Technique ID | Title | Link |
T1110 | Brute Force | |
Detect when multiple accounts are locked in your Azure tenant in a short timeframe, this can indicate brute force or password spray attacks. This detection is based on error code 50053 wich results from two different reasons:
- IdsLocked - The account is locked because the user tried to sign in too many times with an incorrect user ID or password. The user is blocked due to repeated sign-in attempts
- Sign-in was blocked because it came from an IP address with malicious activity
Explain what risk this detection tries to cover
let Threshold = 3;
let TimeFrame = 15m;
| where ResultType == 50053
| summarize TotalAccounts = dcount(UserPrincipalName), Accounts = make_set(UserPrincipalName), UserAgentDetails = make_set(UserAgent) by bin(TimeGenerated, TimeFrame), IPAddress
| where TotalAccounts >= Threshold
| extend GeoIPInfo = geo_info_from_ip_address(IPAddress)
| extend country = tostring(parse_json(GeoIPInfo).country), state = tostring(parse_json(GeoIPInfo).state), city = tostring(parse_json(GeoIPInfo).city)