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197 lines (130 loc) · 7.75 KB

File metadata and controls

197 lines (130 loc) · 7.75 KB


Performing query Search , Recommendation and Classification is not so easy when we have large data set. To solve this problem we always get help from data mining concept. Vector Space Model, User similarity is some of approach to solve this issue. Once we solve data mining and able to retrieve data another issue come how to show these data to the user. To handle this issue, I am creating client and a server scenario where I am creating a client in Android and perform data mining operation in python. To communicate between them, I have created one more layer server layer which is developed in a flask and help communication between client and server using JSON Object.

Server code


  Created to host server using flask 
  Global variable
  SearchObj:  use to store CTextSearch Obj to perform text search

  def WelcomeToDataMining() Welcoming user to my server 

  def searchText(): Provided link to perform query search to client and return result in JSON Object

  def InitialiseSearchObject(): Initialize Search Object at the start of server

  def SearchQuery(query): Call search operation on client query
Class CTextSearch 

  	This Class created to perform text search on datset using vector space model. Weight matrix is created using TF-IDF 
  	self.stemmer : Used to store PorterStemmer()classObject 
  	purpose: To eliminate stop word and perform stemming on token
  	self.FileHandlingObj = To store CRead Object for CSV File handling 
  	self.MovieData = to store Movie dataset
  	self.postings = to keep track of how many time token appeared in document
  	self.docF = to keep track of term appearing in how many document
  	self.dict = to keep track of Unique Token
  	self.length =  to keep track of number of token in each document
  	self.totalDocument = to keep track of total number of document in dataset
  	self.similarity_vec = to calculate similarity Vector
  	self.sorted_similarity = to keep track of similarity sorted according to priority 
   	self.logObj =  for logging and debugging purpose


  	def tokenize: to convert word into token 

  	def Read_and_initialise_document(self): Read the document and initialize the variable self.dict and self.postings
      should be done at start of server

  	def Calculating_Document_frequency(self): calculating and storing for each terms appeared in how many document, updating self.docF

  	def Calculate_similarity(self,query_vec,doc_vec): calculate cosign similarity of two tf-idf vector

  	def Make_Query_vector(self,query_token): create tf-idf weight vector of query term

  	def Make_Document_vector(self,query_token,id): create tf-idf weight vector of query term for document

  	def Calculate_Inverse_Document_Frequency(self,term): calculate idf for given term
  	idf = log(Number of document / Number of document term appeared)

  	def DisplayData(self): added for debuging purpose

def Search(self,query): Perform the search and return retrieved data based on priority
class Clog : To show progress and debugging purpose
Class CRead : to perform file handling
	Class CNaivebase : To implement Naive base classification

self.FileHandlingObj = ''
    self.MovieData = []
    #self.postings = defaultdict(dict)
    self.ClassF = defaultdict(int) # store classfrequency/ Probablity
    self.queryClassPrabablity = defaultdict(int)  # store  Probablity of class given term
    self.ClassTermCount = defaultdict(set)  # to store each class has how may total term
    self.TermClassFrequency = defaultdict(dict) # to store count of term in each class
    self.totalDocument = 0
    self.dict = set()
    self.length = []
    self.unique_terms = set([]) # store number of unique term
    self.probclass = set([])

def CalculateClassProbability(self) : Calculate  class probablity
def CalculateTermProbablity(self,query) : Calculate and apply naive base propablity
def CalculateTraingAccuracy(self):  Calculate Training Accuracy
def CalculateTestAccuracy(self): Calculate Test Accuracy
 	Class CRecommendation : Create the recommendation engine

self.usercols :
    self.userdes :
    self.item_matrix : create user item matrix
    self.usersimilarity : store user similarity
    self.itemsimilarity : store item similarity
    self.prdiction : store recommendated item prediction

def CreateModel(self) : Initialize uset item matrix
def Predict(self, type='user'): Recommend movie to user

Client Side

class ConnectServer : Created to connect to server using Http post method 

	public void SendSearchData(String data,int Act,SearchResult SearchResultObj) : use to send data to server

	private String getResponseFromServer(String targetUrl): Get Server response will be run in background

	private JSONObject CreateSearchJson(): Create search Object for JSON query

	private void CreateDatatoSend(HttpURLConnection urlConnection,JSONObject JObject): Create output Stream to send data to server

	private String readStream(InputStream in) : Read data received from server

	private void ReadReceivedJson() : Convert received data stream to JSON Object and called appropriate object based on Action ( Search Query, Recommendation System, classification)

class MainActivity : Create login screen for user

public void onClick: check for valid user

class Home: Created to perform different action, right now support added only for search
	public void SearchQuery(View view) : Navigate to Search query selection on search action

class SearchActivity : Created to get Search query from user

	public void SearchQuery(View view) : Get the query from user and called Result GUI

class SearchResult: Created to show search result based on user query.

public void DisplayQueryResult : Show query result in GUI

class ClassificationActivity :  Created to get query class 

public void DisplayQueryResult: Show classification result

class Recommendation :  Created to recommended movie to the user

public void DisplayQueryResult : Show recommendation result to GUI


Python : 3.6.2
Windows : 10
Flask           1.0.2
nltk            3.4
numpy           1.16.1
pandas          0.24.1
simplejson      3.16.0



Dataset Kaggle Moviedata : MovieLens 100K Dataset :