This page goes deeper on some of the topics omitted from the main style guide. It should be considered optional reading if you have some concerns left after reading the main guide.
Some developers prefer exposing the angular components in SomeFeatureModule.ts.
This has some advantages, especially when the module name needs to be changed - you would only change the module name in one place.
In contrast, this style guide recommends the approach where the component is exposed to angular right after it has been declared (we have tried both and agreed on this approach). Which one is better is a matter of taste.
Some developers only have one angular module (e.g. 'fbApp') instead of finer grained module distribution
and are perfectly happy with that. Consider that approach as well.
There are tools like ng-annotate that automatically insert $inject annotations to your source code. We have noted that they can cause hard-to-debug bugs (as they work by text scanning), therefore we don't advice using them and opt for exlicit 'static $inject' style annotations everywhere.
- ng-controller is out. Don't use it.
- ng-init is a good way to shorten your template code, and can be used in any node. Don't shy away from it.
- Use {{::oneTimeBindings}} everywhere you can.
Prefer 'const' over 'let' and 'let' over 'var'. const does not mean 'constant literal' despite the name.
Use 'any' type freely. You can always add typing on later iterations. The more you add types, the more mileage you get from compiler and IDE though.
Don't go overboard with ES6-experimental features like @decorators.
Don't use the old TS module syntax (pre-1.5, 'module { }'), real ES6 style modules are the preferrend syntax.
Minimize ///<reference imports. Only reference one .d.ts file (that further references all the relevant .d.ts files like angular.d.ts and lodash.d.ts). Do not use .d.ts files for your own TypeScript code, restrict it to third party libraries.