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BayesianApproxHSMM contains the stan software (as well as R utilities) to model time series and sequential data using a Bayesian HMM that is a reformulation of any given HSMM as detailed in "Bayesian Approximations to Hidden Semi-Markov Models for Telemetric Monitoring of Physical Activity" (2022) by B.Hadj-Amar, J.Jewson, M.Fiecas. The article and supplemental material can be found at

  • Main Inference Scripts:
tutorial.Rmd, case_study.Rmd, case_study_frequency.jl


This software is illustrated in two studies. First, in tutorial.Rmd we generate data from a three state HSMM with Gaussian emission and Poisson dwell durations. Estimation procedures are carried out using both frequentist (EM) and Bayesian approaches, where we validate each model using several diagnostic tools. We also illustrate the use of Bayes factors for model selection between our proposed approach and the HMM. Second, in case_study.Rmd we analyze the physical activity time series that was investigated using a frequentist HMM by Huang et al. (2018). We seek to conduct a similar study but within a Bayesian framework and considering the extra flexibility afforded by our proposed methodology to investigate departures from the HMM.

We implemented code for the following dwell durations: geometric (i.e. HMM), poisson, negative-binomial and the unstructured start geometric tail distribution (Sansom and Thomson, 2001). The probabilistic programming framework associated with stan makes it easy for practitioners to consider further dwell distributions to the ones considered here. Users need only to change the corresponding function in our stan files. Moreover, the stan modelling language implements compressed row storage sparse matrix representation and multiplication, which provides considerable speed up when the sparsity is greater than 90%. In our applied scenario we consider dwell-approximation thresholds as big as a = (150,10,10) with sparsity of greater than 98% allowing us to take considerable advantage of this formulation.

Example - BayesApproxHSMM

Here is an example for using our (stan) software in R from tutorial.Rmd.

K <- 3 # n states 
m <- rep(5, K) # dwell threshold

data.stan <- list(N = length(obs), K = K, y = obs,
                  m = m,  mu_0 = rep(mean(obs), K), 
                  sigma_0 = 2, a_0 = rep(0.01, K), b_0 = rep(0.01, K),
                  alpha_0 = matrix(1, nrow = K, ncol = K-1))

if ((K / sum(m) < 0.1)) {
  stan_path <- "stan/bayesHSMMapprox_GaussEmis_PoissDur.stan"
} else {
  stan_path <- "stan/bayesHSMMapprox_GaussEmis_PoissDur_sparse.stan"

HSMM.stan <- stan(file = stan_path, data = data.stan, 
                 init = function(){HSMM.init.stan(K, obs, rep(10, K))}, 
                 warmup = 1000, chains = 1, iter = (1+5)*1000, cores = 1, 
                 control = list(adapt_delta=0.99, stepsize=0.01, max_treedepth = 20))
sims <- extract(HSMM.stan)
HSMM.predictive.plot(sims, obs, m, ndraw = 50)

Identifying the Periodicity

We have also developed a (high-performance) software written in Julia v1.6 to identify the frequency that drives the overall variation in the time series. We ran the sampler for 5000 iterations which took around 3 seconds on an Intel®CoreTMi5 2 GHz Processor 16 GB RAM. An example of our implementation case_study_frequency.jl is given below, where we also highlight the visual output of our software: (left) the trace plot (after burn-in) of the posterior sample of the frequency, noting that the acceptance rate was 28%; (right) 20 draws from the posterior predictive distribution of the stationary periodic model, as well as the posterior mean of the oscillatory signal.

M = 1 # number of frequencies
GibbsSamplerOscillatory(obs, M, N_MCMC, hyperparms; plt = true)

Contact Information and Acknowledgments

BayesianApproxHSMM was developed by Beniamino Hadj-Amar ([email protected]) and Jack Jewson ([email protected]). Parts of this software were adapted from "Hidden Markov Models for Time Series" (Zucchini et al., 2017), "Hidden Markov Models" (Stan User's Guide, Sec.2.6), "Bayesian Model Search for Nonstationary Periodic Time Series" (Hadj-Amar et al., 2019).