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Automate SAP bastion server – SAP media storage repository

{: #sap-bastion-server}

This task describes how to do an automated deployment of SAP bastion and storage setup on top of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.4. It shows how to deploy an IBM Cloud Gen2 VPC with a bastion host with secure remote SSH access. In SAP Terraform and Ansible deployments, the bastion host is used to give external administrative access to the other servers and applications. The bastion server is accessed through the Floating IP. The bastion server includes a customizable security group and subnet to enable access to the same region zones on its dedicated SAP/DBs and the VSI's IPs and ports. The Floating IP also allows the bastion host access to the internet so the sap and DB kits can be downloaded.

Before you decide which SAP automated solution you want to deploy in IBM Cloud VPC, run the bastion server automated deployment. You need to specify the amount of dedicated storage that is needed to download and store the SAP kits. The SAP kits are used to deploy wanted SAP solution from the IBM Cloud VPC automated SAP solutions pool. The bastion server in IBM cloud is primarily used for SAP solution deployment. It can be used as a Jump Host, for example, to maintain and administer all SAP solutions within its respective IBM Cloud VPC region.

Each customer is given an SAP S-user that reflects their contractual details with SAP, including:

  • SAP support
  • SNotes
  • System maintenance
  • Generate and maintain SAP and DB licenses
  • Migrations keys

It is the customer's responsibility to download and prepare the necessary SAP kits from SAP launchpad support and store them on the dedicated and customizable storage. The SAP kits are used during automated deployment when Ansible is called.

Figure 1. Standard Bastion server with SAP NetWeaver 7.x HANA single-host installation with AAS{: caption="Figure 1. Standard Bastion server SAP NetWeaver 7.x HANA single-host installation with AAS" caption-side="bottom"}

Solution implemented

{: #bastion-solution-implemented}

The Bastion server is used for remote software installation by using Terraform remote-exec and Ansible playbooks that are run by Schematics.

The Terraform modules implement a 'reasonable' set of best practices for bastion host configuration only. Your own Organization might have more requirements that you must apply before the deployment.

It contains:

  • Terraform scripts for deploying a VPC, Subnet, Security Group with rules, a volume, and a VSI.
  • Bash scripts to install the prerequisites for SAP BASTION&STORAGE VSI and other SAP solutions.

VPC Configuration

{: #sap-bastion-vpc-config}

The Security Rules are:

  • Allow all traffic in the Security group
  • Allow all outbound traffic
  • Allow inbound DNS traffic (UDP port 53)
  • Allow inbound SSH traffic (TCP port 22)
  • Option to Allow inbound TCP traffic with a custom port or a range of ports.

VSI Configuration

{: #sap-bastion-vso-config}

The VSI is configured with Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.4 (amd64), has a minimal of two SSH keys that are configured to be accessed by the root user and one storage volume.

Software configuration

{: #sap-bastion-software-config}

  • Terraform - an open source infrastructure as code software tool created by HashiCorp
  • Ansible - an open source software provisioning and configuration management tool.
  • The IBM Cloud Command Line Interface provides commands for managing resources in IBM Cloud.

Bastion input variables

{: #sap-bastion-input-vars}

Parameter Description
ibmcloud_api_key IBM Cloud API key (Sensitive* value).
private_ssh_key The id_rsa private key content from your local machine (Sensitive* value).
REGION The cloud region where to deploy the resources. For more information about regions and zones for VPC, see Locations. Review the supported locations in IBM Cloud Schematics that are listed in Locations and endpoints. Sample value: eu-de.
ZONE The cloud zone where to deploy the solution. Sample value: eu-de-2.
VPC_EXISTS Specify whether the chosen VPC exists (enter 'yes' or 'no'). If you choose 'no', the VPC is created.
SUBNET_EXISTS Specify whether the chosen SUBNET/SECURITYGROUP exist (use 'yes' or 'no'). If you choose 'no', a SUBNET/SECURITYGROUP with OPEN PORTS is created in the specified VPC.
ADD_OPEN_PORTS_IN_NEW_SUBNET Create new port/s only if a NEW SUBNET is created, use 'yes' or 'no'.
OPEN_PORT_MINIMUM (Required, Integer) The TCP port range that includes the minimum value. Valid values are 1 - 65535.
OPEN_PORT_MAXIMUM (Required, Integer) The TCP port range that includes the maximum value. Valid values are 1 - 65535.
VPC The name of the VPC. View the list of available VPCs on the IBM Cloud Console Virtual private clouds page.
SUBNET The name of the Subnet. View the list of available Subnets on the IBM Cloud Console [Subnets] ( page.
SECURITYGROUP The name of the Security Group. View the list of available Security Groups on the IBM Cloud Console Security groups for VPC page.
HOSTNAME The hostname for the VSI. The hostname must have up to 13 characters.
PROFILE The profile used for the VSI. For more information about profiles, see Instance profiles. Default value: "bx2-2x8".
IMAGE The OS image used for the VSI. For more information about available images, see Virtual server images. Default value: ibm-redhat-8-4-minimal-amd64-1.
SSH_KEYS List of SSH Keys IDs that are allowed to SSH as root to the VSI. Can contain one or more IDs. View the list of available SSH Keys on the IBM Cloud Console SSH keys for VPC page. Sample input (use your own SSH IDs from IBM Cloud): [ "r010-57bfc315-f9e5-46bf-bf61-d87a24a9ce7a", "r010-3fcd9fe7-d4a7-41ce-8bb3-d96e936b2c7e" ]
VOL1 [ number ] The size for the disk in GB to be attached to the BASTION VSI as storage for the SAP deployment kits. The mount point for the new volume is: "/storage". Default value: 100 GB.

Sensitive* - The variable value is not displayed in your workspace details after it is stored. Make sure to select Sensitive on the Settings page for all fields marked "Sensitive".

VOL1 [ number ] variable represents the defined customer size of the storage that is needed to store downloaded SAP kits before you run the automated SAP deployment. The storage size can be customized when you deploy the bastion SAP VPC and VSI. Default storage that is allocated is 100 Gb. {: note}

Before you begin

{: #sap-bastion-before-begin}

  1. To complete this procedure, you need a general understanding of IBM VPC and VSIs. To run the example in IBM Cloud Schematics, you need an IBM Cloud account. The deployed resources are chargeable.

  2. Create or retrieve an IBM Cloud API key. The API key is used to authenticate with the IBM Cloud platform and to determine your permissions for IBM Cloud services.

  3. Be sure that you have the required IBM Cloud IAM permissions to create and work with VPC infrastructure and you are assigned the correct permissions to create the workspace and deploy resources.

  4. Generate an SSH key. The SSH key is required to access the provisioned VPC virtual server instances through the bastion host. After you create your SSH key, make sure to upload this SSH key to your IBM Cloud account in the VPC region and resource group where you want to deploy the bastion server.

  5. Identify the correct URL to Schematics use for this solution. Check the public GitHub repo and locate the URL for the bastion setup folder.

  6. Check the readme file for the version of Terraform to use.


  1. From the IBM Cloud menu, select Schematics.
  2. Click Create workspace.
  3. On the Specify template page:
    • Enter the URL of bastion setup folder.
    • Select the Terraform version that is listed in the readme file.
    • Click Next.
  4. On the Workspace details page:
    • Enter a name for the workspace.
    • Select a Resource group.
    • Select a Location for your workspace. The workspace location does not have to match the resource location.
    • Select Next.
  5. Select Create to create your workspace.
  6. On the workspace Settings page, in the Input variables section, review the default input variables and provide values that match your solution:
    • Your API key
    • Your private SSH key from your local machine
    • The ID for the SSH key that you created and uploaded to IBM Cloud.
    • The Region for your resources
    • The Zone for your resources
    • Whether to use an existing VPC or create one
    • Whether to use an existing subnet
    • Whether to create new port only when a new subnet is created
    • TCP port range, nimimun and maximum
    • VPC name
    • Subnet name
    • Security group name
    • Hostname
    • Profile
    • Image
    • Minimal recommended disk sizes.
    • Click Save changes.
  7. On the workspace Settings page, click Generate plan. Wait for the plan to complete.
  8. Click View log to review the log files of your Terraform execution plan.
  9. Apply your Terraform template by clicking Apply plan.
  10. Review the log file to ensure that no errors occurred during the provisioning, modification, or deletion process.