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File metadata and controls

61 lines (49 loc) · 7.51 KB

Getting Started

Create answers.tfvars

Rename the answers.tfvars.tpl to answers.tfvars and populate the varables. a description of each variable can be found inside the file

Variables Tables

Variable Type Description Example
vsphere_user String vsphere administrator username "[email protected]"
vsphere_password String vsphere administrator password "P@ssw0rd"
data_center String The vsphere data center you want to deploy in "R1"
cluster String The vsphere cluster you want to deploy in "R1UPXVSAN01"
datastore String The datastore you want to use "vsanDatastore"
vsphere_host String A host from the cluster (required for OVA deployment) ""
vsphere_network String The vsphere network to map too "LAN Network"
compute_pool String The vsphere compute pool you want to use (default pool is Cluster/Resource) "R1UPXVSAN01/Resources"
vsphere_server String The fqdn of the vpshere server ""
vsphere_vapp_name String The name of the vapp to create. best practice is to use the name of the cluster. "Production_BLAOS"
appliance_version String Version of the appliance "v1.6.0-v1.20.7-k3s1"
appliance_label_region String the region the appliace resides in (this is usually the name of the datacenter) "test_region"
appliance_label_zone String the zone the appliace resides in (this is usually the name of the network segment) "test_zone"
appliance_master_cpu Number The number of cpu for master 2
appliance_master_ram Number The number of RAM for master 4096
appliance_master_disk Number The size of the disk for master 25
appliance_worker_cpu Number The number of cpu for worker 4
appliance_worker_ram Number The number of RAM for worker 16384
appliance_worker_disk Number The size of the disk for worker 250
appliance_dns String comma seperated list of dns ip addresses (applies to all hosts in cluster) ","
appliance_gateway String the gateway to apply to each member of the cluster ""
appliance_subnetmask String the subnetmask to apply to each member of the cluster ""
appliance_master_ipaddresses Array(Strings) A ordered list of the ip addresses for each appliance master in the cluster (The first element will be the initial master) ["","",""]
appliance_master_hostnames Array(Strings) A ordered list of the hostname for each appliance master in the cluster (should be in the same order as the master ip addresses) ["master01","master02","master03"]
appliance_worker_ipaddresses Array(Strings) A ordered list of the ip addresses for each appliance worker in the cluster ["","",""]
appliance_worker_hostnames Array(Strings) A ordered list of the hostname for each appliance workers in the cluster (should be in the same order as the workers ip addresses) ["worker01","worker02","worker03"]
appliance_ova String The full path of the ovf/ova "C:\users\administrator\Downloads\blaos-vm-template.ova"

Initialize terrafrom

terraform.exe init

View the build plan

terraform.exe plan -var-file="answers.tfvars"

Standup the Platform

terraform.exe apply -var-file="answers.tfvars"

Tear Down the Platform

terraform.exe destroy -var-file="answers.tfvars"