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BSI-TR-03165: TSM-Backend

  • API version: 1.0.4
    • Build date: 2023-07-07T13:15:38.560+02:00[Europe/Berlin]

This visual representation describes the TSM-Backend API for a Trusted Service Management System (TSMS) using Swagger UI. It serves as a complement to the BSI-TR-03165 guideline. In case of any discrepancies, please refer to the written guideline. A TSM-Backend is an IT system within a TSMS that offers management functions in the form of a REST-API. The TSM-Backend is a secure repository for various configurations, flavors, and resources required for installing an JavaCard Applet on secure elements such as eSE and eSIM. With this API, service providers can create, read, update, and delete files and configuration settings required for managing their Applets. Functionality: * upload JavaCard *.cap files to TSM-Backend * define a service which consists of one or multiple *.cap files * versionize the service * define hardware variants for each service - called flavors * specify technical requirements for each flavor, e.g. minimal JavaCard version

Automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen


Building the API client library requires:

  1. Java 1.7+
  2. Maven/Gradle


To install the API client library to your local Maven repository, simply execute:

mvn clean install

To deploy it to a remote Maven repository instead, configure the settings of the repository and execute:

mvn clean deploy

Refer to the OSSRH Guide for more information.

Maven users

Add this dependency to your project's POM:


Gradle users

Add this dependency to your project's build file:

compile "de.bund.bsi.tsms.tsm-rest-api:java-client:1.0.4"


At first generate the JAR by executing:

mvn clean package

Then manually install the following JARs:

  • target/java-client-1.0.4.jar
  • target/lib/*.jar

Getting Started

Please follow the installation instruction and execute the following Java code:

import de.bund.bsi.tsms.tsmrestapi.*;
import de.bund.bsi.tsms.tsmrestapi.auth.*;
import de.bund.bsi.tsms.tsmrestapi.model.*;
import de.bund.bsi.tsms.tsmrestapi.api.ApplicationConfigsApi;

import java.util.*;

public class ApplicationConfigsApiExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();

        ApplicationConfigsApi apiInstance = new ApplicationConfigsApi();
        ApplicationConfig body = new ApplicationConfig(); // ApplicationConfig | 
        try {
            ApplicationConfig result = apiInstance.createAppConfig(body);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling ApplicationConfigsApi#createAppConfig");
import de.bund.bsi.tsms.tsmrestapi.*;
import de.bund.bsi.tsms.tsmrestapi.auth.*;
import de.bund.bsi.tsms.tsmrestapi.model.*;
import de.bund.bsi.tsms.tsmrestapi.api.ApplicationConfigsApi;

import java.util.*;

public class ApplicationConfigsApiExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();

        ApplicationConfigsApi apiInstance = new ApplicationConfigsApi();
        UUID applicationConfigId = new UUID(); // UUID | identifier of the referred ApplicationConfig
        try {
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling ApplicationConfigsApi#deleteAppConfig");
import de.bund.bsi.tsms.tsmrestapi.*;
import de.bund.bsi.tsms.tsmrestapi.auth.*;
import de.bund.bsi.tsms.tsmrestapi.model.*;
import de.bund.bsi.tsms.tsmrestapi.api.ApplicationConfigsApi;

import java.util.*;

public class ApplicationConfigsApiExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();

        ApplicationConfigsApi apiInstance = new ApplicationConfigsApi();
        UUID applicationConfigId = new UUID(); // UUID | identifier of the referred ApplicationConfig
        try {
            ApplicationConfig result = apiInstance.getAppConfig(applicationConfigId);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling ApplicationConfigsApi#getAppConfig");
import de.bund.bsi.tsms.tsmrestapi.*;
import de.bund.bsi.tsms.tsmrestapi.auth.*;
import de.bund.bsi.tsms.tsmrestapi.model.*;
import de.bund.bsi.tsms.tsmrestapi.api.ApplicationConfigsApi;

import java.util.*;

public class ApplicationConfigsApiExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();

        ApplicationConfigsApi apiInstance = new ApplicationConfigsApi();
        UUID applicationConfigId = new UUID(); // UUID | identifier of the referred ApplicationConfig
        try {
            List<ExecutableModule> result = apiInstance.listAppConfigRelatedEms(applicationConfigId);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling ApplicationConfigsApi#listAppConfigRelatedEms");
import de.bund.bsi.tsms.tsmrestapi.*;
import de.bund.bsi.tsms.tsmrestapi.auth.*;
import de.bund.bsi.tsms.tsmrestapi.model.*;
import de.bund.bsi.tsms.tsmrestapi.api.ApplicationConfigsApi;

import java.util.*;

public class ApplicationConfigsApiExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();

        ApplicationConfigsApi apiInstance = new ApplicationConfigsApi();
        UUID applicationConfigId = new UUID(); // UUID | identifier of the referred ApplicationConfig
        try {
            List<Flavor> result = apiInstance.listAppConfigRelatedFlavors(applicationConfigId);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling ApplicationConfigsApi#listAppConfigRelatedFlavors");
import de.bund.bsi.tsms.tsmrestapi.*;
import de.bund.bsi.tsms.tsmrestapi.auth.*;
import de.bund.bsi.tsms.tsmrestapi.model.*;
import de.bund.bsi.tsms.tsmrestapi.api.ApplicationConfigsApi;

import java.util.*;

public class ApplicationConfigsApiExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();

        ApplicationConfigsApi apiInstance = new ApplicationConfigsApi();
        UUID applicationConfigId = new UUID(); // UUID | identifier of the referred ApplicationConfig
        try {
            List<Service> result = apiInstance.listAppConfigRelatedServices(applicationConfigId);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling ApplicationConfigsApi#listAppConfigRelatedServices");
import de.bund.bsi.tsms.tsmrestapi.*;
import de.bund.bsi.tsms.tsmrestapi.auth.*;
import de.bund.bsi.tsms.tsmrestapi.model.*;
import de.bund.bsi.tsms.tsmrestapi.api.ApplicationConfigsApi;

import java.util.*;

public class ApplicationConfigsApiExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();

        ApplicationConfigsApi apiInstance = new ApplicationConfigsApi();
        try {
            List<ApplicationConfig> result = apiInstance.listAppConfigs();
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling ApplicationConfigsApi#listAppConfigs");
import de.bund.bsi.tsms.tsmrestapi.*;
import de.bund.bsi.tsms.tsmrestapi.auth.*;
import de.bund.bsi.tsms.tsmrestapi.model.*;
import de.bund.bsi.tsms.tsmrestapi.api.ApplicationConfigsApi;

import java.util.*;

public class ApplicationConfigsApiExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();

        ApplicationConfigsApi apiInstance = new ApplicationConfigsApi();
        ApplicationConfig body = new ApplicationConfig(); // ApplicationConfig | 
        UUID applicationConfigId = new UUID(); // UUID | identifier of the referred ApplicationConfig
        try {
            ApplicationConfig result = apiInstance.modifyAppConfig(body, applicationConfigId);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling ApplicationConfigsApi#modifyAppConfig");

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to /

Class Method HTTP request Description
ApplicationConfigsApi createAppConfig POST /application-configs Create a new ApplicationConfig.
ApplicationConfigsApi deleteAppConfig DELETE /application-configs/{applicationConfigId} Delete a certain ApplicationConfig. All data is deleted. Referenc...
ApplicationConfigsApi getAppConfig GET /application-configs/{applicationConfigId} Get details of a certain ApplicationConfig.
ApplicationConfigsApi listAppConfigRelatedEms GET /application-configs/{applicationConfigId}/executable-modules List all ExecutableModules that use a certain ApplicationConfig.
ApplicationConfigsApi listAppConfigRelatedFlavors GET /application-configs/{applicationConfigId}/flavors List all Flavors that use a certain ApplicationConfig.
ApplicationConfigsApi listAppConfigRelatedServices GET /application-configs/{applicationConfigId}/services List all Services that use a certain ApplicationConfig.
ApplicationConfigsApi listAppConfigs GET /application-configs List all ApplicationConfigs of the authenticated ServiceProvider.
ApplicationConfigsApi modifyAppConfig PUT /application-configs/{applicationConfigId} Update details of an existing ApplicationConfig.
AuthApi createAccessToken POST /auth Authenticate to the TSM-Backend by sending a long-term token, and...
CertificatesApi createCertAndUploadBinary POST /certificates Create a new Certificate and upload corresponding binary data.
CertificatesApi deleteCert DELETE /certificates/{certificateId} Delete a certain Certificate. All data, including binary data, is...
CertificatesApi getCert GET /certificates/{certificateId} Get details of a certain Certificate.
CertificatesApi getCertBinary GET /certificates/{certificateId}/binary Get binary data of a certain Certificate.
CertificatesApi listCertRelatedAppConfigs GET /certificates/{certificateId}/application-configs List all ApplicationConfigs that use a certain Certificate.
CertificatesApi listCertRelatedFlavors GET /certificates/{certificateId}/flavors List all Flavors that use a certain Certificate.
CertificatesApi listCertRelatedServices GET /certificates/{certificateId}/services List all Services that use a certain Certificate.
CertificatesApi listCertRelatedSposConfigs GET /certificates/{certificateId}/spos-configs List all SposConfigs that use a certain Certificate.
CertificatesApi listCerts GET /certificates List all Certificates of the authenticated ServiceProvider.
CertificatesApi modifyCertAndOverwriteBinary PUT /certificates/{certificateId} Update details and overwrite binary data of an existing Certificate.
ExecutableLoadFilesApi createElfAndUploadBinary POST /executable-load-files Create a new ExecutableLoadFile and upload corresponding binary d...
ExecutableLoadFilesApi deleteElf DELETE /executable-load-files/{elfId} Delete a certain ExecutableLoadFile. All data, including binary d...
ExecutableLoadFilesApi getElf GET /executable-load-files/{elfId} Get details of a certain ExecutableLoadFile.
ExecutableLoadFilesApi getElfBinary GET /executable-load-files/{elfId}/binary Get binary data of a certain ExecutableLoadFile.
ExecutableLoadFilesApi getEm GET /executable-load-files/{elfId}/executable-modules/{emId} Get details of a certain ExecutableModule of a certain Executable...
ExecutableLoadFilesApi listElfRelatedAppConfigs GET /executable-load-files/{elfId}/executable-modules/{emId}/application-configs Return the ApplicationConfigs that apply to a certain ExecutableM...
ExecutableLoadFilesApi listElfRelatedFlavors GET /executable-load-files/{elfId}/services/{serviceId}/flavors List all Flavors that use a certain ExecutableLoadFile.
ExecutableLoadFilesApi listElfRelatedSecureComponentProfiles GET /executable-load-files/{elfId}/services/{serviceId}/secure-component-profiles List all SecureComponentProfiles associated to certain Service th...
ExecutableLoadFilesApi listElfRelatedServices GET /executable-load-files/{elfId}/services List all Services that use a certain ExecutableLoadFile.
ExecutableLoadFilesApi listElfRelatedVersions GET /executable-load-files/{elfId}/services/{serviceId}/versions List all Versions of a certain Service that use a certain Executa...
ExecutableLoadFilesApi listElfs GET /executable-load-files List all ExecutableLoadFiles of the authenticated ServiceProvider.
ExecutableLoadFilesApi listEms GET /executable-load-files/{elfId}/executable-modules List all ExecutableModules of a certain ExecutableLoadFile.
ExecutableLoadFilesApi modifyElfAndOverwriteBinary PUT /executable-load-files/{elfId} Update details and overwrite binary data of an existing Executabl...
PersonalizationScriptsApi createPersoScriptAndUploadBinary POST /personalization-scripts Create a new PersonalizationScript and upload corresponding binar...
PersonalizationScriptsApi deletePersoScript DELETE /personalization-scripts/{personalizationScriptId} Delete a certain PersonalizationScript. All data, including binar...
PersonalizationScriptsApi getPersoScript GET /personalization-scripts/{personalizationScriptId} Get details of a certain PersonalizationScript.
PersonalizationScriptsApi getScriptBinary GET /personalization-scripts/{personalizationScriptId}/binary Get binary data of a certain PersonalizationScript.
PersonalizationScriptsApi listPersoScripts GET /personalization-scripts List all PersonalizationScripts of the authenticated ServiceProvider.
PersonalizationScriptsApi listScriptRelatedAppConfigs GET /personalization-scripts/{personalizationScriptId}/application-configs List all ApplicationConfigs that use a certain PersonalizationScript.
PersonalizationScriptsApi listScriptRelatedFlavors GET /personalization-scripts/{personalizationScriptId}/flavors List all Flavors that use a certain PersonalizationScript.
PersonalizationScriptsApi listScriptRelatedServices GET /personalization-scripts/{personalizationScriptId}/services List all Services that use a certain PersonalizationScript.
PersonalizationScriptsApi modifyPersoScriptAndOverwriteBinary PUT /personalization-scripts/{personalizationScriptId} Update details and overwrite binary data of an existing Personali...
SecureComponentProfilesApi getSecureComponentProfile GET /secure-component-profiles/{scpId} Get details of a certain SecureComponentProfile.
SecureComponentProfilesApi listScpRelatedElfs GET /secure-component-profiles/{scpId}/elfs List all ELFs that use a certain SecureComponentProfile.
SecureComponentProfilesApi listScpRelatedFlavors GET /secure-component-profiles/{scpId}/services/{serviceId}/flavors List all Flavors of a certain Service that use a certain SecureCo...
SecureComponentProfilesApi listScpRelatedServices GET /secure-component-profiles/{scpId}/services List all Services that use a certain SecureComponentProfile.
SecureComponentProfilesApi listScpRelatedVersions GET /secure-component-profiles/{scpId}/services/{serviceId}/versions List all Versions of a certain Service that use a certain SecureC...
SecureComponentProfilesApi listSecureComponentProfiles GET /secure-component-profiles List all available SecureComponentProfiles.
ServiceprovidersApi getAccountInformation GET /serviceproviders/current Get details of the SP account.
ServicesApi createFlavor POST /services/{serviceId}/flavors Create a new Flavor for a certain Service.
ServicesApi createService POST /services Create a new Service.
ServicesApi createVersion POST /services/{serviceId}/versions Create a new Version of a certain Service.
ServicesApi deleteFlavor DELETE /services/{serviceId}/flavors/{flavorId} Delete a certain Flavor. All data, including associated Applicati...
ServicesApi deleteService DELETE /services/{serviceId} Delete a certain Service. All data, including associated Versions...
ServicesApi deleteVersion DELETE /services/{serviceId}/versions/{tag} Delete a certain Version. All data is deleted. Referenced Flavors...
ServicesApi getFlavor GET /services/{serviceId}/flavors/{flavorId} Get details of a certain Flavor.
ServicesApi getService GET /services/{serviceId} Get details of a certain Service.
ServicesApi getVersion GET /services/{serviceId}/versions/{tag} Get details of a certain Version.
ServicesApi linkElfs POST /services/{serviceId}/flavors/{flavorId}/executable-load-files Add additional ExecutableLoadFiles to a certain Flavor. In case E...
ServicesApi linkFlavors POST /services/{serviceId}/versions/{tag}/flavors Add additional Flavors to a certain Version and configure the Sec...
ServicesApi linkSecureComponentProfiles POST /services/{serviceId}/versions/{tag}/secure-component-profiles Add additional SecureComponentProfiles to a certain Version and c...
ServicesApi listAssociatedSecureComponentProfiles GET /services/{serviceId}/versions/{tag}/flavors/{flavorId}/secure-component-profiles List SecureComponentProfiles associated to a certain Flavor of a ...
ServicesApi listFlavors GET /services/{serviceId}/flavors List all Flavors of a certain Service.
ServicesApi listLinkedElfs GET /services/{serviceId}/flavors/{flavorId}/executable-load-files List all ExecutableLoadFiles used by a certain Flavor.
ServicesApi listLinkedFlavors GET /services/{serviceId}/versions/{tag}/flavors List all Flavors used by a certain Version.
ServicesApi listLinkedSecureComponentProfiles GET /services/{serviceId}/versions/{tag}/secure-component-profiles List all SecureComponentProfiles used by a certain Version.
ServicesApi listServiceRelatedAppConfigs GET /services/{serviceId}/flavors/{flavorId}/application-configs List all ApplicationConfigs that use a certain Flavor.
ServicesApi listServiceRelatedVersions GET /services/{serviceId}/flavors/{flavorId}/versions List all Versions that use a certain Flavor.
ServicesApi listServices GET /services List all Services of the authenticated ServiceProvider.
ServicesApi listVersions GET /services/{serviceId}/versions List all Versions of a certain Service.
ServicesApi modifyFlavor PUT /services/{serviceId}/flavors/{flavorId} Update details of an existing Flavor.
ServicesApi modifyService PUT /services/{serviceId} Update details of an existing Service.
ServicesApi modifyVersion PUT /services/{serviceId}/versions/{tag} Update details of an existing Version.
ServicesApi publishFlavor POST /services/{serviceId}/flavors/{flavorId}/publish Publish a Flavor. After publishing, the Flavor can be used for in...
ServicesApi unlinkElfs PUT /services/{serviceId}/flavors/{flavorId}/executable-load-files Remove ExecutableLoadFiles from a certain Flavor. In case ELF Ids...
ServicesApi unlinkFlavors PUT /services/{serviceId}/versions/{tag}/flavors Remove Flavors from a certain Version. In case Flavor Ids provide...
ServicesApi unlinkSecureComponentProfiles PUT /services/{serviceId}/versions/{tag}/secure-component-profiles Remove SecureComponentProfiles from a certain Version. In case Se...
SposConfigsApi createSposConfig POST /spos-configs Create a new SposConfig and set all corresponding details.
SposConfigsApi deleteSposConfig DELETE /spos-configs/{sposConfigId} Delete a certain SposConfig. All data is deleted. Deletion SHALL ...
SposConfigsApi getSposConfig GET /spos-configs/{sposConfigId} Get details of a certain SposConfig.
SposConfigsApi listSposConfigRelatedServices GET /spos-configs/{sposConfigId}/services List all Services that use a certain SposConfig.
SposConfigsApi listSposConfigs GET /spos-configs List all SposConfigs of the authenticated ServiceProvider.
SposConfigsApi modifySposConfig PUT /spos-configs/{sposConfigId} Update details of an existing SposConfig.

Documentation for Models

Documentation for Authorization

Authentication schemes defined for the API:




It's recommended to create an instance of ApiClient per thread in a multithreaded environment to avoid any potential issues.


[email protected]