copyright | lastupdated | keywords | subcollection | ||
2020-12-17 |
SAP, {{}} SAP-Certified Infrastructure, {{}}, SAP Workloads, SAP Data Hub, {{}}, {{}}, {{}}, {{}}, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, SAP Data Hub on {{}}, data orchestration, data governance, data integration |
sap |
{:shortdesc: .shortdesc} {:codeblock: .codeblock} {:screen: .screen} {:external: target="_blank" .external} {:pre: .pre} {:table: .aria-labeledby="caption"} {:note: .note} {:tip: .tip}
{: #rhos-set-up-cluster}
This topic takes you through the steps of creating the {{}} cluster and your jump host. {: shortdesc}
{: #rhos-before-you-begin}
When you create the {{}} cluster, it is important that the flavor meets SAP's sizing recommendations and your expected workload characeterisitcs, as well as the expected data volumes. The flavor used in this provisioning scenario is appropriate for a test environment. Use this scenario to create your own test environment or adapt the scenario for your needs. Refer to the most recent SAP documentation when creating your cluster. The following implementation scenario is based on Minimum Sizing for SAP Data Hub 2.7{: external}. When planning to setup and deploy a production cluster you must consult Sizing Guide for SAP Data Hub 2.7{: external}.
Please check that your {{}} account is set up to create clusters. For more information and the steps to set up your account, see Prepare to create clusters at the account level.
{: #rhos-provision-clusters}
Use the following steps to create your {{}} cluster. The values used in this scenario are suggestions for a test environment. Select the optional values that will fit your needs.
The Information button provides field-specific information on how to use a field. {: tip}
- Log in to {{}} console{: external} and click Create +.
- Review the {{}} version details, {{}} 3.11.x (stable)
- Check your OCP entitlement - Leave the value set to Purchase additional licenses for this worker pool
- Select Classic for Infrastructure.
- Select Single zone for Availability.
- Select the Geography and the Worker zone based on your geographic location.
- Private VLAN and Public VLAN default based on your zone selections. You can change these values if necessary.
Your clusters, VLAN, and jump host must be in the same worker zone, or data center. {: note}
- Select 8 vCPUs, 32 GB RAM for Flavor and at least 3 Worker nodes per data center for the test environment.
- Enter a Cluster name and optionally Tags.
- In the Summary pane, review the order summary and then click Create.
For additional information on the fields, see Creating a classic standard cluster in the console{: external}.
{: #rhos-provision-jump-host}
The instructions for implementing SAP Data Hub on the {{}} cluster follow SAP Data Hub 2 on OpenShift Container Platform 3{: external}, which lays out the jump host's requirements{: external}. You can either use a suitable jump server that is connected to the {{}} cluster in {{}}, or you can use the following steps to create an {{}} instance to serve as your jump host.
- Once you've confirmed that the {{}} cluster is building, select the Menu icon
> Classic Infrastructure > Device List.
- Click Order devices + -
- Select Virtual Servers for Classic.
- Leave the default values for Type of virtual server, Quantity, and Billing.
- Enter a name, for example jump4sdh, for Hostname. Click Information for formatting specifics.
- Enter a name, for example, for Domain. Domain is the identification string that defines administrative control within the internet. Click Information for formatting specifics.
- Select your Placement group, default is None.
- Select the Location of the data center (zone) where you set up your {{}} cluster.
- Click All profiles and select B1.4x16, which is the minimum requirement.
- Provide your SSH key for SSH Keys or leave the default None. For more information on SSH keys, see About SSH keys{: external}.
- Select Red Hat 7xMinimal (64 bit) - HVM for Image.
- Leave the default values for Attached storage disks and Network interface.
- Click Third-Party Service Agreements and click Create.
Your {{}} cluster and your virtual server should be available in about 15 minutes.
{: #rhos-prepare-jump-host}
Prepare your jump host to connect to the {{}} cluster that you created to host SAP Data Hub. {: shortdesc}
{: #rhos-prepare-jump-host-before}
It's recommended you become familiar with the Managing your {{}} accounts{: external}. Your {{}} user ID must have the cluster Administrator role.
Install the {{}} and {{}} client Command Line Interfaces (CLI)
{: #rhos-jump-host}
Use the following commands to download and install the CLIs you use to configure the connection between your {{}} cluster and your jump host.
Login to the jump host as
and install the {{}} CLIibmcloud
.curl -sL | bash
{: pre} For more information on {{}} CLI, see Getting started with the {{}} CLI and Developer Tools{: external}.
Download and install the {{}} 3.11 CLI oc.
Click here{: external} for the repository of all oc versions. If you are not sure which version to select, navigate to the {{}} console{: external} and look at the Version details for the {{}} cluster you created. For example, 3.11.232, which matches the current version.
Download the appropriate version.
{: pre}
Unpack the {{}} client.
tar -xf oc.tar.gz
{: pre}
Move it to the local executables directory.
mv oc /usr/local/bin
{: pre}
Download and install kubectl. For {{}} 3.11, release v1.11 of kubectl is required.
Download the appropriate version.
curl -LO
{: pre}
Set the executable attribute.
chmod +x ./kubectl
{: pre}
Move it to the local executables directory.
mv kubectl /usr/local/bin
{: pre}
Download a script from The Kubernetes Package Manager{: external} and execute it with the latest release of helm for your SAP Data Hub (SDH) release. The helm version is v2.11.0 for SAP Data Hub 2.4, 2.5, 2.6 and 2.7.
curl --silent | \ DESIRED_VERSION=v2.11.0 bash
{: pre}
Download and install docker through the standard Red Hat repositories.
Enable the appropriate Red Hat repositories.
subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-7-server-rpms \ --enable=rhel-7-server-extras-rpms \ --enable=rhel-7-server-optional-rpms
{: pre}
Install docker and some dependent packages.
yum install -y docker device-mapper-libs device-mapper-event-libs
{: pre} Start the docker process.
systemctl enable --now docker.service
{: pre}
Verify the installation of the {{}} CLI.
ibmcloud dev -v
{: pre}
Example output:
ibmcloud dev version 2.4.0
{: screen} Verify kubectl.
kubectl version
{: pre}
Example output:
Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"11", GitVersion:"v1.11.10", GitCommit: ...
{: screen} Verify docker.
systemctl status docker
{: pre}
Example output:
● docker.service - Docker Application Container Engine Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/docker.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled) Active: active (running) since ...
{: screen}
Log in to {{}}.
ibmcloud login [--sso]
{: pre}
a. If you're logging in to {{}} for the first time, create an {{}} API key file.
The command is
ibmcloud iam api-key-create <APIKeyName> -d <description> --file <APIKeyFilename>
. The API key file will be stored in your current directory.ibmcloud iam api-key-create myAK4sdh -d "This is your API Key for SAP Data Hub" \ --file myAK4sdh_file
{: pre}
b. For all subsequent logins use the API Key file that you created earlier during step a. The command is
ibmcloud login --apikey @<APIKeyFilename>
.ibmcloud login --apikey @myAK4sdh_file
{: pre}
{: #rhos-access-cluster}
After logging in to the jump host you must complete the following steps before you can work with your cluster.
Determine the cluster ID on which you want to install SAP Data Hub.
ibmcloud oc cluster ls
{: pre}
Name ID State Created Workers ... RH_OS_DataHub_SAP_Test bm****************kg normal 3 months ago 3 ...
{: screen}
Download the Kubernetes configuration files and certificates to connect to your cluster.
The command is
ibmcloud oc cluster config --cluster <clusterID> --admin
. Copy the cluster ID from the previous step.You can copy the export command from the response of the
ibmcloud oc
cluster config command. {: note}ibmcloud oc cluster config --cluster bm****************kg --admin
{: pre}
export KUBECONFIG=/root/.bluemix/plugins/container-service/clusters/......-RH_OS_DataHub_SAP_Test.yml
{: pre}
You have created an {{}} cluster and prepared the jump host.
{: #rhos-configure-dynamic-storage-provider}
Dynamic volume provisioning allows storage volumes to be created on-demand. {{}} provides several storage classes that can be used as storage providers. {: shortdesc}
Use the steps below to define the default {{}} storage class.
- Select the appropriate storage class that will fit your needs.
For SAP Data Hub the ibmc-block-bronze
storage class is recommended.
{: note}
Remove the current default storage class:
oc annotate sc --all \
{: pre}
Run the following command to define
as the default storage class.oc annotate storageclass ibmc-block-bronze
{: pre}
The SAP Data Hub installation command lets you provide different storage classes for the different SAP Data Hub storage types. {: note}
{: #rhos-set-up-external-image-registry}
In Install the {{}} and OpenShift client Command Line Interfaces (CLI), you installed the {{}} CLI, which installed the CLI plug-ins for {{}} and {{}}. Next, you'll set up the external image registry. {: shortdesc}
Use the following commands to set up the external image registry.
Log in to {{}} with your API key file that you have generated in step 7a in the section Install the {{}} and OpenShift client Command Line Interfaces (CLI).
ibmcloud login --apikey @myAK4sdh_file
{: pre}
Create a new {{}} namespace,
ibmcloud cr namespace-add <my_namespace>
. For this example, the namespace name issdh_cr_os
, which is an acronym for SAP Data Hub - Container Registry - OpenShift.ibmcloud cr namespace-add sdh_cr_os
{: pre}
Verify that the namespace is created.
ibmcloud cr namespace-list
{: pre}
{: #rhos-next-steps-external-image-registry}
Complete the setup following Red Hat instructions and then continue to deployment:
Go to the Red Hat article and do these steps:
RHA Allow administrator to manage SDH resources{: external}
RHA Create privileged tiller service account{: external}
RHA Initialize helm{: external}
RHA Create sdh project{: external}
Skip step RHA Granting privileges to sdh admin{: external}.
Continue with Deploying Red Hat's SAP Data Hub (SDH) Observer.