Rename the answers.tfvars.tpl to answers.tfvars and populate the varables. a description of each variable can be found inside the file
Variable | Type | Description | Example |
vsphere_user | String | vsphere administrator username | "[email protected]" |
vsphere_password | String | vsphere administrator password | "P@ssw0rd" |
data_center | String | The vsphere data center you want to deploy in | "R1" |
cluster | String | The vsphere cluster you want to deploy in | "R1UPXVSAN01" |
datastore | String | The datastore you want to use | "vsanDatastore" |
vsphere_host | String | A host from the cluster (required for OVA deployment) | "" |
vsphere_network | String | The vsphere network to map too | "LAN Network" |
compute_pool | String | The vsphere compute pool you want to use (default pool is Cluster/Resource) | "R1UPXVSAN01/Resources" |
vsphere_server | String | The fqdn of the vpshere server | "" |
vsphere_vapp_name | String | The name of the vapp to create. best practice is to use the name of the cluster. | "Production_BLAOS" |
appliance_version | String | Version of the appliance | "v1.6.0-v1.20.7-k3s1" |
appliance_label_region | String | the region the appliace resides in (this is usually the name of the datacenter) | "test_region" |
appliance_label_zone | String | the zone the appliace resides in (this is usually the name of the network segment) | "test_zone" |
appliance_master_cpu | Number | The number of cpu for master | 2 |
appliance_master_ram | Number | The number of RAM for master | 4096 |
appliance_master_disk | Number | The size of the disk for master | 25 |
appliance_worker_cpu | Number | The number of cpu for worker | 4 |
appliance_worker_ram | Number | The number of RAM for worker | 16384 |
appliance_worker_disk | Number | The size of the disk for worker | 250 |
appliance_dns | String | comma seperated list of dns ip addresses (applies to all hosts in cluster) | "," |
appliance_gateway | String | the gateway to apply to each member of the cluster | "" |
appliance_subnetmask | String | the subnetmask to apply to each member of the cluster | "" |
appliance_master_ipaddresses | Array(Strings) | A ordered list of the ip addresses for each appliance master in the cluster (The first element will be the initial master) | ["","",""] |
appliance_master_hostnames | Array(Strings) | A ordered list of the hostname for each appliance master in the cluster (should be in the same order as the master ip addresses) | ["master01","master02","master03"] |
appliance_worker_ipaddresses | Array(Strings) | A ordered list of the ip addresses for each appliance worker in the cluster | ["","",""] |
appliance_worker_hostnames | Array(Strings) | A ordered list of the hostname for each appliance workers in the cluster (should be in the same order as the workers ip addresses) | ["worker01","worker02","worker03"] |
appliance_ova | String | The full path of the ovf/ova | "C:\users\administrator\Downloads\blaos-vm-template.ova" |
terraform.exe init
terraform.exe plan -var-file="answers.tfvars"
terraform.exe apply -var-file="answers.tfvars"
terraform.exe destroy -var-file="answers.tfvars"