Arcade-light is inspired from dotnet/arcade but minimized and without Microsoft proprietary tooling
How to use DotNetDev.ArcadeLight.Sdk
"sdk": {
"version": "8.0.404",
"rollForward": "latestFeature"
"tools": {
"dotnet": "8.0.404"
"msbuild-sdks": {
"DotNetDev.ArcadeLight.Sdk": "1.8.0"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Import Project="Sdk.props" Sdk="DotNetDev.ArcadeLight.Sdk" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Import Project="Sdk.targets" Sdk="DotNetDev.ArcadeLight.Sdk" />
<GlobalPackageReference Include="Nerdbank.GitVersioning" Version="3.7.112" />
Common settings:
-configuration <value> Build configuration: 'Debug' or 'Release' (short: -c)
-platform <value> Platform configuration: 'x86', 'x64' or any valid Platform value to pass to msbuild
-verbosity <value> Msbuild verbosity: q[uiet], m[inimal], n[ormal], d[etailed], and diag[nostic] (short: -v)
-binaryLog Output binary log (short: -bl)
-help Print help and exit
-restore Restore dependencies (short: -r)
-build Build solution (short: -b)
-rebuild Rebuild solution
-test Run all unit tests in the solution (short: -t)
-clean Clean the solution
Advanced settings:
-projects <value> Semi-colon delimited list of sln/proj's to build. Globbing is supported (*.sln)
-ci Set when running on CI server
-excludeCIBinarylog Don't output binary log (short: -nobl)
-prepareMachine Prepare machine for CI run, clean up processes after build
-msbuildEngine <value> Msbuild engine to use to run build ('dotnet', 'vs', or unspecified).
-excludePrereleaseVS Set to exclude build engines in prerelease versions of Visual Studio
Command line arguments not listed above are passed thru to msbuild.
The above arguments can be shortened as much as to be unambiguous (e.g. -co for configuration, -t for test, etc.).