The KQL function AVScanResults() collects this information, the function uses two input variables DeviceIdInput and AvScanType. DeviceIdInput is the DeviceId from the device you want to list results, the AvScanType can be either Quick, Full or Custom.
// AvScanType can be: Quick, Custom or Full
let AVScanResults = (DeviceIdInput:string, AvScanType:string) {
| where DeviceId == DeviceIdInput
| extend AvScanResults = extractjson("$", tostring(AdditionalFields.AvScanResults))
| mv-expand todynamic(AvScanResults)
| extend Results = AvScanResults[AvScanType]
| extend ScanStatus = extractjson("$.ScanStatus", tostring(Results)), ErrorCode = extractjson("$.ErrorCode", tostring(Results)), Timestamp = extractjson("$.Timestamp", tostring(Results))
| where isnotempty(ScanStatus)
| project DeviceId, DeviceName, ScanStatus, Timestamp, ErrorCode, AvScanResults
AVScanResults("70da955b16e5717fc3xxxxxxxxxxxxx", "Full")