diff --git a/postprocessing/BestModel-Pendulum.html b/postprocessing/BestModel-Pendulum.html deleted file mode 100644 index 95286b2..0000000 --- a/postprocessing/BestModel-Pendulum.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,14329 +0,0 @@ - - -
-%matplotlib inline
this extension makes it easy to reload the imports without restarting the whole notebook
- -%load_ext autoreload
run this cell if you want to reload the imports (i.e. you changed notebookfns.py)
- -%autoreload
# these are all standard Python modules
-import glob
-import numpy as np
-import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
-import re
-import pickle
# this is my notebookfns.py file
-import notebookfns as n
font = {'family' : 'normal',
- 'size' : 15}
-plt.rc('font', **font)
-plt.rc('lines', linewidth=3)
-plt.rc('axes', linewidth=3)
-plt.rc('xtick.major', size=10)
-plt.rc('ytick.major', size=10)
# You can change this filename to point to the pickle file for your model.
-# Later code loads the related files (i.e. weights & biases) by changing the end of the filename
-fname = './Pendulum/Pendulum2_2018_03_13_08_00_50_544982_model.pkl'
-errors = np.loadtxt(fname.replace('model.pkl','error.csv'),delimiter=',')
-n.PlotErrors(errors, range(0,16))
# you may need the encoding part if you save the pickle file in Python 2 and load it in Python 3
-with open(fname, 'rb') as f:
- params = pickle.load(f, encoding='latin1')
Here is just some info that I sometimes found helpful to print
- -print('validation error: %.2E' % params['minTest'])
print('We had %d files of training data.' % params['data_train_len'])
-print('Length of trajectories: %d steps (goes in Table 2)' % params['len_time'])
-print('Batch size: %d (goes in Table 2)' % params['batch_size'])
-deltat = params['delta_t']
-print('delta_t (time stepping in data): %.3f' % deltat)
-T = deltat*(params['len_time']-1)
-tSpan = np.linspace(start=0,stop=T,num=params['len_time'],endpoint=True)
-print("Time span is %r" % tSpan)
print("For Table 4:")
-print('log10 of alpha_1 (the weight on losses involving reconstruction): %.1f' % np.log10(params['recon_lam']))
-print('log10 of alpha_2 (the weight on L_inf term): %.1f' % np.log10(params['Linf_lam']))
-print('log10 of alpha_3 (the weight on L_2 regularization): %.1f' % np.log10(params['L2_lam']))
print('The training was allowed to run up to %.1f hours' % (params['max_time']/(60*60)))
-print('The training actually ran for %.1f hours' % (params['time_exp']/(60*60)))
-print('The stop condition was: %s' % params['stop_condition'])
print('Did we do the autoencoder pre-training? %d' % params['auto_first'])
-print('The learning rate was %.2E' % params['learning_rate'])
depth = (params['d']-4)/2
-print("For Table 3:")
-print('The encoder and decoder each had %d hidden layers.' % depth)
-print('The widths of the layers of the main network were %r.' % params['widths'])
-print('The aux. network had %d hidden layers.' % len(params['hidden_widths_omega']))
-print('The widths of the hidden layers of the aux. network were %r.' % params['hidden_widths_omega'])
print('We penalized %d (S_p) steps for prediction. (goes in Table 4)' % params['num_shifts'])
-print('We penalized %d steps in the linearity loss.' %params['num_shifts_middle'])
# load all of the weights and biases into W and b dictionaries
-W, b = n.load_weights_koopman(fname, len(params['widths'])-1, len(params['widths_omega_real'])-1, params['num_real'], params['num_complex_pairs'])
# load the validation data
-params['data_name'] = 'Pendulum' # temp fix
-X = np.loadtxt('%s_val_x.csv' % params['data_name'],delimiter=',')
# reshape the validation data
-max_shifts_to_stack = n.num_shifts_in_stack(params)
-X_stacked, num_traj_val = n.stack_data(X, max_shifts_to_stack, params['len_time'])
-print("We used %d trajectories in the validation set." % num_traj_val)
-print("Note: accidentally reported in paper that we used more data than we did.")
-print("See Pendulum.m: used 5000*.2 = 1000, not 5000")
-# Xk is just the initial conditions of each trajectory
-Xk = np.squeeze(X_stacked[0,:,:])
# apply the network to just the initial conditions Xk
-# output the data transformed to y-coordinates (steps k, k+1, k+2, k+3 are steps 0, 1, 2, 3 here)
-# also output the reconstructed Xk and the predictions for three steps
-yk, ykplus1, ykplus2, ykplus3, xk_recon, xkplus1, xkplus2, xkplus3 = n.ApplyKoopmanNetOmegas(Xk, W, b, params['delta_t'], params['num_real'], params['num_complex_pairs'], params['num_encoder_weights'], params['num_omega_weights'], params['num_decoder_weights'])
# here apply the network to the full dataset
-# output list of predictions y and list of encded data g_list, like in the training code
-y, g_list = n.ApplyKoopmanNetOmegasFull(X_stacked, W, b, params['delta_t'], params['num_shifts'], params['num_shifts_middle'], params['num_real'], params['num_complex_pairs'], params['num_encoder_weights'], params['num_omega_weights'], params['num_decoder_weights'])
# calculate the validation loss, split over the loss components
-loss1_val, loss2_val, loss3_val, loss_Linf_val, loss_val = n.define_loss(X_stacked, y, g_list, params, W, b)
print('Reconstruction loss (on validation set): %.4E' % loss1_val)
-print('Prediction loss (on validation set): %.4E' % loss2_val)
-print('Linearity loss (on validation set): %.4E' % loss3_val)
-print('L_inf loss (on validation set): %.4E' % loss_Linf_val)
-print('Pre-regularization loss (on validation set): %.4E (goes in Table 1)' % loss_val)
loss_L1_val, loss_L2_val, regularized_loss_val = n.define_regularization(params, W, b, loss_val)
-print('L1 penalty (on weights): %.4E' % loss_L1_val)
-print('L2 penalty (on weights): %.4E' % loss_L2_val)
-print('Total regularized loss (on validation set): %.4E' % regularized_loss_val)
print('Sanity check:')
-print('Compare to validation loss recorded during training: %.4E' % params['minTest'])
-print('Compare to regularized validation loss recorded during training: %.4E' %params['minRegTest'])
# apply the auxiliary network to the encoded data
-omegas = n.omega_net_apply(yk, W, b, params['num_real'], params['num_complex_pairs'], params['num_omega_weights'])
# The auxiliary network outputs the parameters for the eigenvalues in the K matrix.
-# For each pair of complex conjugate eigenvalues, the continuous time version would be lambda = mu +/- i omega
-# The discrete time version is exp(lambda delta t)
-# By Euler's formula, can also write this as exp(mu deltat) * (cos(omega deltat) + i sin(omega deltat))
-# The auxiliary network outputs mu and omega
-print('Omega ranges from %.3f to %.3f (corresponding to changing frequencies)' % (np.min(omegas[0][:,0]), np.max(omegas[0][:,0])))
-print('Mu ranges from %.6f to %.6f (so there is almost no growth or decay)' % (np.min(omegas[0][:,1]), np.max(omegas[0][:,1])))
-print('Recall: delta_t = %.2f' % deltat)
print('To set axis ticks on next two figures:')
-print('The first y coordinate ranges from %.3f to %.3f.' % (np.min(yk[:,0]), np.max(yk[:,0])))
-print('The second y coordinate ranges from %.3f to %.3f.' % (np.min(yk[:,1]), np.max(yk[:,1])))
# Supplementary Figure 4
-fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16/3*2,16/3*2))
-ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
-sc = ax.scatter(np.asarray(yk[:,0]), np.asarray(yk[:,1]), c=np.asarray(omegas[0][:,0]))
-CBI = plt.colorbar(sc, orientation='horizontal', shrink=.8, ticks = [-.4, -.95])
-xlab = [-.08,0,.08]
-xlabels = ''
-ylab = [-.08, 0, .08]
-plt.yticks(ylab, xlabels)
-plt.savefig('PendulumEvals1.svg', dpi=200, transparent=True)
# Supplementary Figure 4
-fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16/3*2,16/3*2))
-ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
-sc = ax.scatter(np.asarray(yk[:,0]), np.asarray(yk[:,1]), c=np.asarray(omegas[0][:,1]))
-CBI = plt.colorbar(sc, orientation='horizontal', shrink=.8, ticks = [-.0002, 0.0002])
-xlab = [-.08,0,.08]
-xlabels = ''
-ylab = [-.08, 0, .08]
-plt.yticks(ylab, xlabels)
-plt.savefig('PendulumEvals2.svg', dpi=200, transparent=True)
-colors = np.asarray(omegas[0][:,0])[:,0]
-plt.scatter(np.asarray(Xk[:,0]), np.asarray(Xk[:,1]), c=colors)
-colors = np.asarray(omegas[0][:,1])[:,0]
-plt.scatter(np.asarray(Xk[:,0]), np.asarray(Xk[:,1]), c=colors)
print('Reconstruction error on initial conditions: %.2E' % np.mean(np.square(Xk - xk_recon)))
-print('1-step prediction error on initial conditions: %.2E' % np.mean(np.square(xkplus1 - np.squeeze(X_stacked[1,:,:]))))
-print('2-step prediction error on initial conditions: %.2E' % np.mean(np.square(xkplus2 - np.squeeze(X_stacked[2,:,:]))))
print('Relative reconstruction error on initial conditions: %.2E' % (np.mean(np.square(Xk - xk_recon))/np.mean(np.square(Xk))))
-print('Relative 1-step prediction error on initial conditions: %.2E' % (np.mean(np.square(xkplus1 - np.squeeze(X_stacked[1,:,:])))/np.mean(np.square(np.squeeze(X_stacked[1,:,:])))))
-print('Relative 2-step prediction error on initial conditions: %.2E' % (np.mean(np.square(xkplus2 - np.squeeze(X_stacked[2,:,:])))/np.mean(np.square(np.squeeze(X_stacked[2,:,:])))))
data = Xk.copy()
# For other plots, it's helpful to consider a full grid of input data
-# Create a mesh grid and reshape it
-xvals = np.linspace(-3.1,3.1,300)
-yvals = np.linspace(np.min(data[:,1]),np.max(data[:,1]),300)
-X, Y = np.meshgrid(xvals, yvals)
-grid = np.zeros((90000,2))
-grid[:,0] = np.reshape(X, (90000,))
-grid[:,1] = np.reshape(Y, (90000,))
# Apply the network to the whole grid
-grid_yk, grid_ykplus1, grid_ykplus2, grid_ykplus3, grid_xk_recon, grid_xkplus1, grid_xkplus2, grid_xkplus3 = n.ApplyKoopmanNetOmegas(grid, W, b, params['delta_t'], params['num_real'], params['num_complex_pairs'], params['num_encoder_weights'], params['num_omega_weights'], params['num_decoder_weights'])
grid_reshaped0 = grid_yk[:,0].reshape(300,300)
-grid_reshaped1 = grid_yk[:,1].reshape(300,300)
# Potential function for the pendulum (for plotting purposes)
-def potential(x,y):
- pot = (1.0/2.0)*(y**2) -np.cos(x)
- return pot
# Don't want to plot data with too high of potential energy (outside of our training data)
-# where the period goes to infinity
-# Instead of plotting rectangle of data, just plot our region of interest, where the pendulum system is well-behaved
-for i in range(grid_reshaped0.shape[0]):
- for j in range(grid_reshaped0.shape[1]):
- if (potential(X[i,j],Y[i,j]) > .99):
- grid_reshaped0[i,j] = float('nan')
- grid_reshaped1[i,j] = float('nan')
# Nice to draw a black outline
-outline_x = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, 2000)
-outline_y1 = np.sqrt(2*.99 + 2*np.cos(outline_x))
-outline_y2 = -np.sqrt(2*.99 + 2*np.cos(outline_x))
# Figure 5
-# calculate the magnitude (coloring in this figure)
-efn_magnitude = np.square(grid_reshaped0) + np.square(grid_reshaped1)
-print('Eigenfunction ranges in magnitude from %.6f to %.6f' % (np.nanmin(efn_magnitude), np.nanmax(efn_magnitude)))
-n.EigenfunctionPlot('Purples', efn_magnitude, outline_x, outline_y1,
- outline_x, outline_y2, X, Y,
- filename='MagnitudeEigenfunction.png', cbFlag=True,
- levels = np.arange(0, .009, .0015), cbTicks = [0, 0.0044, .0088])
# Figure 5
-# calculate the phase (coloring in this figure)
-efn_phase = np.arctan2(grid_reshaped1,grid_reshaped0)
-print('Ranges in phase from %.6f to %.6f' % (np.nanmin(efn_phase), np.nanmax(efn_phase)))
-n.EigenfunctionPlot('PuOr',efn_phase, outline_x, outline_y1, outline_x,
- outline_y2, X, Y, filename='PhaseEigenfunction.png', cbFlag=True,
- levels=[-4,4], cbTicks=[-3.14,0,3.14])
# calculate range of eigenfunction value in order to make colormap good and choose good levels to plot
-efns_min = np.nanmin(grid_yk)
-efns_max = np.nanmax(grid_yk)
-print('1st eigenfunction ranges from %.4f to %.4f' % (efns_min, efns_max))
# Figure 4e
-n.EigenfunctionPlot('PuOr',grid_reshaped0, outline_x, outline_y1, outline_x,
- outline_y2, X, Y, filename='Eigenfunction1.png',
- levels=np.arange(-.08,.09,.02), cbTicks=[-.09,0,.09],climits=[efns_min,efns_max])
print('2nd eigenfunction ranges from %.4f to %.4f' % (np.nanmin(grid_reshaped1), np.nanmax(grid_reshaped1)))
# Second part of Figure 4e
-n.EigenfunctionPlot('PuOr',grid_reshaped1, outline_x, outline_y1, outline_x,
- outline_y2, X, Y, filename='Eigenfunction2.png',
- cbFlag=False, levels=np.arange(-.08,.09,.02),climits=[efns_min,efns_max])
# Load some nice evenly spaced rings that are good for plotting
-rings = np.loadtxt('PendulumRings.csv', delimiter=',')
-# newShape = rings.shape[0], rings.shape[1]/2, 2
-rings = rings.reshape((rings.shape[0],int(rings.shape[1]/2), 2))
# I wrote a function that calculates the frequency at a given point (convenient for plotting)
-import CalculateFrequency as cf
# We're going to plot some trajectories (rings) in pendulum phase space.
-# Each one corresponds to an evenly spaced initial condition.
-# Here, for convenience, we calculate the period of each trajectory.
-tol = 10**(-7)
-maxN = 400
-T = 30
-deltat = .02
-tSpan = np.arange(0, T, deltat)
-numPoints = len(tSpan)
-theta0opts = np.linspace(-np.pi, 0, 12)
-theta0opts = theta0opts[1:-1]
-T = 30
-periods = np.zeros((len(theta0opts),1))
-for j in np.arange(len(theta0opts)):
- theta0 = theta0opts[j]
- periods[j] = cf.periodPendulum(theta0, tol, maxN)
from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap
# This is almost part of Figure 4a, but Figure 4a has lines instead of a scatter plot
-# create a special color map that ranges red -> purple -> blue
-colors = [(1, 0, 0), (.5, 0, .5), (0, 0, 1)]
-mymap = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list('red_purple_blue', colors, N=10)
-# here, just plot the trajectories (rings)
-# they look nicer if you don't overlap points, so we stop at the period
-fig = plt.figure()
-ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
-for j in np.arange(len(theta0opts)):
- inds = np.nonzero(tSpan <= periods[j])
- ind = np.max(inds)+1
- plt.scatter(rings[j,:ind,0],rings[j,:ind,1], color=mymap(j))
-xlab = [-3,0,3]
-xlabels = ''
-ylab = [-2,0,2]
-ylabels = ''
-#plt.savefig('PendulumEye.pdf', dpi=200, transparent=True)
rings_yk = np.zeros(rings.shape)
-rings_yk_transform = np.zeros(rings.shape,dtype=np.complex64)
-rings_recon = np.zeros(rings.shape)
-rings_pred = np.zeros(rings.shape)
-rings_lambdas = np.zeros(rings.shape,dtype=np.complex64)
-print('Eigenvalues for each traj. Note: real part about constant, but the imaginary part drifts.')
-for j in np.arange(rings.shape[0]):
- traj = np.squeeze(rings[j,:,:])
- lenTtraj = len(traj)
- # apply the network to each trajectory (ring)
- traj_yk, traj_ykplus1, traj_ykplus2, traj_ykplus3, traj_xk_recon, traj_xkplus1, traj_xkplus2, traj_xkplus3 = n.ApplyKoopmanNetOmegas(traj, W, b, params['delta_t'], params['num_real'], params['num_complex_pairs'], params['num_encoder_weights'], params['num_omega_weights'], params['num_decoder_weights'])
- # apply the auxiliary network to each one
- omegas_traj = n.omega_net_apply(traj_yk, W, b, params['num_real'], params['num_complex_pairs'], params['num_omega_weights'])
- rings_yk[j,:,:] = traj_yk.copy()
- rings_recon[j,:,:] = traj_xk_recon.copy()
- rings_pred[j,:,:] = traj_xkplus1.copy()
- # what's the average omega (real part of eigenvalue) for this trajectory?
- # (note that for this system, we expect this to be constant along trajectories)
- omega_av_traj = np.mean(omegas_traj[0])
- # create 2x2 K matrix with this omega
- L_approx_traj = np.asmatrix([[np.cos(omega_av_traj*deltat), np.sin(omega_av_traj*deltat)], [-np.sin(omega_av_traj*deltat), np.cos(omega_av_traj*deltat)]])
- # calculate the eigenvalues
- # note that this is the discrete case: exp(lambda * deltat) if lambda is the eigenvalue in the continuous case
- evals_net, T_net = np.linalg.eig(L_approx_traj)
- print(evals_net)
- # calculate eval^k for k = 0, 1, ....
- # should match if really have linear system
- for k in np.arange(lenTtraj-1):
- for l in np.arange(len(evals_net)):
- rings_lambdas[j,k,l] = np.power(evals_net[l],k)
- # trajectory was mapped into y coordinates
- # now multiply by eigenvector matrix (diagonaliation)
- yk_net_traj_transform = np.asarray(traj_yk*T_net)
- rings_yk_transform[j,:,:] = yk_net_traj_transform.copy()
# in order to pick good places for ticks on the axes
-print('x-values of rings range from %.3f to %.3f' % (np.min(rings_yk[:,:,0]), np.max(rings_yk[:,:,0])))
-print('y-values of rings range from %.3f to %.3f' % (np.min(rings_yk[:,:,1]), np.max(rings_yk[:,:,1])))
fig = plt.figure()
-ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
-for j in np.arange(rings.shape[0]):
- # again, stop when reach one period
- inds = np.nonzero(tSpan <= periods[j])
- ind = np.max(inds)+1
- plt.scatter(np.array(rings_yk[j,:ind,0]),np.array(rings_yk[j,:ind,1]), color=mymap(j))
-xlab = [-.08,0,.08]
-xlabels = ''
-ylab = [-.08,0,.08]
-ylabels = ''
-plt.savefig('PendulumLinear.svg', dpi=200, transparent=True)
# Figure 4d
-# to check if really linear,
-# compare eval^k (k = 0, 1, ...) to the transformed and normalized y-coordinates
-fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16/3*2,16/3*2))
-ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
-for j in np.arange(rings.shape[0]):
- inds = np.nonzero(tSpan <= periods[j])
- ind = np.max(inds)+1
- subset = np.arange(0,ind,4)
- scale = np.mean(np.abs(rings_yk_transform[j,:,0]))
- ind_pos = np.nonzero(rings[j,:ind,1] >= 0)[0]
- ind_neg = np.nonzero(rings[j,:ind,1] < 0)[0]
- plt.plot(np.array(np.real(rings_lambdas[j,:ind,0]*scale)), np.array(np.imag(rings_lambdas[j,:ind,0]*scale)), 'k', linewidth=2)
- plt.plot(np.array(np.real(rings_lambdas[j,:ind,0]*scale)), np.array(np.imag(rings_lambdas[j,:ind,1]*scale)), 'k', linewidth=2)
- ax.scatter(np.array(np.real(rings_yk_transform[j,subset,0])),np.array(np.imag(rings_yk_transform[j,subset,0])), color=mymap(j))
-xlab = [-.05,0,.05]
-xlabels = ''
-ylab = [-.05,0,.05]
-ylabels = ''
-plt.savefig('PendulumLinear.svg', dpi=200, transparent=True)
# Figure 4b
-# plot reconstruction error
-fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16,16/3*2))
-ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
-for j in np.arange(rings.shape[0]):
- inds = np.nonzero(tSpan <= periods[j])
- ind = np.max(inds)+1
- subset = np.arange(0,ind,4)
- ind_pos = np.nonzero(rings[j,:ind,1] >= 0)[0]
- ind_neg = np.nonzero(rings[j,:ind,1] < 0)[0]
- plt.plot(np.array(rings[j,ind_pos,0]), np.array(rings[j,ind_pos,1]), 'k', linewidth=2)
- plt.plot(np.array(rings[j,ind_neg,0]), np.array(rings[j,ind_neg,1]), 'k', linewidth=2)
- plt.scatter(np.array(rings_recon[j,subset,0]),np.array(rings_recon[j,subset,1]), color=mymap(j))
-xlab = [-3,0,3]
-xlabels = ''
-ylab = [-2,0,2]
-ylabels = ''
-fig.savefig('PendulumRecon.svg', dpi=200, transparent=True)
# plot 1-step prediction error
-fig = plt.figure()
-ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
-for j in np.arange(rings.shape[0]):
- inds = np.nonzero(tSpan <= periods[j])
- ind = np.max(inds)+1
- subset = np.arange(0,ind,3)
- ind_pos = np.nonzero(rings[j,:ind,1] >= 0)[0]
- ind_neg = np.nonzero(rings[j,:ind,1] < 0)[0]
- plt.plot(np.array(rings[j,ind_pos,0]), np.array(rings[j,ind_pos,1]), 'k', linewidth=2)
- plt.plot(np.array(rings[j,ind_neg,0]), np.array(rings[j,ind_neg,1]), 'k', linewidth=2)
- plt.scatter(np.array(rings_pred[j,subset,0]),np.array(rings_pred[j,subset,1]), color=mymap(j))
-xlab = [-3,0,3]
-xlabels = ''
-ylab = [-2,0,2]
-ylabels = ''
-#fig.savefig('PendulumPred.svg', dpi=200, transparent=True)
# now apply network to these trajectories again, but this time for many steps
-# this time, only network initial condition of each trajectory.
-rings_long_pred = np.zeros(rings.shape)
-num_steps = rings.shape[1]-1
-omega_ic = np.zeros((1,1))
-for j in np.arange(rings.shape[0]):
- ic = np.squeeze(rings[j,0,:])
- rings_long_pred[j,0,:] = ic
- rings_long_pred[j,1:,:] = n.PredictKoopmanNetOmegas(ic, W, b, deltat, num_steps, params['num_real'], params['num_complex_pairs'],
- params['num_encoder_weights'], params['num_omega_weights'], params['num_decoder_weights'])
# Figure 4c
-# plot long-term prediction:
-# if only give network initial condition, then have network predict many steps, how long is it accurate?
-fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16,16/3*2))
-ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
-for j in np.arange(rings.shape[0]):
- inds = np.nonzero(tSpan <= periods[j])
- ind = np.max(inds)+1
- temp = rings[j,:,:].copy()
- plt.plot(temp[:,0],temp[:,1], 'k', linewidth=2)
- temp2 = rings_long_pred[j,:,:].copy()
- diffs = np.linalg.norm(temp - temp2,ord=2,axis=1)
- normalize = np.linalg.norm(temp,ord=2,axis=1)
- relerr = diffs/normalize
- print("trajectory %d: worst rel. error %.3f" % (j, np.max(relerr)))
- indBigErr = np.nonzero(relerr > .1) # 10% error
- if len(indBigErr[0]) > 0:
- print("\tfirst ind with error > 10p: %d of %d (one period is %d steps)" % (indBigErr[0][0], rings.shape[1], ind))
- indEnd = np.minimum(ind, indBigErr[0][0])
- else:
- indEnd = ind
- subset = np.arange(0,indEnd, 4)
- plt.scatter(temp2[subset,0],temp2[subset,1],color=mymap(j))
-xlab = [-3,0,3]
-xlabels = ''
-ylab = [-2,0,2]
-ylabels = ''
-fig.savefig('PendulumLongPrediction.svg', dpi=200, transparent=True)
# shape: num_examples, num_steps, n
-# send initial conditions through network again, but predict many steps (50)
-print('We now predict the initial conditions %d steps forward' % max_shifts_to_stack)
-long_pred_Xk = n.PredictKoopmanNetOmegas(Xk, W, b, deltat, max_shifts_to_stack, params['num_real'], params['num_complex_pairs'],
- params['num_encoder_weights'], params['num_omega_weights'], params['num_decoder_weights'])
# how does prediction error change with the number of prediction steps?
-# we expect it to accumulate error, but hopefully not too fast
-long_pred_error = np.zeros((max_shifts_to_stack, ))
-for j in np.arange(max_shifts_to_stack):
- long_pred_error[j] = np.mean(np.mean(np.square(long_pred_Xk[:,j,:] - X_stacked[j+1,:,:]), axis=0))
# so we can put ticks in good places
-print('log10 error ranges from %.2f to %.2f' % (min(np.log10(long_pred_error)), max(np.log10(long_pred_error))))
fig = plt.figure()
-ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
-plt.plot(np.arange(max_shifts_to_stack), np.log10(long_pred_error), linewidth=3)
-xlab = [0,max_shifts_to_stack/2,max_shifts_to_stack]
-xlabels = ''
-ylab = [-4.0,-4.4,-4.8]
-ylabels = ''
-fig.savefig('PendulumPredOverSteps.svg', dpi=200, transparent=True)
# moved this to the bottom because it's so slow
-loss1_train, loss2_train, loss3_train, loss_Linf_train, loss_train, regularized_loss_train, total_num_traj = n.loss_training(params, max_shifts_to_stack, W, b)
-print("# training traj: %d (goes in Table 2)" % total_num_traj)
-print("Note: accidentally reported in paper that we used more data than we did.")
-print("See Pendulum.m: used 5000*.7 = 3500 per file, not 5000")
print('Reconstruction loss (on train set): %.4E' % loss1_train)
-print('Prediction loss (on train set): %.4E' % loss2_train)
-print('Linearity loss (on train set): %.4E' % loss3_train)
-print('L_inf loss (on train set): %.4E' % loss_Linf_train)
-print('Pre-regularization loss (on train set): %.4E (goes in Table 1)' % loss_train)
-print('Total regularized loss (on train set): %.4E' % regularized_loss_train)
- -# We decided to report this example in the paper, so now we can calcuate test errror
-loss1_test, loss2_test, loss3_test, loss_Linf_test, loss_test, regularized_loss_test = n.loss_test(params, max_shifts_to_stack, W, b)
-print("Note: accidentally reported in paper that we used more data than we did.")
-print("See Pendulum.m: used 5000*.1 = 500 for testing, not 5000")
print('Reconstruction loss (on test set): %.4E' % loss1_test)
-print('Prediction loss (on test set): %.4E' % loss2_test)
-print('Linearity loss (on test set): %.4E' % loss3_test)
-print('L_inf loss (on test set): %.4E' % loss_Linf_test)
-print('Pre-regularization loss (on test set): %.4E (goes in Table 1)' % loss_test)
-print('Total regularized loss (on test set): %.4E' % regularized_loss_test)
print("Could be that error would be higher on larger test set, so try larger one.")
-print("Check test error on larger test set:")
-loss1_testextra, loss2_testextra, loss3_testextra, loss_Linf_testextra, loss_testextra, regularized_loss_testextra = n.loss_test(params, max_shifts_to_stack, W, b, suffix='testextra')
-print('Reconstruction loss (on larger test set): %.4E' % loss1_testextra)
-print('Prediction loss (on larger test set): %.4E' % loss2_testextra)
-print('Linearity loss (on larger test set): %.4E' % loss3_testextra)
-print('L_inf loss (on larger test set): %.4E' % loss_Linf_testextra)
-print('Pre-regularization loss (on larger test set): %.4E (compare to numbers in Table 1)' % loss_testextra)
-print('Total regularized loss (on larger test set): %.4E' % regularized_loss_testextra)
print("Good news: error even lower on larger test set, and matches validation error!")