php artisan install:api
php artisan install:broadcasting.
- you will be prompted to install == laravel reverb ==
- This command install ==laravel-echo and pusher-js ==
publish reverb config file -> php artisan reverb:install
next type "npm run build" to compile your application's assets
-------------------------------- FRONTED SETUP
npm i -D @vitejs/plugin-vue
npm i vue@latest
npm i vue-router@4
npm i -D typescript vue-tsc
create tsconfig.ts file
tailwind css
DATABASE STRUCTURE users - name - email - googleId endpoints : [login/create]
projects - name - image - projectCode (uniqueId str 10) - userId (project owner) - projectLink
projectStickyNote - projectId - stickyNoteData (json)
projectDrawing - projectId - drawingData (json)
projectMiniTextEditor - projectId - editorData (json)
projectTextCaption - projectId - textCaptionData (json)
projectJoinees - projectId - userId (joinee)