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This harbor provides docker configuration for your project. It is based on vessel by Fideloper LLC - It consists of:

  • nginx container,
  • php container,
  • db container,
  • testing db container,
  • node container,
  • redis container

This script handles the current instance. To create new, install or update harbor, use harbor installer.

Upgrade guide

From 2.0 to 3.0

Harbor 3.0 has been completely rewritten from Harbor 2.0. It is using prebuild docker images. Therefore, the upgrade have to be done manually.

  1. backup all data from pgsql container, you can use ./harbor pg_dump command. In version 3.0 container has a different name and volume, so you have to move data if needed. In case of no important data, just skip this step.
  2. stop harbor if running ./harbor stop
  3. backup docker folder and docker-compose.yml file.
  4. remove docker folder, docker-compose.yml, harbor, files.
  5. run harbor install craftable command in project folder
  6. change values in .env.harbor according #docker-config section in .env file, map ENV values as follows:
    DOCKER_PGSQL_TEST_DIR -> is not used anymore
    also, change this values in .env.harbor according your .env file
    Beware .env.harbor file is committed, so if you use some secret password for db in development, leave the password empty in .env.harbor
  7. change DB_HOST env value in .env and .env.example file to HARBOR_DB_HOST env value in .env.harbor, probably the value is db.
  8. check other env values in .env.harbor
  9. remove #docker-config section in .env and .env.example files
  10. if you use standard docker-compose.yml and Dockerfiles for images in version 2.0, you can sgo to step 11.
  11. modify docker-compose.override.yml according the backed up docker-compose.yml changes you have made. If you need some special changes in Dockerfiles, you can extend provided images and prepare your Dockerfiles used in docker-compose.override.yml file.
  12. move folders docker-entrypoint-initdb.d, export and import from your backup docker folder docker/pgsql to .harbor/db
  13. move folder docker-entrypoint-initdb.d from your backup docker folder docker/testing to .harbor/db-testing
  14. move ssh keys from your backup docker folder docker/php/ssh to .harbor/ssh probably 3 files (id_rsa,, known_hosts)
  15. import backup database data or just run ./harbor art migrate
  16. now you should have a working harbor, just run ./harbor start

From 1.0 to 2.0

As the containers has been changed, you have to rebuild all the containers and create global volume.

docker volume create composercache to create global volume for composer cache

then run

harbor rebuild -i -v which will remove all used images and volumes. All data will be lost, so if you need the volumes, please run the command without -v. It will also recreate new images.


If you need to customize some harbor/docker settings, it is recommended to modify docker-compose.override.yml file for a docker compose overrides and .env.harbor for harbor settings. You can define which version of php, mariadb or postgres and node will harbor be using.

Currently supported versions are:

PHP 7.2 - cannot install laravel/craftable
PHP 7.3
PHP 7.4
PHP 8.0

MariaDB 10.5

Postgress 9
Postgress 10
Postgress 11
Postgress 12

Node 8
Node 10
Node 12


Currently, we support only Postgres and MariaDB. By default, Postgres is prepared. To change to MariaDB you have to modify docker-compose.override.yml file, the snippet is already there. Just uncomment required parts.

In file .env.harbor you have to change the config for DB. Comment out Postgres part and uncomment Mariadb part. Example:

# Postgres
# Mariadb

Let's init laravel / craftable

If you have an existing laravel / craftable project, and you have not initialized this project, run

harbor init laravel or harbor init craftable

which will setup some .env variables, install required packages and will run npm

Starting a harbor (docker)

To start the docker environment use:

harbor start

This will start all the docker containers and set up network and volumes correctly. So now we can play around with empty db or php. Now you can point your browser to the http://localhost, and you should be able to see a default / route mapped to public/index.php.

Rebuild a harbor (docker)

In case you change some env values for docker, or changes some docker file or other configuration, you should run

harbor rebuild

NOTE: To rebuild images use -i|--images, to destroy volumes use -v|--volumes

Daily usage

In this section you can find all commands supported by harbor:

Docker commands

harbor start will start all containers based on docker-compose.yml and docker-compose.override.yml files.

harbor up will start all containers based on docker-compose.yml and docker-compose.override.yml files, but not as a daemon.

harbor stop will stop and destroy all containers.

harbor restartwill stop and destroy and then starts again all containers.

harbor rebuild will stop and destroy all containers then starts again all containers, build them if changes has been made. Can be used with -i to remove images, -v to remove volumes, or -d to remove test database if in folder and not in volume

PHP container commands

harbor artisan OR harbor art will pass all additional arguments to php container to php artisan command, e.g. harbor art make:migration goes to php docker container and call php artisan make:migration.

harbor composer OR harbor comp will pass all additional arguments to php container to composer command, e.g. harbor comp require brackets/craftable goes to php docker container and call composer require brackets/craftable.

harbor test will run phpunit tests on new php container. All additional arguments are passed to phpunit.

NPM container commands

harbor npm will run npm command on node container and pass all additional arguments to npm.

Support for yarn and gulp has been dropped.

DB container commands

harbor db will run psql/mysql command on db container with user and host form .env file and pass all additional arguments to psql/mysql command.

harbor dump will run pg_dump/mysqldump command on db container with user and host form .env file and pass all additional arguments to pg_dump/mysqldump command.

Global commands

harbor ssh {container} will connect to container and run bash in it, cannot be used with node. You can provide a second parameter root to open as root.

harbor exec is an alias for docker-compose exec

harbor run is an alias for docker-compose run

Install command (use with care)

harbor new laravel will install laravel application to current folder. See harbor installer, it is the recommended way.

harbor new craftable will install craftable application to current folder. See harbor installer, it is the recommended way.

SSH keys

To use ssh keys in php container, copy your keys to ./harbor/ssh. You have to restart container after adding keys. SSH keys may be required for some git repositories.