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Change log

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

1.0.0-rc - 2015/07/13

Big Changes

  • React-specific code has been moved to react-redux and will be versioned separately
  • createStore no longer implicitly combines reducers
  • All middleware is now “smart” middleware
  • createStore no longer accepts middleware
  • The thunk middleware is no longer included by default

Correctness Changes

  • combineReducers now throws if you return undefined state
  • combineReducers throws if you have no default case
  • (React) Components now update correctly in response to the actions fired in componentDidMount
  • Dispatch from the middleware sends the dispatch through the whole middleware chain

Read the detailed upgrade notes on the release page.

1.0.0-alpha - 2015/06/30


API changes

  • composeStores is now composeReducers.
  • createDispatcher is gone.
  • createRedux is now createStore.
  • <Provider> now accepts store prop instead of redux.
  • The new createStore signature is createStore(reducer: Function | Object, initialState: any, middlewares: Array | ({ getState, dispatch }) => Array).
  • If the first argument to createStore is an object, composeReducers is automatically applied to it.
  • The “smart” middleware signature changed. It now accepts an object instead of a single getState function. The dispatch function lets you “recurse” the middleware chain and is useful for async: #113 (comment).

Correctness changes

  • The dispatch provided by the default thunk middleware now walks the whole middleware chain.
  • It is enforced now that raw Actions at the end of the middleware chain have to be plain objects.
  • Nested dispatches are now handled gracefully. (#110, #119)

Internal changes

  • The object in React context is renamed from redux to store.
  • Some tests are rewritten for clarity, focus and edge cases.
  • Redux in examples is now aliased to the source code for easier work on master.

Read the detailed upgrade notes on the release page.

0.12.0 - 2015/06/19

No breaking changes this time.

  • Classes returned by decorators now expose a static DecoratedComponent property for easier testing
  • Dependencies on lodash and babel-runtime are dropped
  • Now compatible with Babel loose mode
  • composeStore now ignores non-function values (useful in Babel loose mode)
  • A UMD build is added
  • The initial action dispatched to the stores now has a built-in @@INIT type (might be useful to devtools)

0.11.1 - 2015/06/16

  • Bugfix: when Connector select property changes, the state did not recalculate (#107)

0.11.0 - 2015/06/14

  • Renames compose root export to composeMiddleware to clarify the intent
  • Fixes a bug with getState returning stale state after a hot reload (#90)

0.10.1 - 2015/06/13

Missing from the 0.10 release notes: React Native is now supported! (And that's actually a breaking change.)

Now, to import React-specific parts (containers or decorators), you need to either import from redux/react or redux/react-native:

// Import utilities and functions from redux
import { createRedux, bindActionCreators } from 'redux';

// Import components and decorators from redux/react
import { provide, Connector } from 'redux/react';

// React Native: Import components and decorators from redux/react-native
import { provide, Connector } from 'redux/react-native';

0.10 release also had a problem with ES6 code inside redux/react and redux/react-native entry points, which is now fixed. Please upgrade if you had problems with 0.10.

Changes introduced in 0.10.1:

  • Connector now throws if select returns something other than a plain object (reduxjs#85)
  • The custom dispatcher API is tweaked so setState now returns the state that was actually set. This makes custom dispatchers more composable. (reduxjs#77)

Happy reducing!

0.10.0 - 2015/06/13


Redux 1.0 is within striking distance! Can you believe how quickly Redux has matured? @rackt made the first commit only 14 days ago.

The 0.10 release is a follow-up to 0.9, with a focus on what we're calling (at least for now) middleware.

You can read all about middleware here. We plan to release some official middleware soon, but of course we'd also love to see middleware created by the community.

Breaking changes

Just a small one: Redux includes a feature that enables you to return a function from an action creator to perform asynchronous dispatches. The function receives a callback and getState() as parameters. This has behavior has been re-implemented as middleware and moved into a separate module called thunkMiddleware(). It is included automatically when using the createRedux(stores) shortcut, but not when using createDispatcher().


We have tests! Still need to improve coverage in a few areas, but we're currently at ~93%. Not bad! Big thanks to @emmenko for setting these up.

0.9.0 - 2015/06/09

Internal Refactoring & Custom Dispatchers

This release brings breaking changes necessary to start experimenting with middleware and extensibility (#6, #55). It does not bring any support for middleware per se, but it untangles “Dispatcher” (a function that tells how actions turn into state updates) from “Redux” (an instance holding the current state and managing subscriptions). It is now possible to specify your own Dispatcher if you want to experiment with ideas like middleware, time travel, action creators returning Promises or Observables, etc.

  • createDispatcher now returns a function you need to give to createRedux
  • createRedux is the primary API you'll use for initialization
  • Instead of dispatcher prop, a dispatch function prop is injected by the <Connector> and @connect
  • Instead of dispatcher prop, <Provider> and @provide accept a redux prop
  • Instead of dispatcher.getAtom(), use redux.getState()
  • Instead of dispatcher.setAtom(), you may pass a second initialState argument to createRedux
  • Instead of dispatcher.perfrorm() or dispatcher.dispatch(), use redux.dispatch()
  • bindActions is renamed to bindActionCreators and accepts dispatch as the second parameter
  • You may skip composeStores and createDispatcher completely and just use createRedux(stores) as a shortcut

How It Looks Like Now


Short Way

This is a shortcut for the most common use case.

import { createRedux, Provider } from 'redux';
import * as stores from '../stores/index';

const redux = createRedux(stores);

export default class App {
  render() {
    return (
      <Provider redux={redux}>
        {() =>
          <CounterApp />
Long Way

This way of writing lets you use compose Stores differently, or even pass a custom Dispatcher function. Its signature is (initialState, setState) => (action) => ().

import { createRedux, createDispatcher, composeStores } from 'redux';
import * as stores from '../stores/index';

// Compose all your Stores into a single Store function with `composeStores`:
const store = composeStores(stores);

// Create a default Dispatcher function for your composite Store:
const dispatcher = createDispatcher(store); // You may use your custom function here

// Create a Redux instance using the dispatcher function:
const redux = createRedux(dispatcher);

export default class App {
  render() {
    return (
      <Provider redux={redux}>
        {() =>
          <CounterApp />

Hydration and dehydration

// server
const redux = createRedux(stores);
redux.dispatch(MyActionCreators.doSomething()); // fire action creators to fill the state
const state = redux.getState(); // somehow pass this state to the client

// client
const initialState = window.STATE_FROM_SERVER;
const redux = createRedux(stores, initialState);

Binding actions

import React from 'react';
import { connect, bindActionCreators } from 'redux';
import Counter from '../components/Counter';
import * as CounterActions from '../actions/CounterActions';

@connect(state => ({
  counter: state.counter
export default class CounterApp {
  render() {
    const { counter, dispatch } = this.props;
    return (
      <Counter counter={counter}
               {...bindActionCreators(CounterActions, dispatch)} />

0.8.1 - 2015/06/06

  • hydrate() and dehydrate() are gone, welcome getAtom() and setAtom() instead
  • initialize() and dispose() are added for advanced use cases
  • changing select function now updates the Connector state
  • the bug with action creators accepting dispatch instead of perform is fixed

0.8.0 - 2015/06/06

The Big Rewrite!

This release wouldn't have happened without this @acdlite's wonderful gist.


  • Now there is just one top Store, but you may compose your Stores using composeStores higher-order Store (seriously.)
  • Dispatcher is now part of the public API and offers (de)hydration for isomorphic apps.
  • Fine-grained subscriptions via the new <Connector select={fn}> prop
  • Less surprising, more consistent API

Read the discussion: reduxjs#46

0.7.0 - 2015/06/06

  • Change second parameter in callback-style action creator from state to read: (Store) => state (#44)
  • Rename: Container -> Injector, @container -> @inject, Root -> Dispatcher, @root -> @dispatch (#20)

0.6.2 - 2015/06/04

  • @container's second parameter now also accepts the props passed to it (#36)
  • <Container /> and <Root /> invoke their this.props.children functions without this.props context

0.6.1 - 2015/06/04

  • Fix incorrect ES6 Map usage (#35)

0.6.0 - 2015/06/04

  • Breaking change: stores now accepts an object, just like actions
  • Breaking change: Container children function signature is now ({ actions, state }) => ...
  • More fine-grained Container props validation

This fixes #22. There is no more prop shape difference between subscribing to a single or to many stores. Your container may now look like this:

<Container stores={{ counter: stores.counterStore }}
           actions={{ increment, decrement }}>
  {({ state, actions }) => <Counter {...state} {...actions} />}

Note that you can change the state shape by giving arbitrary keys to your stores. It's also easier to choose what exactly you want to pass to the component. For example, you could write actions={actions} instead of {...actions}, and get all actions in this.props.actions.

The decorator version is changed the same way:

  actions: { increment, decrement },
  stores: { counter: counterStore }
export default class Counter {

It also now accepts a second transformProps argument to be just as expressive as the component version:

  actions: { increment, decrement },
  stores: { counter: counterStore }
}, ({ actions, state}) => { ...actions, ...state })) // default shape; you can write your own

0.5.1 - 2015/06/03

  • Fix the remaining dependency on the function name (#16)
  • Add a few early invariants

0.5.0 - 2015/06/03

  • Store function names are no longer significant, but you have to pass an object with all your Stores to the root (or Root). Fixes reduxjs#16
import { root } from 'redux';
import * as stores from './stores/index';

export default class TodoApp {
import { root } from 'redux';
import * as stores from './stores/index';

export default class TodoApp {
  render() {
    return (
      <Root stores={stores}>

0.4.0 - 2015/06/03

  • Bring decorators back, now on top of the lower-level container components (reduxjs#15, thanks Florent)
  • Require stores passed to Container to be an array
  • Fix build on Windows (reduxjs#11, thanks Mike)
  • Reduce context footprint (reduxjs#12, thanks Florent again!)

0.3.1 - 2015/06/03

  • Remove old files from build

0.3.0 - 2015/06/03

Complete rewrite.

  • No more strings, now using module bindings for injecting stores and actions
  • Only use decorator for top-level component, keep dumb components pure and testable (reduxjs#5)
  • Remove transaction logic (will be re-implemented on top of reduxjs#6)
// The smart component may inject actions
// and observe stores using <Container />:

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { Root, Container } from 'redux';
import { increment, decrement } from './actions/CounterActions';
import counterStore from './stores/counterStore';
import Counter from './Counter';

export default class CounterContainer {
  render() {
    // stores can be a single store or an array.
    // actions can only be a string -> function map.
    // props passed to children will combine these actions and state.
    return (
      <Container stores={counterStore}
                 actions={{ increment, decrement }}>
        {props => <Counter {...props} />}

Minor caveat: Store function names are now significant.

0.2.2 - 2015/06/02

  • Pass state as a second argument to callback-style action creators

0.2.1 - 2015/06/02

  • Fix @provides not passing its props down

0.2.0 - 2015/06/02

  • Initial public release. See examples in README and the examples folder. Alpha quality :-)