CTD/sampling stations that constitute a section are designated by a station.list
file. Repeat the process in 1.
to prepare station.list
for each occupation.
We use P06
section as an example.
- Download and unzip all CTD files necessary to form one complete section. Both whp_netcdf and exchange are acceptable. For example, three zip files
, andp06w_nc_ctd.zip
are necessary for the P06 1992 section. Unzip the archive in one directory (say,work/P06/1992/
). For whp_netcdf format, useread_ctd_nc.m
in the next step. For exchange format, useread_ctd_exchange.m
. - Start Matlab and run
depending on the downloaded format. In this example, output goes toP06/1992/p06_1992.mat
>> read_ctd_exchange('work/P06/1992/', 'work/P06/p06_1992');
>> load 'work/P06/1992/p06_1992.mat'
- (optional. When JOA data is available for this occupation;) Use JOA application to convert The "Best" Vertical Section Data into the CSV format using
→Export as Spread Sheet
with comma separation. On Mac/Linux, you might need to convert newline characters of the CSV file (e.g.nkf -Lu
>> flagJ = findJstations(stations, 'work/P06/JOA/P06_1992_bottle.csv');
Recent JOA data are provided in CSV -- no conversion is needed. For these CSV data, apply
>> flagJ = findJOAstations(stations, 'work/A25/A25_OVIDE_2004_bot_clean_edited_hy1.csv');
to obtain the flag for JOA file.
- (optional. When Purkey's product is available for this occupation;) Find stations in Purkey's product.
>> load 'work/P06/ctd_all_gridded_P06.mat' % Purkey's product
>> flagP = findPstations(stations, D_ctd(1));
- (optional. When WOCE Atlas header is available for this occupation;) Find stations in WOCE Atlas. For example, the station file for the WOCE occupation of P06 is available here.
>> flagA = findAstations(stations, 'work/P06/Atlas/P06_sta_bdep.txt');
At this stage, it is likely a few (or more!) warnings pop out which have to be manually checked. See P06/README.md, for example.
- Output initial version.
>> station_list(stations, flagJ, flagP, flagA, 'P06/1992/p06_1992.list');
If any flag is missing, use zeros(1,length(stations))
as a dummy.
The station list
's prepared above are the seed of the clean data. Those stations listed in the station list will be incorporated in the output. Those stations commented out will not.
- Use your favourite editor to edit the station list (
). Comment out (by#
) those stations to be excluded. Output fromstation_check.m
might be useful where station distance is calculated and a simple station map is shown.
Edit configuration.m
For each section, the user needs to define the salinity batch offset. It is a function of k
. Here k
is the number shown in the first column of the station list and not the original station number.
It is also necessary to define Matlab functions used in the vertical and horizontal interpolations. Each function must have the following argument list;
interpolated = vertical_interpolator(measured_pressure_p1(:), ...
measured_variable_on_p1(:), ...
[interpolated, bottom_depth] = horizontal_interpolator(measured_latlon(:,:), ...
measured_variable(:,:), ...
bottom_depth_uninterpolated(:), ...
pressure_grid(:), ...
As default options, vinterp.m
and hinterp.m
are provided. The former uses Hanning smoothing and the latter shape-preserving piecewise cubic interpolation following Purkey and Johnson (2010). In configuration.m
, the functions are listed as;
vinterp_handle = @vinterp;
hinterp_handle = @hinterp;
using Matlab's function handle. Feel free to change.
In order to avoid unrealistic interpolated field, the field between two stations more than
degrees part is not interpolated. This paramter is also defined in
. The default is 2 degrees.
It is necessary to use the right configuration.m
file. Here %
is Shell prompt and >>
is Matlab prompt.
% cp P06/configuration_1992.m configuration.m
>> D_reported(1) = reported_data('P06/1992/p06_1992.list', 'P06/1992/p06_1992.mat');
% cp P06/configuration_2003.m configuration.m
>> D_reported(2) = reported_data('P06/2003/p06_2003.list', 'P06/2003/p06_2003.mat');
% cp P06/configuration_2010.m configuration.m
>> D_reported(3) = reported_data('P06/2010/p06_2010.list', 'P06/2010/p06_2010.mat');
% cp P06/configuration_2017.m configuration.m
>> D_reported(4) = reported_data('P06/2017/p06_2017.list', 'P06/2017/p06_2017.mat');
>> save 'output/reported/I05/i05.mat' D_reported
>> reported_WHPX(D_reported(1), 'output/reported/P06/work/P06_1992');
% zip P06_1992_ct1 P06_1992_*.csv
>> reported_WHPX(D_reported(2), 'output/reported/P06/work/P06_2003');
% zip P06_2003_ct1 P06_2003_*.csv
>> reported_WHPX(D_reported(3), 'output/reported/P06/work/P06_2010');
% zip P06_2010_ct1 P06_2010_*.csv
>> reported_WHPX(D_reported(4), 'output/reported/P06/work/P06_2017');
% zip P06_2017_ct1 P06_2017_*.csv
>> pr_grid = [0:10:6500];
>> ll_grid = [153.4:(1/10):288.6];
% cp P06/configuration_1992.m configuration.m
>> D_pr(1) = grid_data_pressure(D_reported(1), ll_grid, pr_grid);
% cp P06/configuration_2003.m configuration.m
>> D_pr(2) = grid_data_pressure(D_reported(2), ll_grid, pr_grid);
% cp P06/configuration_2010.m configuration.m
>> D_pr(3) = grid_data_pressure(D_reported(3), ll_grid, pr_grid);
% cp P06/configuration_2017.m configuration.m
>> D_pr(4) = grid_data_pressure(D_reported(4), ll_grid, pr_grid);
>> save 'output/gridded/P06_gridded.mat' D_pr ll_grid pr_grid
The output can be visualized using e.g. The Generic Mapping Tools.
>> gridded_xyz(D_pr(1), 'output/gridded/P06/P06_1992.xyz', ll_grid, pr_grid);
>> gridded_xyz(D_pr(2), 'output/gridded/P06/P06_2003.xyz', ll_grid, pr_grid);
>> gridded_xyz(D_pr(3), 'output/gridded/P06/P06_2010.xyz', ll_grid, pr_grid);
>> gridded_xyz(D_pr(4), 'output/gridded/P06/P06_2017.xyz', ll_grid, pr_grid);
The data are in 4-byte, big-endian, IEEE754 floats.
The data can be visualized using e.g.
Grid Analysis and Display System (GrADS)
A tentative control file for GrADS is also output, but note
that GrADS is designed for three dimensinal data set (XYZ) and not for
sectional data (XZ or YZ). The control file output from gridded_bin.m
as depth
to avoid unnecesary re-ordering of the binary data set.
>> gridded_bin(D_pr, 'output/gridded/P06/p06.bin', ll_grid, pr_grid);
To output the data to NetCDF
format, use gridded_nc
with the following arguments:
-- line_id
(eg, 'P06') as character array
-- inpath
full path to location of 'gridded' folder under which will sit individual line folders with the gridded mat files
-- repopath
full path to the 'GO-SHIP-Easy-Ocean' repository folder that contains all the code to build the product for each line
-- outfname (optional)
full path to output the netcdf gridded data to. Default is the same as inpath.
>> gridded_nc('P06','output/','./');
This often happens. If depth data are available in the SUM file, follow these steps.
First, extract the depth data with awk
For example
# for I05, 2002
tail -146 i05_74AB20020301su.txt | awk '{print $3, $4, $16}' > i05_2002.depth
# for I05, 2009
cat i05_33rr20090320su.txt | awk '/ROS/ && /BO/ {print $3, $4, $16}' > i05_2009.depth
This depth file can be fed as the 3rd argument of reported_data.m
If depth is one of -999
, 0
, 4
(used in 74AB20020301
), NaN
, and no SUM is available,
assumes the CTD casts were terminated at exactly 10 dbar above the bottom.