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Scripture Editor for Platform using USJ

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A Scripture editor React component that works on USJ Scripture data. A utility that converts USX to USJ is also included. It is expected that data conforms to USJ v3.1.

title: Scripture Data — Editor flow
graph TB
  DB[(DB)] <-- USX --> C
  C[USX-USJ converter] <-- USJ --> A
  A[USJ-Editor adapter] <-- Editor State --> Editor


npm install @biblionexus-foundation/platform-editor



  • Use the <Editorial /> component for an editor without commenting features.
  • Use the <Marginal /> component for an editor with comments (comments appear in the margin).
import { EditorOptions, immutableNoteCallerNodeName, Marginal, MarginalRef, usxStringToUsj, UsjNodeOptions } from '@biblionexus-foundation/platform-editor';
import { BookChapterControl } from 'platform-bible-react';

const emptyUsx = '<usx version="3.1" />';
const usx = `
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<usx version="3.1">
  <book code="PSA" style="id">World English Bible (WEB)</book>
  <para style="mt1">The Psalms</para>
  <chapter number="1" style="c" sid="PSA 1" />
  <para style="q1">
    <verse number="1" style="v" sid="PSA 1:1" />Blessed is the man who doesn’t walk in the counsel of the wicked,</para>
  <para style="q2" vid="PSA 1:1">nor stand on the path of sinners,</para>
  <para style="q2" vid="PSA 1:1">nor sit in the seat of scoffers;<verse eid="PSA 1:1" /></para>
const defaultUsj = usxStringToUsj(emptyUsx);
const defaultScrRef = { /* PSA */ bookNum: 19, chapterNum: 1, verseNum: 1 };
const nodeOptions: UsjNodeOptions = { [immutableNoteCallerNodeName]: { onClick: () => console.log('Note was clicked!') } };
const options: EditorOptions = { isReadonly: false, textDirection: "ltr", nodes: nodeOptions };
// Word "man" inside first q1 of PSA 1:1.
const annotationRange1 = {
  start: { jsonPath: "$.content[3].content[1]", offset: 15 },
  end: { jsonPath: "$.content[3].content[1]", offset: 18 },
// Phrase "man who" inside first q1 of PSA 1:1.
const annotationRange2 = {
  start: { jsonPath: "$.content[3].content[1]", offset: 15 },
  end: { jsonPath: "$.content[3].content[1]", offset: 22 },
const cursorLocation = { start: { jsonPath: "$.content[3].content[1]", offset: 15 } };

export default function App() {
  const marginalRef = useRef<MarginalRef | null>(null);
  const [scrRef, setScrRef] = useState(defaultScrRef);

  const handleUsjChange = useCallback((usj: Usj, comments: Comments | undefined) => console.log({ usj, comments }), []);

  // Simulate USJ updating after the editor is loaded.
  useEffect(() => {
    const timeoutId = setTimeout(() => {
    }, 1000);
    return () => clearTimeout(timeoutId);
  }, []);

  // Add and remove annotations after USJ is loaded, and set cursor location.
  useEffect(() => {
    const timeoutId = setTimeout(() => {
      marginalRef.current?.addAnnotation(annotationRange1, "spelling", "annotationId");
      marginalRef.current?.addAnnotation(annotationRange2, "grammar", "abc123");
      marginalRef.current?.removeAnnotation("spelling", "annotationId");
    }, 3000);
    return () => clearTimeout(timeoutId);
  }, []);

  return (
      <div className="controls">
        <BookChapterControl handleSubmit={setScrRef} scrRef={scrRef} />


This npm package does not include styling so you need to style the editor component to suit your application. A good place to start is to copy the CSS from this repo:

For icon assets for the editor referenced in editor.css (the license file is included):

If using the commenting features in the <Marginal /> component:


  • USJ editor with USX support
  • Read-only and edit mode
  • History - undo & redo
  • Cut, copy, paste, paste as plain text - context menu and keyboard shortcuts
  • Format block type - change <para> markers. The current implementation is a proof-of-concept and doesn't have all the markers available yet.
  • Add comments to selected text, reply in comment threads, delete comments and threads.
    • To enable comments use the <Marginal /> editor component (comments appear in the margin).
    • To use the editor without comments use the <Editorial /> component.
  • Add and remove different types of annotations. Style the different annotations types with CSS, e.g. style a spelling annotation with a red squiggly underline.
  • Get and set the cursor location or selection range.
  • Specify textDirection as "ltr", "rtl", or "auto" ("auto" is unlikely to be useful for minority languages).
  • BCV linkage - change the book/chapter/verse externally and the cursor moves; move the cursor and it updates the external book/chapter/verse
  • Nodes supported <book>, <chapter>, <verse>, <para>, <char>, <note>, <ms>
  • Nodes not yet supported <table>, <row>, <cell>, <sidebar>, <periph>, <figure>, <optbreak>, <ref>
  • Node options - callback for when a <note> link is clicked

<Editorial /> API

Editorial Properties

 * Scripture Editor for USJ. Created for use in [Platform](
 * @see
 * @param props.ref - Forward reference for the editor.
 * @param props.defaultUsj - Initial Scripture data in USJ format.
 * @param props.scrRef - Scripture reference that links the general cursor location of the Scripture.
 * @param props.onScrRefChange - Callback function when the Scripture reference changes in the editor as the cursor moves.
 * @param props.onSelectionChange - Callback function when the cursor selection changes.
 * @param props.onUsjChange - Callback function when USJ Scripture data has changed.
 * @param props.options - Options to configure the editor.
 * @param props.logger - Logger instance.
 * @returns the editor element.

Editorial Ref

/** Forward reference for the editor. */
export type EditorRef = {
  /** Focus the editor. */
  focus(): void;
  /** Get USJ Scripture data. */
  getUsj(): Usj | undefined;
  /** Set the USJ Scripture data. */
  setUsj(usj: Usj): void;
   * Get the selection location or range.
   * @returns the selection location or range, or `undefined` if there is no selection. The
   *   json-path in the selection assumes no comment Milestone nodes are present in the USJ.
  getSelection(): SelectionRange | undefined;
   * Set the selection location or range.
   * @param selection - A selection location or range. The json-path in the selection assumes no
   *   comment Milestone nodes are present in the USJ.
  setSelection(selection: SelectionRange): void;
   * Add an ephemeral annotation.
   * @param selection - An annotation range containing the start and end location. The json-path in
   *   an annotation location assumes no comment Milestone nodes are present in the USJ.
   * @param type - Type of the annotation.
   * @param id - ID of the annotation.
  addAnnotation(selection: AnnotationRange, type: string, id: string): void;
   * Remove an ephemeral annotation.
   * @param type - Type of the annotation.
   * @param id - ID of the annotation.
  removeAnnotation(type: string, id: string): void;
  /** Ref to the end of the toolbar - INTERNAL USE ONLY to dynamically add controls in the toolbar. */
  toolbarEndRef: React.RefObject<HTMLElement> | null;

Editorial Options

/** Options to configure the editor. */
export type EditorOptions = {
  /** Is the editor readonly or editable. */
  isReadonly?: boolean;
  /** Is the editor enabled for spell checking. */
  hasSpellCheck?: boolean;
  /** Text direction: "ltr" | "rtl" | "auto". */
  textDirection?: TextDirection;
  /** Key to trigger the marker menu. Defaults to '\'. */
  markerMenuTrigger?: string;
  /** View options - EXPERIMENTAL. Defaults to the formatted view mode which is currently the only functional option. */
  view?: ViewOptions;
  /** Options for each editor node:
   * @param nodes.ImmutableNoteCallerNode.noteCallers - Possible note callers to use when caller is
   *   '+'. Defaults to Latin lower case letters.
   * @param nodes.ImmutableNoteCallerNode.onClick - Click handler method.
  nodes?: UsjNodeOptions;

<Marginal /> API

These are the same as Editorial except where noted below. See Editorial API.

Marginal Properties

Inherits from the Editorial Properties.

export type MarginalProps<TLogger extends LoggerBasic> = Omit<
> & {
  /** Callback function when comments have changed. */
  onCommentChange?: (comments: Comments | undefined) => void;
  /** Callback function when USJ Scripture data has changed. */
  onUsjChange?: (usj: Usj, comments: Comments | undefined) => void;

Marginal Ref

Inherits from the Editorial Ref.

/** Forward reference for the editor. */
export type MarginalRef = EditorRef & {
  /** Set the comments to accompany USJ Scripture. */
  setComments?(comments: Comments): void;

Demo and Collaborative Web Development Environment

Thanks to CodeSandbox for the instant dev environment:

This package is the third tab (dev:platform:5175).


To run the demo app locally, first follow the Developer Quick Start, but instead of running the last step, instead run:

nx dev platform

Develop in App

To develop an editor in a target application you can use yalc to link the editor in without having to publish to NPM every time something changes.

  1. In this monorepo, publish the editor to yalc, e.g.:
    nx devpub platform
  2. In the target application repo, link from yalc:
    yalc link @biblionexus-foundation/platform-editor
  3. In this monorepo, make changes and re-publish the editor (see step 2).
  4. When you have finished developing in the target application repo, unlink from yalc:
    yalc remove @biblionexus-foundation/platform-editor && npm i


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