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Changelog {#changelog}


This changelog contains a non-exhaustive list of new features and notable bug-fixes (not all bug-fixes will be listed).

SLIDE v3.0.0 (aka slide-pack)

New features

Battery pack simulation support is added

  • SLIDE is merged with slide-pack. Now, SLIDE is now now capable of simulation large battery packs.

Other updates

  • Different battery cell types: Cell_Bucket, Cell_ECM and Cell_PbA are added.
  • is added.
  • *.CMake files are added for a better build.
  • CPack support for unit tests are added.
  • slide::Clock class is created. <chrono> for timing is adapted for correct timing on Mac.
  • Cell_KokamNMC.cpp is deleted and it became an header.
  • DEG_ID improved, zero is not counted anymore.
  • Free functions to simplify other classes are added: free::check_Cell_states
  • Catch outside LiPlating is removed since it is not needed to be handled since it only throws when id is wrong.
  • slide.hpp for including the library is added.
  • NULL -> nullptr
  • shared_ptr classes are turned to unique_ptr. Copying shared_ptr is eliminated.
  • print arguments for some functions are removed (e.g., V(bool print), getOCV(bool print))

C++20 upgrades

  • std::span for state assignments. XYdata_ss for span.

Notable Bug-fixes

  • if(abs(Ii < 0.1)) in Cycler.
  • Typo bockDegAndTherm is fixed.

API changes

  • Most functions now use smart pointers.
  • Template / auto parameter deduction is used.


  • We require at least CMake 3.17.
  • Now a compiler with C++20 support is required.


Modern version of slide. (#8) Deprecated but you can find a copy of Slide V2 in this branch.

New features / updates

  • Most of the functions, especially estimateOCVparameters() should be faster now. Unnecessary file reading inside classes is removed. fitAMnAndStartingPoints was calling readOCVinput all the time. It is fixed.
  • SLIDE should be able to run on different platfroms/compilers through CMake.
  • Name capitalisation bugs are fixed.
  • Documentation is updated. Creating wiki page from *.pdfs.
  • False position method for current finding is implemented for SLIDE.
  • For formatting code clang-format is adopted.
  • std::endl are replaced by "\n".
  • Auxillary functions and data types are added (such as fixed_data, XYdata, linspace, logspace, linstep, etc.).
  • Parallelisation is wrapped into slide::run function and <thread> library is started being used.
  • File structure is changed, data, results, and docs folders are created.
  • loadCSV_1col can take std::array or std::vector as argument now. It also reuses loadCSV_mat
  • Binary search (with std::lower_bound) for linInt is implemented. Detecting if the data is fixed step. Remove linear search from interpolation! O(n) -> O(log(n)) or O(1) for fixed-step data. Nan initialization for interpolation is removed.
  • Used linspace, logspace when searching for parameters!
  • Remove empty destructors etc. Rule of zero.
  • changed pow to scientific notation 7*pow(10,-10) -> 7e-10.
  • Try-catch block based program flow is mostly removed due to performance penalty.
  • Model Cp, Cn, Vn, Vp, Q are 2D std::arrays, and shorter code.
  • OCVcurves is being moved to a struct.
  • State default constructor is removed since it sets all states to zero, thanks to uniform initialiser. State() = default
  • State setStates(State& s), State::setIniStates are removed.
  • name inputs are deleted from fitAMnAndStartingPoints.
  • ValidOCV, calculateError, readOCVinput, discharge, fitAMnAndStartingPoints size input removed.
  • linInt_noexcept, discharge_noexcept, writeCharacterisationParam, linstep_fix and, logstep_fix, calcSurfaceConcentration, calcDiffConstant, calcMolarFlux, calcOverPotential are added.
  • findCVcurrent_bin (false position method) is added.
  • log(x + sqrt(1+x^2)) is changed with asinh(x)
  • slide::State now inherits from std::array
  • Interpolation is in OCVcurves now. Simplified.
  • New cost function for determine_OCV, it is now much faster.
  • RK4 is implemented and FWEuler is seperated.
  • Unit test to control results is written in MATLAB. But only folders, so make also for files.
  • overwriteCharacterisationStates, overwriteGeometricStates are moved to cell, use cell versions.
  • validState is moved to Cell.
  • void checkModelparam(); is created to check MATLAB param.
  • void initialise(slide::State &s_ini) is removed.
  • linInt_matrix is removed.
  • oneLevelCharacterisationFit is removed. Its contents moved to hierarchicalCharacterisationFit.
  • A struct created for stress parameters.
  • Modern C++ features are now incorporated into the code.
  • Ahpi_vec and Ahni_vec (100k double heap vectors) are removed. slide::fixed_data type is used.
  • Reading into double and converting whole vector in integer -> reading into integer.
  • Header guards use #pragma once now.
  • Change pointers to references whereever possible.
  • printlevels are converted to enum
  • Removed many magical numbers: 273 -> PhyConst::Kelvin
  • Same parameters are defined multiple places are cleaned. For example Kokam parameters.
  • paths are moved to settings.
  • Data recording system is converted to push_back.
    • Instead of increasing stack memory to hold large arrays, now we use std::vector.
    • Most of the raw arrays are changed with std::array; hence, the need for passing number of array elements is eliminated.
    • #define directives are changed with constexpr values.
    • <filesystem> library is used for handing file/directory operations (mkdir and other C-style functions are removed).
    • TDM-GCC/compiler specific features are eliminated (e.g., dynamic array on stack).
    • Release mode is added to CMake.
    • C-based header files are replaced by C++ versions (e.g., <stdio.h> to <cstdio>)
    • Range-based for loops adopted whereever possible.

Notable Bug-fixes

  • Using #define ns for number of states was causing problems with <chrono> library literal ns; therefore, it was not possible to compile SLIDE other than TDM-GCC with C++1 standard. Bug was fixed by removing preprocessor directives.
  • Now heap allocation is used instead of stack area expansion. \
  • using namespace std; from global scope is removed. std:: is added all necessary functions.
  • warning: variables j and timeCheck used in loop condition not modified in loop body. cycler.cpp mode==1, for (int j = 0; j < timeCheck; i++) They are changed accordingly.
  • Important bug on linux, only use std::abs otherwise it may call int abs(int).
  • Object slicing due to copying cells is removed.
  • abs(Icell - I) < pow(10, -10) -> here pow(10,-10) may be ZERO. So pow(10.0, -10.0) is better. And 1e-10 is even better.
  • Remove used-defined classes from std namespace (such as state). A namespace called "slide" is created. State and Cell_user are moved from std to slide.
  • Others:
    • Typo CalendarAgeig -> CalendarAgeing fixed.

Tried but not implemented:

  • Fixed time step *.csv files were tried but no measurable effect in -O0.


  • Required C++ standard is upgraded from C++11 to C++17.


This is the initial release of SLIDE. Deprecated but you can find a copy in this branch.


  • A compiler with C++11 support.