Netverify SDK offers scanning and authentication of government issued IDs.
For breaking technical changes, please read our transition guide.
The basic setup is required before continuing with the following setup for Netverify.
Log into the Jumio Customer Portal. You will find your API token and API secret on the "Settings" page under "API credentials". We strongly recommend that you store your credentials outside your app. If the token and secret are not set in the NetverifyConfiguration
object, an exception will be thrown. Please note that in Swift you need to catch the underlying exception and translate it into a NSError
Whenever an exception is thrown, the NetverifyViewController
instance will be nil and the SDK is not usable. Make sure that all necessary configuration is set before the NetverifyConfiguration
instance is passed to the initializer.
NetverifyConfiguration *config = [NetverifyConfiguration new];
config.apiToken = @"YOURAPITOKEN";
config.apiSecret = @"YOURAPISECRET";
config.dataCenter = JumioDataCenterEU; // Set this parameter to match the data center where your account is registered.
config.delegate = self;
NetverifyViewController *netverifyViewController;
@try {
netverifyViewController = [[NetverifyViewController alloc] initWithConfiguration:config];
} @catch (NSException *exception) {
The default data center is JumioDataCenterUS. If your customer account is in the EU data center, use JumioDataCenterEU instead. Alternatively use JumioDataCenterSG for Singapore.
Make sure initialization and presentation are timely within one minute. On iPads, the presentation style UIModalPresentationFormSheet
is default and mandatory.
[self presentViewController: netverifyViewController animated: YES completion: nil];
We advice to prevent our SDK to be run on jailbroken devices. Either use the method below or a self-devised check to prevent usage of SDK scanning functionality on jailbroken devices:
[JumioDeviceInfo isJailbrokenDevice]
By default the Jumio SDK enables Netverify which performs a full ID verification in the default mode.
Use ID verification to receive a verification status and verified data positions (see Callback for Netverify). Ensure that your customer account is allowed to use this feature. A callback URL can be specified for individual transactions (for constraints see chapter Callback URL). This setting overrides any callback URL you have set in the Jumio Customer Portal.
Note: Not available for accounts configured as Fastfill only.
config.callbackUrl = @"YOURCALLBACKURL";
Set the following setting to switch to Fastfill mode (which performs data extraction only):
config.enableVerification = NO;
Identity Verification is automatically enabled if it is activated for your account. Make sure to link NetverifyFace.framework and ZoomAuthenticationHybrid.framework to your app project.
Note: The new 3D face liveness capturing technology is not optimised for iPads or when using our SDK in combination with Custom UI. When using Identity Verification the Selfie scanner will fallback to a simple face capturing functionality instead. Portrait orientation support is required in your app.
Set the following setting to disable Identity Verification on a transaction level:
config.enableIdentityVerification = NO;
You can specify issuing country (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country code), ID type, and/or document variant. When all three parameters are preselected, the document selection screen in the SDK can be skipped entirely.
Note: Fastfill does not support paper IDs, except German ID cards.
config.preselectedCountry = @"AUT";
config.preselectedDocumentTypes = NetverifyDocumentTypePassport | NetverifyDocumentTypeVisa;
config.preselectedDocumentVariant = NetverifyDocumentVariantPlastic;
The merchant scan reference allows you to specify your own unique identifier for the scan (max. 100 characters).
Note: Must not contain sensitive data like PII (Personally Identifiable Information) or account login.
config.customerInternalReference = @"YOUR_CUSTOMER_REFERENCE";
Use the following property to identify the scan in your reports (max. 100 characters).
config.reportingCriteria = @"YOUR_REPORTING_CRITERIA";
You can also set a unique identifier for each of your customers (max. 100 characters).
Note: Must not contain sensitive data like PII (Personally Identifiable Information) or account login.
config.userReference = @"YOUR_USER_REFERENCE";
Set watchlist screening on transaction level. Enable to override the default search, or disable watchlist screening for this transaction. When enabled, specify a search profile.
config.watchlistScreening = NetverifyWatchlistScreeningEnabled;
config.watchlistSearchProfile = @"YOUR_SEARCH_PROFILE";
Use the following setting to explicitly send debug information to Jumio.
config.sendDebugInfoToJumio = YES;
Note: Only set this property to true if you are asked by Jumio Support.
When sendDebugInfoToJumio
is enabled, get debugID
shortly before dismissing the SDK to receive the current debug session ID.
NSUUID *debugSessionID = self.netverifyViewController.debugID;
If you want to use the SDK in offline mode please contact Jumio Support at [email protected] or Once this feature is enabled for your account, you can find your offline token in your Jumio customer portal on the "Settings" page in the "API credentials" section.
config.offlineToken = @"YOUROFFLINETOKEN";
An exception will be thrown at initialization time and the NetverifyViewController
instance will be nil if:
- the bundle identifier of your app does not match with the token
- the token is expired
- the wrong product is used
- the token itself is invalid
When using Fastfill (enableVerification=NO), you can limit data extraction to be done on the device only by enabling dataExtractionOnMobileOnly
config.dataExtractionOnMobileOnly = YES;
Use cameraPosition
to set the default camera (front or back).
config.cameraPosition = JumioCameraPositionFront;
The style of the status bar can be specified.
config.statusBarStyle = UIStatusBarStyleLightContent;
The SDK can be customized to fit your application’s look and feel via the UIAppearance pattern. Check out our sample project on how to use it.
- General: disable blur, blur style, background color, foreground color, font
- Navigation bar: title image, title color, tint color and bar tint color
- Positive button (Submit): title color and background
- Negative button (Cancel): title color and background
- Fallback button (Detection not working): title color and background
- Scan Options button: title color and background
- Camera and flash toggle button: title color and background
- Scan overlay - ID scanning: standard color, valid color, invalid color and scan background color
- Scan overlay - 3D face liveness: oval, progress and background + text color of feedback view
Note: Customizations should be applied before the SDK is initialized.
Jumio Surface is a web tool that allows you to apply and visualize, in real-time, all available customization options. It also provides an export feature to save your applied changes, so you can import them directly into your codebase.
Implement the delegate methods of the NetverifyViewControllerDelegate
protocol to be notified of successful initialization, successful scans, and error situations. Dismiss the NetverifyViewController
instance in your app in case of success or error.
When this method is fired, the SDK has finished initialization and loading tasks, and is ready to use. The error object is only set when an error has occurred (e.g. wrong credentials are set or a network error occurred).
- (void) netverifyViewController: (NetverifyViewController*) netverifyViewController didFinishInitializingWithError:(NetverifyError*) error {
if (error) {
NSString* errorCode = error.code;
NSString* errorMessage = error.message
Upon success, the extracted document data is returned, including its scan reference.
- (void) netverifyViewController: (NetverifyViewController*) netverifyViewController didFinishWithDocumentData: (NetverifyDocumentData*) documentData scanReference: (NSString*) scanReference {
This method is fired when the user presses the cancel button during the workflow or in an error situation. The parameter error
contains an error code and a message. The corresponding scan reference is also available.
- (void) netverifyViewController: (NetverifyViewController*) netverifyViewController didCancelWithError: (NetverifyError*) error scanReference: (NSString*) scanReference {
NSString* errorCode = error.code;
NSString* errorMessage = error.message
After the SDK was dismissed and especially if you want to create a new instance of NetverifyViewController make sure to call destroy
to ensure proper cleanup of the SDK.
[self.netverifyViewController destroy];
self.netverifyViewController = nil;
Important: only call destroy
after netverifyViewController:didFinishWithDocumentData:scanReference:
or netverifyViewController:didCancelWithError:scanReference:
was called to ensure that Netverify SDK is in a final state. Setting NetverifyViewController
to nil is essential to free memory as soon as possible.
The following tables give information on the specification of all document data parameters and errors.
Class NetverifyDocumentData:
Parameter | Type | Max. length | Description |
selectedCountry | NSString | 3 | ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country code as provided or selected |
selectedDocumentType | NetverifyDocumentType | Passport, DriverLicense, IdentityCard and Visa | |
idNumber | NSString | 100 | Identification number of the document |
personalNumber | NSString | 14 | Personal number of the document |
issuingDate | NSDate | Date of issue | |
expiryDate | NSDate | Date of expiry | |
issuingCountry | NSString | 3 | Country of issue as ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country code |
lastName | NSString | 100 | Last name of the customer |
firstName | NSString | 100 | First name of the customer |
dob | NSDate | Date of birth | |
gender | NetverifyGender | Gender M, F, or X | |
originatingCountry | NSString | 3 | Country of origin as ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country code |
addressLine | NSString | 64 | Street name |
subdivision | NSString | 3 | Last three characters of ISO 3166-2:US or ISO 3166-2:CA subdivision code |
postCode | NSString | 15 | Postal code |
mrzData | NetverifyMrzData | MRZ data, see table below | |
optionalData1 | NSString | 50 | Optional field of MRZ line 1 |
optionalData2 | NSString | 50 | Optional field of MRZ line 2 |
placeOfBirth | NSString | 255 | Place of birth |
extractionMethod | NetverifyExtractionMethod | Extraction method used during scanning (MRZ, OCR, BARCODE, BARCODE_OCR or NONE) |
Class NetverifyMrzData
Parameter | Type | Max. length | Description |
format | NetverifyMRZFormat | ||
line1 | NSString | 50 | MRZ line 1 |
line2 | NSString | 50 | MRZ line 2 |
line3 | NSString | 50 | MRZ line 3 |
idNumberValid | BOOL | True if ID number check digit is valid, otherwise false | |
dobValid | BOOL | True if date of birth check digit is valid, otherwise false | |
expiryDateValid | BOOL | True if date of expiry check digit is valid or not available, otherwise false | |
personalNumberValid | BOOL | True if personal number check digit is valid or not available, otherwise false | |
compositeValid | BOOL | True if composite check digit is valid, otherwise false |
Error codes that are available via the code
property of the NetverifyError object:
Code | Message | Description |
A[x][yyyy] | We have encountered a network communication problem | Retry possible, user decided to cancel |
B[x][yyyy] | Authentication failed | Secure connection could not be established, retry impossible |
C[x]0401 | Authentication failed | API credentials invalid, retry impossible |
E[x]0000 | No Internet connection available | Retry possible, user decided to cancel |
F00000 | Scanning not available at this time, please contact the app vendor | Resources cannot be loaded, retry impossible |
G00000 | Cancelled by end-user | No error occurred |
H00000 | The camera is currently not available | Camera cannot be initialized, retry impossible |
I00000 | Certificate not valid anymore. Please update your application | End-to-end encryption key not valid anymore, retry impossible |
J00000 | Transaction already finished | User did not complete SDK journey within session lifetime |
Y00000 | The barcode of your document didn´t contain your address, turn your document and scan the front. | Only Custom UI: Scanned Barcode (e.g. US Driver License) does not contain address information. Show hint and/or call retryAfterError |
Z00000 | You recently scanned the front of your document. Please flip your document and scan the back. | Only Custom UI: Backside of the document was scanned but most likely the frontside of the document was detected. Show hint and/or call retryAfterError |
The first letter (A-J) represents the error case. The remaining characters are represented by numbers that contain information helping us understand the problem situation ([x][yyyy]). Please always include the whole code when filing an error related issue to our support team.
Netverify can also be implemented as a custom scan view. This means that only the scan view controllers (including the scan overlays) are provided by the SDK. The handling of the lifecycle, document selection, readability confirmation, error handling, and all other steps necessary to complete a scan have to be handled by the client application that implements the SDK.
The following sequence diagram outlines the components, callbacks and user flow for a basic Netverify scan:
To use the custom UI with a plain scanning user interface, specify an instance of your class which implements the NetverifyUIControllerDelegate
. Initialize the SDK by creating a NetverifyUIController
by passing your customised NetverifyConfiguration
object to its constructor. Please note that instead of the delegate
property, customUIDelegate
has to be set in the configuration object.
NetverifyConfiguration *config = [NetverifyConfiguration new];
config.apiToken = @"YOURAPITOKEN";
config.apiSecret = @"YOURAPISECRET";
config.dataCenter = JumioDataCenterEU; // Change this parameter if your account is in the EU data center. Default is US.
config.customUIDelegate = self;
NetverifyUIController *netverifyUIController;
@try {
netverifyUIController = [[NetverifyUIController alloc] initWithConfiguration:config];
} @catch (NSException *exception) {
After initializing, the SDK is set up and loads all necessary resources for scanning. As soon as setup is complete and the required information is loaded, the following delegate method is called and returns the available countries and documentTypes. Only the NetverifyCountry
-Objects and NetverifyDocument
-Objects which validate with the settings used in the NetverifyConfiguration
will be returned here. This method is only called when there is more than one option available to select.
- (void) netverifyUIController: (NetverifyUIController* _Nonnull) netverifyUIController didDetermineAvailableCountries:(NSArray * _Nonnull)countries suggestedCountry:(NetverifyCountry * _Nullable)country {
//display your UI elements here
NetverifyCountry contains the following information:
@property (strong, nonatomic, readonly) NSString* _Nonnull code; //The ISO 3166-1 Alpha 3 code
@property (strong, nonatomic, readonly) NSString* _Nonnull name; //The localized country name according to the locale of the device
@property (nonnull, strong, nonatomic, readonly) NSArray<NetverifyDocument*>* documents; //List of pre-filtered NetverifyDocuments available of this country.
NetverifyDocument contains the following information:
@property (strong, nonatomic, readonly) NSString* _Nonnull code; //The ISO 3166-1 Alpha 3 code
@property (nonatomic, assign, readonly) NetverifyDocumentType type; //The type of the document
@property (nonatomic, assign) NetverifyDocumentVariant selectedVariant; //This property has to be set before calling setupWithDocument:
in NetverifyUIControllerDelegate
is invoked when the end-user’s consent to Jumio’s privacy policy is legally required. userConsentGiven:
needs to be called after the end-user has accepted.
Use this method to set up the NetverifyUIController correctly before any scan view can be displayed. Provide one NetverifyDocument via setupWithDocument:
delegate method. Please note that when a paper-format document is used, selectedVariant has to be set in advance by calling the following method:
- (void) setupWithDocument:(NetverifyDocument* _Nonnull)document;
After setupWithDocument:
is called on NetverifyUIController, the necessary scan view controllers are determined. While the order of the scan view controllers (Front, Back, Face) is predefined, only the required ones will be returned in this method. The NetverifyCustomScanViewController
instance is to be presented and dismissed by the client application. Modal presentation style should be used.
- (void) netverifyUIController: (NetverifyUIController* _Nonnull) netverifyUIController didDetermineNextScanViewController:(NetverifyCustomScanViewController* _Nonnull)scanViewController isFallback:(BOOL)isFallback {
scanViewController.customScanViewControllerDelegate = self;
//present scanViewController modally
[self presentViewController:scanViewController animated:YES completion:^{
//add your own elements on scanViewController.customOverlayLayer
As soon as netverifyScanViewController is presented you can add your own UI elements to the customOverlayLayer
. Make sure that you only add subviews to the customOverlayLayer
view, which is drawn fullscreen over the cameraPreview and overlays necessary for scanning (e.g. passport MRZ Overlay). Please use overlayFrame
which returns a CGRect and indicates at what area the preview must be visible.
When displaying fullscreen help, the capturing process can be paused via pauseScan
and restarted via retryScan
. Please note that only the detection is paused. The camera preview continues to display the current camera feed.
Each NetverifyCustomScanViewController
returns a scan mode, which indicates what type of scanView is displayed.
NetverifyScanMode values: MRZ
, Barcode
, 3DLiveness
, FaceCapture
, Manual
, OCR_Template
Please note that when a manual scan view is displayed, a shutter button also has to be displayed. Use isImagePicker
to check if a button needs to be displayed, and call takeImage
as target action when the shutter button is tapped.
Use hasFlash
, isFlashOn
, canToggleFlash
, and toggleFlash
to handle the flash mode.
Use hasMultipleCameras
, currentCameraPosition
, canSwitchCamera
, and switchCamera
to determine and change camera position.
For scan mode 3DLiveness
and FaceCapture
, only front facing camera can be used.
The NetverifyCustomScanViewController
can also be used to receive the suggested help texts.
Via localizedShortHelpText
and localizedLongHelpText
variations of the help texts can be received.
returns the running number of scan view controllers, and, in combination with totalSteps
, it can be used to display the progress in the workflow.
In some rare cases, scanning might not be possible for the end-user (e.g. their driver license has no barcode on the back).
Therefore we suggest displaying a button in case isFallbackAvailable
is true. Call switchToFallback
after the user has pressed it.
When calling, a new scan view controller will be returned scanning the same scan side of the document.
NetverifyScanSide values: Front
, Back
, Face
Please see the sample implementation in our sample project.
Make sure to also implement the NetverifyCustomScanViewControllerDelegate
protocol and set the customScanViewControllerDelegate
to the received scanViewController before presenting.
When the scanner has a help animation, the delegate netverifyCustomScanViewController:shouldDisplayHelpWithText:animationView:forReason:
is called. A help text and animated view is provided, relevant to the scanner type, that can be shown to assist the user.
For some countries, end-users need to be informed about some legal constraints before scanning. In this case netverifyCustomScanViewController:shouldDisplayLegalAdvice:completion:
is called. Make sure to display the message provided via this call.
After a successful scan, it makes sense to present the captured image and ask to finally confirm that the image should be used. In this case netverifyCustomScanViewController:shouldDisplayConfirmationWithImageView:type:text:confirmation:retake:
is called. Simply add this view as subview and it will draw itself accordingly. We suggest asking the user if the image is readable and properly aligned to prevent bad quality images. Continue with calling one of the two provided blocks. Calling imageSize
on NetverifyConfirmationImageView
will return the size of the displayed image.
defines the reason for the confirmation to be displayed to the enduser.
Generic confirmation to check if everything is readable and glare freeNetverifyConfirmationTypeCheckDocumentSide
The user should confirm that the scanned side matches the requested oneNetverifyConfirmationTypeAnalyzing
Document is being analyzed, the user should not be able to confirm or retakeNetverifyConfirmationTypeAnalyzingResponsePass
Analysis passed document, the user should be able to confirmNetverifyConfirmationTypeAnalyzingResponseReject
Analysis rejected document, the user should be able to retry
For manual image capturing: to notify the user that the image is blurry and therefore can't be taken implement netverifyCustomScanViewController:shouldDisplayBlurHint:
For special case of US Driver license missing an address in the barcode, make sure to implement netverifyCustomScanViewController:shouldDisplayNoUSAddressFoundHint:confirmation:
For handling of the 3D-Liveness workflow, two additional delegates are required to be implemented and handled. When the user has finished the scanning process and biometric data is being analysed, netverifyCustomScanViewControllerStartedBiometricAnalysis:
is fired. We recommend to display a loading activity info to the user that should not last longer than a few seconds. When successful, scanning is being finalized (see paragraph below).
In case of an unsuccessful result, that can also happen before biometric analysis is started, the delegate netverifyCustomScanViewController:shouldDisplayHelpWithText:animationView:forReason:
is called. A help text and animated view is provided based on the problematic situation the user was facing, that is important to be displayed in order to assist the user to finish 3D-Liveness successfully. To let the user confirm the help information and retry in the workflow, simply call retryScan
on the customScanView
parameter provided in the delegate.
When all necessary parts are captured netverifyUIControllerDidCaptureAllParts:
is called. Be aware that network tasks are still ongoing. We advise showing a loading animation, as in case of a network error further action is required (retry or cancel).
Upon netverifyUIController:didDetermineError:retryPossible:
every error that leaves the SDK in a pending state is forwarded.
By calling retryAfterError
, the process that leads to the error can be retried. With cancel
, the whole SDK workflow is canceled. Please see how this is handled in the the sample implementation for more information.
The delegate method netverifyUIController:didFinishWithDocumentData:scanReference:
for successful SDK workflows and netverifyUIController:didCancelWithError:scanReference:
for aborted SDK workflows must be implemented to handle final result data.
Please find the section Retrieving information to see more about returning extracted data.
Call cancel
to abort the workflow, this will automatically evoke netverifyUIController:didCancelWithError:scanReference:
to reach a final state of the SDK.
After the SDK was dismissed and especially if you want to create a new instance of NetverifyUIController make sure to call destroy
to ensure proper cleanup of the SDK.
[self.netverifyUIController destroy];
self.netverifyUIController = nil;
Important: only call destroy
after netverifyUIController:didFinishWithDocumentData:scanReference:
or netverifyUIController:didCancelWithError:scanReference:
was called to ensure that Netverify SDK is in a final state. Setting NetverifyUIController
to nil is essential to free memory as soon as possible.
To get information about callbacks, Netverify Retrieval API, Netverify Delete API, Global Netverify settings, and more, please read our page with server related information.