt(2.0 / 3.0 * np.dot(eps_dev, eps_dev))
+ if ev < self.zero_strain_tolerance:
+ # return elastic tangent
+ stress_view[n] = self.Cel @ eps
+ tangent_view[n] = self.Cel.flatten()
+ else:
+ # compute correct tangent and stress
+ # stress at time t
+ sig = stress_view[n]
+ tr_sig = np.sum(sig[:3])
+ sig_dev = sig - tr_sig * self.I2 / 3
+ # equivalent stress at time t is used as initial guess
+ sv_initial = np.sqrt(3.0 / 2.0 * np.dot(sig_dev, sig_dev))
+ # stress at time t + delta t
+ if sv_initial <= self.sigy:
+ sv = sv_initial
+ else:
+ # initial_guess is > sigy
+ sv = (self.sigy ** (self.n - 1.0) * self.e * ev / self.alpha) ** (
+ 1.0 / self.n
+ )
+ def f(x):
+ stuff = 1.0 / (2.0 * self.mu) + 3.0 / (
+ 2.0 * self.e
+ ) * self.alpha * (x / self.sigy) ** (self.n - 1.0)
+ return stuff * 2.0 / 3.0 * x - ev
+ def df(x):
+ return 1.0 / (3.0 * self.mu) + self.n * self.alpha / self.e * (
+ x / self.sigy
+ ) ** (self.n - 1.0)
+ s = f(sv)
+ ds = df(sv)
+ niter = 0
+ while abs(f(sv)) > self.sv_tol:
+ sv = sv - s / ds
+ s = f(sv)
+ ds = df(sv)
+ niter += 1
+ if niter > self.maxiter:
+ break
+ sig_dev = 2.0 * sv / 3.0 / ev * eps_dev
+ tr_sig = self.k * tr_eps
+ sig = tr_sig * self.I2 / 3.0 + sig_dev
+ stress_view[n] = sig
+ nenner = sv / (
+ 3.0 * self.mu
+ ) + self.alpha * self.n * self.sigy / self.e * (
+ (sv / self.sigy) ** (self.n)
+ )
+ tangent = 2 * sv / 3 / ev * (
+ self.I4
+ - 2.0
+ / 3.0
+ / ev
+ * (1.0 / ev - 1.0 / nenner)
+ * np.outer(eps_dev, eps_dev)
+ ) + 1.0 / 3.0 * (self.k - 2 * sv / (3 * ev)) * np.outer(
+ self.I2, self.I2
+ )
+ tangent_view[n] = tangent.flatten()
+ def update(self) -> None:
+ pass
+ @property
+ def constraint(self) -> Constraint:
+ return Constraint.FULL
+ @property
+ def history_dim(self) -> int:
+ return 0
+Mechanics Problem
+We subclass ``dolfinx.fem.petsc.NonlinearProblem`` to define our _ramberg
+osgood problem_. This will allow us to make use of the implementation of
+Newton's method in FEniCSx via ``dolfinx.nls.petsc.NewtonSolver``.
+We then need to make sure, that the weak form is implemented correctly
+and that the stress and consistent tangent are updated in each iteration
+until equilibrium is reached. To this end, we override the ``form`` method
+of ``dolfinx.fem.petsc.NonlinearProblem`` and after updating the current
+solution call the materials' ``evaluate`` method to update the stress state
+as well.
+def create_meshtags(
+ domain: df.mesh.Mesh, entity_dim: int, markers: dict[str, tuple[int, Callable]]
+) -> tuple[df.mesh.MeshTagsMetaClass, dict[str, int]]:
+ """Creates meshtags for the given markers.
+ This code is part of the FEniCSx tutorial
+ by Jørgen S. Dokken.
+ See https://jsdokken.com/dolfinx-tutorial/chapter3/robin_neumann_dirichlet.html?highlight=sorted_facets#implementation # noqa: E501
+ Args:
+ domain: The computational domain.
+ entity_dim: Dimension of the entities to mark.
+ markers: The definition of subdomains or boundaries where each key is a string
+ and each value is a tuple of an integer and a marker function.
+ """
+ tdim = domain.topology.dim
+ assert entity_dim in (tdim, tdim - 1)
+ entity_indices, entity_markers = [], []
+ edim = entity_dim
+ marked = {}
+ for key, (marker, locator) in markers.items():
+ entities = df.mesh.locate_entities(domain, edim, locator)
+ entity_indices.append(entities)
+ entity_markers.append(np.full_like(entities, marker))
+ if entities.size > 0:
+ marked[key] = marker
+ entity_indices = np.hstack(entity_indices).astype(np.int32)
+ entity_markers = np.hstack(entity_markers).astype(np.int32)
+ sorted_facets = np.argsort(entity_indices)
+ mesh_tags = df.mesh.meshtags(
+ domain, edim, entity_indices[sorted_facets], entity_markers[sorted_facets]
+ )
+ return mesh_tags, marked
+class RambergOsgoodProblem(IncrSmallStrainProblem):
+ def __init__(self, laws, u, q_degree: int = 2):
+ super().__init__(laws, u, q_degree=q_degree)
+ def eps(self, u):
+ constraint = self.constraint
+ return ufl_mandel_strain(u, constraint)
+Voigt notation
+It is common practice in computational mechanics to store only six
+of the nine components of the symmetric (cauchy) stress and strain tensors.
+We choose an orthonormal tensor (voigt) basis which preserves the properties of
+the scalar product, hence the $\sqrt{2}$ below.
+For more information see e.g. the book
+`Festkörpermechanik (Solid Mechanics), by Albrecht Bertram and Rainer Glüge, `_
+which is available (in german) online.
+Simple Tension Test
+To test the above implementation we compare our numerical results to the
+analytical solution for a (simple) tension test in 3D, where the Cauchy stress
+is given as
+.. math::
+ \boldsymbol{\sigma} = \sigma \boldsymbol{e}_1 \otimes\boldsymbol{e}_1.
+class RambergOsgoodSimpleTension:
+ def __init__(self, param: dict[str, float]):
+ self.e = param["e"]
+ self.nu = param["nu"]
+ self.alpha = param["alpha"]
+ self.n = param["n"]
+ self.sigy = param["sigy"]
+ self.k = self.e / (1.0 - 2.0 * self.nu)
+ self.g = self.e / 2.0 / (1.0 + self.nu)
+ def energy(self):
+ assert np.sum(self.sigma) > 0.0
+ return np.trapz(self.sigma, self.eps)
+ def solve(self, max_load, num_points=21) -> None:
+ self.sigma = np.linspace(0, max_load, num=num_points)
+ E = self.e
+ ALPHA = self.alpha
+ N = self.n
+ SIGY = self.sigy
+ K = self.k
+ G = self.g
+ self.eps = self.sigma / 3.0 / K + 2 / 3.0 * self.sigma * (
+ 1.0 / 2.0 / G + 3 * ALPHA / 2.0 / E * (self.sigma / SIGY) ** (N - 1)
+ )
+ # eps_22 = sigma / 3.0 / K - 1 / 3.0 * sigma * (
+ # 1.0 / 2.0 / G + 3 * ALPHA / 2.0 / E * (sigma / SIGY) ** (N - 1)
+ # )
+ # eps_33 = sigma / 3.0 / K - 1 / 3.0 * sigma * (
+ # 1.0 / 2.0 / G + 3 * ALPHA / 2.0 / E * (sigma / SIGY) ** (N - 1)
+ # )
+# The function to run the force-controlled simple tension test.
+# We apply a constant force on the right surface, pulling in the
+# :math:`\boldsymbol{e}_1`-direction.
+def simple_tension_test(mesh, material, pltshow=False):
+ function_space = df.fem.VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, ("Lagrange", 1))
+ u = df.fem.Function(function_space)
+ # ### Definition of BCs for Simple Tension Test
+ def origin(x):
+ p = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
+ return np.logical_and(
+ np.logical_and(np.isclose(x[0], p[0]), np.isclose(x[1], p[1])),
+ np.isclose(x[2], p[2]),
+ )
+ def x_001(x):
+ p = [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]
+ return np.logical_and(
+ np.logical_and(np.isclose(x[0], p[0]), np.isclose(x[1], p[1])),
+ np.isclose(x[2], p[2]),
+ )
+ def left(x):
+ return np.isclose(x[0], 0.0)
+ tdim = mesh.topology.dim
+ fdim = tdim - 1
+ origin_vertex = df.mesh.locate_entities_boundary(mesh, 0, origin)
+ x3_vertex = df.mesh.locate_entities_boundary(mesh, 0, x_001)
+ left_facets = df.mesh.locate_entities_boundary(mesh, fdim, left)
+ # ### Dirichlet BCs
+ zero_scalar = df.fem.Constant(mesh, 0.0)
+ fix_ux = df.fem.dirichletbc(
+ zero_scalar,
+ df.fem.locate_dofs_topological(function_space.sub(0), fdim, left_facets),
+ function_space.sub(0),
+ )
+ fix_uy = df.fem.dirichletbc(
+ zero_scalar,
+ df.fem.locate_dofs_topological(function_space.sub(1), 0, origin_vertex),
+ function_space.sub(1),
+ )
+ fix_uz = df.fem.dirichletbc(
+ zero_scalar,
+ df.fem.locate_dofs_topological(function_space.sub(2), 0, origin_vertex),
+ function_space.sub(2),
+ )
+ # rotation around x1-axis
+ fix_rot_x1 = df.fem.dirichletbc(
+ zero_scalar,
+ df.fem.locate_dofs_topological(function_space.sub(1), 0, x3_vertex),
+ function_space.sub(1),
+ )
+ # ### Neumann BCs
+ def right(x):
+ return np.isclose(x[0], 1.0)
+ neumann_tag = 15
+ neumann_boundary = {"right": (neumann_tag, right)}
+ facet_tags, _ = create_meshtags(mesh, fdim, neumann_boundary)
+ dA = ufl.Measure("ds", domain=mesh, subdomain_data=facet_tags)
+ max_load = 2718.0
+ neumann_data = df.fem.Constant(mesh, (max_load, 0.0, 0.0))
+ laws = [(material, None)]
+ problem = RambergOsgoodProblem(laws, u)
+ # neumann
+ test_function = ufl.TestFunction(u.function_space)
+ fext = ufl.inner(neumann_data, test_function) * dA(neumann_tag)
+ problem.R_form -= fext
+ # dirichlet
+ dirichlet = [fix_ux, fix_uy, fix_uz, fix_rot_x1]
+ problem.compile(dirichlet) # optionally add form compiler options
+ solver = df.nls.petsc.NewtonSolver(MPI.COMM_WORLD, problem)
+ solver.convergence_criterion = "incremental"
+ # ### center point, right surface
+ xc_right = np.array([[1.0, 0.5, 0.5]])
+ nTime = 10
+ load_steps = np.linspace(0, 1, num=nTime + 1)[1:]
+ iterations = np.array([], dtype=np.int32)
+ displacement = [0.0]
+ load = [0.0]
+ for inc, time in enumerate(load_steps):
+ print("Load Increment:", inc)
+ # external force
+ current_load = time * max_load
+ neumann_data.value = (current_load, 0.0, 0.0)
+ niter, converged = solver.solve(u)
+ assert converged
+ print(f"Converged: {converged} in {niter} iterations.")
+ iterations = np.append(iterations, niter)
+ # load displacement data
+ u_right = u.eval(xc_right, cells=problem.cells)
+ displacement.append(u_right.item(0))
+ load.append(current_load)
+ displacement = np.array(displacement)
+ load = np.array(load)
+ return load, displacement
+# main function to run the simple tension test.
+def main(args):
+ n = args.num_cells
+ mesh = df.mesh.create_unit_cube(
+ MPI.COMM_WORLD, n, n, n, df.mesh.CellType.hexahedron
+ )
+ matparam = {
+ "e": 210e3,
+ "nu": 0.3,
+ "alpha": 0.01,
+ "n": 5,
+ "sigy": 500.0,
+ }
+ material = RambergOsgood3D(matparam)
+ sigma_h, eps_h = simple_tension_test(mesh, material)
+ # ### Comparison with analytical solution
+ sol = RambergOsgoodSimpleTension(matparam)
+ sol.solve(sigma_h[-1], num_points=51)
+ w = sol.energy()
+ I = np.trapz(sigma_h, eps_h)
+ assert np.isclose((w - I) / w, 0.0, atol=1e-2)
+ if args.show:
+ ax = plt.subplots()[1]
+ ax.plot(sol.eps, sol.sigma, "r-", label="analytical")
+ ax.plot(eps_h, sigma_h, "bo", label="num")
+ ax.set_xlabel(r"$\varepsilon_{xx}$")
+ ax.set_ylabel(r"$\sigma_{xx}$")
+ ax.legend()
+ ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter("%.2f"))
+ plt.show()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ import sys
+ import argparse
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "num_cells",
+ type=int,
+ help="Number of cells in each spatial direction of the unit cube.",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument("--show", action="store_true", help="Show plot.")
+ args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:])
+ main(args)
diff --git a/examples/ro.png b/examples/ro.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e8b513
Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/ro.png differ
diff --git a/src/fenics_constitutive/interfaces.py b/src/fenics_constitutive/interfaces.py
index f490661..0401f79 100644
--- a/src/fenics_constitutive/interfaces.py
+++ b/src/fenics_constitutive/interfaces.py
@@ -1,11 +1,17 @@
+from typing import Union
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod, abstractproperty
from enum import Enum
import numpy as np
+import dolfinx as df
+import ufl
+import basix
+from petsc4py import PETSc
__all__ = [
+ "IncrSmallStrainProblem",
@@ -145,3 +151,175 @@ def history_dim(self) -> int | dict[str, int | tuple[int, int]]:
The dimension of the history variable(s).
+def _build_view(cells, V):
+ mesh = V.mesh
+ submesh, cell_map, _, _ = df.mesh.create_submesh(mesh, mesh.topology.dim, cells)
+ fe = V.ufl_element()
+ V_sub = df.fem.FunctionSpace(submesh, fe)
+ submesh = V_sub.mesh
+ view_parent = []
+ view_child = []
+ num_sub_cells = submesh.topology.index_map(submesh.topology.dim).size_local
+ for cell in range(num_sub_cells):
+ view_child.append(V_sub.dofmap.cell_dofs(cell))
+ view_parent.append(V.dofmap.cell_dofs(cell_map[cell]))
+ if view_child:
+ return (
+ np.hstack(view_parent),
+ np.hstack(view_child),
+ V_sub,
+ )
+ else:
+ # it may be that a process does not own any of the cells in the submesh
+ return (
+ np.array([], dtype=np.int32),
+ np.array([], dtype=np.int32),
+ V_sub,
+ )
+class IncrSmallStrainProblem(df.fem.petsc.NonlinearProblem, ABC):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ laws: list[tuple[IncrSmallStrainModel, Union[np.ndarray, None]]],
+ u: df.fem.Function,
+ q_degree: int = 2,
+ ):
+ mesh = u.function_space.mesh
+ map_c = mesh.topology.index_map(mesh.topology.dim)
+ num_cells = map_c.size_local + map_c.num_ghosts
+ self.cells = np.arange(0, num_cells, dtype=np.int32)
+ self.gdim = mesh.ufl_cell().geometric_dimension()
+ # sanity check, maybe add some more?
+ assert all([self.gdim == law[0].geometric_dim for law in laws])
+ assert all([laws[0][0].constraint is law[0].constraint for law in laws])
+ self.constraint = laws[0][0].constraint
+ # build global quadrature spaces
+ sdim = laws[0][0].stress_strain_dim
+ QVe = ufl.VectorElement(
+ "Quadrature", mesh.ufl_cell(), q_degree, quad_scheme="default", dim=sdim
+ )
+ QTe = ufl.TensorElement(
+ "Quadrature",
+ mesh.ufl_cell(),
+ q_degree,
+ quad_scheme="default",
+ shape=(sdim, sdim),
+ )
+ QV = df.fem.FunctionSpace(mesh, QVe)
+ QT = df.fem.FunctionSpace(mesh, QTe)
+ self.stress = df.fem.Function(QV)
+ self.tangent = df.fem.Function(QT)
+ # build submesh and related data structures if necessary
+ self.laws = []
+ self._strain = []
+ self._stress = []
+ self._tangent = []
+ if len(laws) < 2:
+ self.homogeneous = True
+ law = laws[0][0]
+ self.laws.append((law, self.cells))
+ self._strain.append(df.fem.Function(QV))
+ self._stress.append(self.stress)
+ self._tangent.append(self.tangent)
+ else:
+ self.homogeneous = False
+ self.QV_views = []
+ self.QT_views = []
+ with df.common.Timer("submeshes-and-data-structures"):
+ for law, cells in laws:
+ self.laws.append((law, cells))
+ # ### submesh and subspace for strain, stress
+ QV_parent, QV_child, QV_sub = _build_view(cells, QV)
+ self.QV_views.append((QV_parent, QV_child, QV_sub))
+ self._strain.append(df.fem.Function(QV_sub))
+ self._stress.append(df.fem.Function(QV_sub))
+ # ### submesh and subspace for tanget
+ QT_parent, QT_child, QT_sub = _build_view(cells, QT)
+ self.QT_views.append((QT_parent, QT_child, QT_sub))
+ self._tangent.append(df.fem.Function(QT_sub))
+ u_, du = ufl.TestFunction(u.function_space), ufl.TrialFunction(u.function_space)
+ self.metadata = {"quadrature_degree": q_degree, "quadrature_scheme": "default"}
+ self.dxm = ufl.dx(metadata=self.metadata)
+ eps = self.eps
+ self.R_form = ufl.inner(eps(u_), self.stress) * self.dxm
+ self.dR_form = ufl.inner(eps(du), ufl.dot(self.tangent, eps(u_))) * self.dxm
+ self.u = u
+ basix_celltype = getattr(basix.CellType, mesh.topology.cell_type.name)
+ self.q_points, _ = basix.make_quadrature(basix_celltype, q_degree)
+ self.strain_expr = df.fem.Expression(eps(u), self.q_points)
+ def compile(self, bcs):
+ # handle compilation internally such that no explicit call
+ # by user is necessary
+ R = self.R_form
+ u = self.u
+ dR = self.dR_form
+ super().__init__(R, u, bcs=bcs, J=dR)
+ def form(self, x: PETSc.Vec):
+ """This function is called before the residual or Jacobian is
+ computed. This is usually used to update ghost values.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ x
+ The vector containing the latest solution
+ """
+ super().form(x)
+ # how is ``time`` passed to ``evaluate`` for time dependent problems?
+ time = 0.0
+ history = np.array([])
+ for k, (law, cells) in enumerate(self.laws):
+ with df.common.Timer("strain_evaluation"):
+ self.strain_expr.eval(
+ cells, self._strain[k].x.array.reshape(cells.size, -1)
+ )
+ with df.common.Timer("stress_evaluation"):
+ law.evaluate(
+ time,
+ self._strain[k].x.array,
+ self._stress[k].x.array,
+ self._tangent[k].x.array,
+ history,
+ )
+ if not self.homogeneous:
+ with df.common.Timer("stress-local-to-global"):
+ sdim = law.stress_strain_dim
+ parent, child, _ = self.QV_views[k]
+ stress_global = self.stress.x.array.reshape(-1, sdim)
+ stress_local = self._stress[k].x.array.reshape(-1, sdim)
+ stress_global[parent] = stress_local[child]
+ c_parent, c_child, _ = self.QT_views[k]
+ tangent_global = self.tangent.x.array.reshape(-1, sdim ** 2)
+ tangent_local = self._tangent[k].x.array.reshape(-1, sdim ** 2)
+ tangent_global[c_parent] = tangent_local[c_child]
+ self.stress.x.scatter_forward()
+ self.tangent.x.scatter_forward()
+ @abstractmethod
+ def eps(self, u) -> ufl.core.expr.Expr:
+ """UFL expression for strain measure"""
+ pass
diff --git a/src/fenics_constitutive/stress_strain.py b/src/fenics_constitutive/stress_strain.py
index c168607..ac25ee7 100644
--- a/src/fenics_constitutive/stress_strain.py
+++ b/src/fenics_constitutive/stress_strain.py
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ def ufl_mandel_strain(
Vector-valued UFL expression of the mandel strain.
- strain_dim = constraint.stress_strain_dim()
assert u.ufl_shape == (constraint.geometric_dim(),)
match constraint:
case Constraint.UNIAXIAL_STRAIN: