- Install Flutter, version ^2.2.0
- Configure Secrets
- Apply for clientID、OAuth URL、identifier, etc under open api board of BYR BBS
- Create a new repository of name Secrets with following project structure
Save the following content in
lib/secrets.dart pubspec.yaml
, fields start with ! should be acquired from BBS Admin mentioned aboveclass Secrets { static const String clientID = !CLIENT ID static const String appleID = APPLE ID static const String bundleID = BUNDLE ID static const String identifier = !IDENTIFIER static const String welcomeSalt = !WELCOME SALT static const String tokenDir = !OAUTH URL static const String androidDevUpdateLink = ANDROID APP DEV UPDATE LINK static const String androidStableUpdateLink = ANDROID APP STABLE UPDATE LINK static const String androidVersionsLink = ANDROID VERSIONS LINK }
- replace the following content in
of this repository with the URL of the repository from above stepsecrets: git: url: ssh://[email protected]/BYR-App-Dev/secrets.git
- Run
flutter pub get
under the root of project to fetch dependencies - Run application
- Debug
flutter run --debug
- Release
flutter run --release
- Build iOS
- Build Android
- Debug
- resources/
- resources files
- lib/
- configurations/ configurations of the app
- customizations/ customizations, e.g. themes, languages
- data_structures/ internal data classes
- helper/ helper functions
- local_objects/ local data storage
- networking/ network requests
- nforum/ NForum API related functions and data models
- pages/ page classes
- reusable_components/ components used in pages
- shared_objects/ shared objects in runtime
- tasks/ tasks during startup
- main.dart entry of the app
- hive
- get
- flutter_cache_manager
- universal_platform
- transparent_image
- cached_network_image
- font_awesome_flutter
- pull_to_refresh
- flutter_gifimage
- shimmer
- qr_flutter
- fast_gbk
- image_picker
- extended_text_field
- extended_image
- audioplayers
- file_picker
- permission_handler
- flutter_audio_recorder
- flutter_staggered_grid_view
- flutter_icons
- ota_update
- uni_links
- modal_bottom_sheet
- toast
- speech_recognition
- like_button
- gallery_saver
- scroll_to_index
- tinycolor
- filesize
- screenshot
- overlay_widget
- pull_to_refresh_notification