A project made using PHP and SQLite
This project uses SQLite for the database and uses PHP to process the data. You can access the version of the same project with only HTML, CSS and JS codes using LocalStorage from my profile or from the link below.
Activating SQLite functions for XAMPP
I used XAMPP while preparing this project. SQLite functions are disabled in XAMPP. To activate these, we need to edit the ";extension=sqlite3" section in the php.ini file as "extension=sqlite3" and save the text document. To turn off the feature, just put "; (semicolon)" in front of it again. If you are using another program for the server rather than XAMPP, you can get help from Google to enable the SQLite feature.
(NEW!) You can create a new user. Separate todo tables are created for each user created. When creating a user, the same email can only be used once and passwords are hashed and kept.
You can add new to do
You can edit and delete a to do
You can search to do