diff --git a/code/game/turfs/floor_attackby.dm b/code/game/turfs/floor_attackby.dm
index 4a66565d48..36c6517011 100644
--- a/code/game/turfs/floor_attackby.dm
+++ b/code/game/turfs/floor_attackby.dm
@@ -64,7 +64,6 @@
-var/mining_in_progress = null // Define the variable out of any scopes and the attackby() procedures.
/turf/floor/attackby(obj/item/C as obj, mob/user as mob)
if (!C || !user)
@@ -276,16 +275,16 @@ var/mining_in_progress = null // Define the variable out of any scopes and the a
var/turf/T = get_turf(src)
var/mob/living/human/H = user
if (istype(T, /turf/floor/dirt/underground) && istype(H))
- if (mining_in_progress)
- to_chat(user, SPAN_WARNING("You are already breaking the rock with \the [C.name]."))
+ if (T.mining_in_progress)
+ to_chat(user, SPAN_WARNING("The rock is already being mined."))
// Set mining_in_progress to TRUE to indicate the process has started
- mining_in_progress = TRUE
+ T.mining_in_progress = TRUE
user.visible_message("[user] starts to break the rock with \the [C.name].", "You start to break the rock with \the [C.name].")
if (!do_after(user, (320/(H.getStatCoeff("strength"))/SH.usespeed)))
- mining_in_progress = FALSE // In case we abort mid-way.
+ T.mining_in_progress = FALSE // In case we abort mid-way.
if (istype(src, /turf/floor/dirt/underground/empty))
@@ -293,7 +292,7 @@ var/mining_in_progress = null // Define the variable out of any scopes and the a
else if (!istype(src, /turf/floor/dirt/underground/empty))
- mining_in_progress = FALSE // Reset the variable to FALSE after the breaking process is complete
+ T.mining_in_progress = FALSE // Reset the variable to FALSE after the breaking process is complete
else if (istype(C, /obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/glass/extraction_kit))
@@ -303,7 +302,7 @@ var/mining_in_progress = null // Define the variable out of any scopes and the a
to_chat(H, SPAN_NOTICE("Empty \the [ET] first."))
if (istype(H))
- user.visible_message("[user] carefully examines \the [src] with \the [C.name]...", "You start to carefully examine \the [src] with \the [C.name].")
+ user.visible_message(SPAN_NOTICE("[user] carefully examines \the [src] with \the [C.name]..."), SPAN_NOTICE("You start to carefully examine \the [src] with \the [C.name]."))
var/timera = 110/(H.getStatCoeff("dexterity"))
if (do_after(user, timera))
@@ -577,19 +576,19 @@ var/mining_in_progress = null // Define the variable out of any scopes and the a
if (istype(C, /obj/item/weapon/material/pickaxe))
var/mob/living/human/H = user
if (istype(H))
- if(mining_in_progress)
+ if(src.mining_in_progress)
to_chat(user, SPAN_WARNING("You are already trying to break the rocky floor with \the [C.name]."))
// Set mining_in_progress to TRUE to indicate the process has started.
- mining_in_progress = TRUE
+ src.mining_in_progress = TRUE
visible_message(SPAN_NOTICE("[user] starts to break the rocky floor with \the [C.name]."), SPAN_NOTICE("You start to break the rocky floor with \the [C.name]."))
var/timera = 320/(H.getStatCoeff("strength"))
if (do_after(user, timera))
- mining_in_progress = FALSE // Reset the variable to FALSE after finishing the breaking process.
+ src.mining_in_progress = FALSE // Reset the variable to FALSE after finishing the breaking process.
- mining_in_progress = FALSE // In case we abort mid-way.
+ src.mining_in_progress = FALSE // In case we abort mid-way.
return ..(C, user)
else if (istype(C, /obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/glass/extraction_kit))
var/mob/living/human/H = user
@@ -826,15 +825,14 @@ var/mining_in_progress = null // Define the variable out of any scopes and the a
var/turf/floor/dirt/underground/U = src
var/mob/living/human/H = user
if (H.ant && H.a_intent == I_GRAB)
- if(mining_in_progress)
+ if(src.mining_in_progress)
to_chat(user, SPAN_WARNING("You are already trying to break the rocky floor."))
- // Set mining_in_progress to TRUE to indicate the process has started.
- mining_in_progress = TRUE
+ src.mining_in_progress = TRUE
visible_message(SPAN_NOTICE("[user] starts to break the rock with their hands..."), SPAN_NOTICE("You start to break the rock with the your hands..."))
if (!do_after(user, (320/(H.getStatCoeff("strength"))/1.5)))
- mining_in_progress = FALSE // In case we abort mid-way.
+ src.mining_in_progress = FALSE // In case we abort mid-way.
if (istype(src, /turf/floor/dirt/underground/empty))
@@ -842,7 +840,7 @@ var/mining_in_progress = null // Define the variable out of any scopes and the a
else if (!istype(src, /turf/floor/dirt/underground/empty))
- mining_in_progress = FALSE // Reset the mining_in_progress variable after the process has finished.
+ src.mining_in_progress = FALSE // Reset the mining_in_progress variable after the process has finished.
return TRUE
@@ -854,59 +852,56 @@ var/mining_in_progress = null // Define the variable out of any scopes and the a
var/turf/floor/T = src
var/mob/living/human/H = user
if (H.ant && H.a_intent == I_GRAB)
- if (!H.shoveling)
- if (T.icon == 'icons/turf/snow.dmi' && istype(H))
- if (T.available_snow > 0)
- H.shoveling = TRUE
- user.visible_message("[user] starts to collect snow into a pile.", "You start to collect snow into a pile.")
- playsound(src,'sound/effects/shovelling.ogg',100,1)
- if (do_after(user, rand(45,60)))
- user.visible_message("[user] collects the snow into a pile.", "You collect the snow into a pile.")
- H.shoveling = FALSE
- H.adaptStat("strength", 1)
- T.available_snow -= 1
- new /obj/item/weapon/snowwall(T)
- if (T.available_snow <= 0)
- if (istype(T, /turf/floor/winter/grass))
- T.ChangeTurf(/turf/floor/grass)
- else if (istype(T, /turf/floor/dirt/winter))
- T.ChangeTurf(/turf/floor/dirt)
- else
- H.shoveling = FALSE
- else
- to_chat(user, SPAN_NOTICE("All the loose snow has been shoveled out of this spot already."))
- else if (istype(T, /turf/floor/dirt) && istype(H) && !H.shoveling)
- if (T.available_dirt > 0)
- H.shoveling = TRUE
- user.visible_message("[user] starts to collect dirt into a pile.", "You start to collect dirt into a pile.")
- playsound(src,'sound/effects/shovelling.ogg',100,1)
- if (do_after(user, rand(45,60)))
- user.visible_message("[user] collects the dirt into a pile.", "You collect the dirt into a pile.")
- H.shoveling = FALSE
- H.adaptStat("strength", 1)
- T.available_dirt -= 1
- new /obj/item/weapon/barrier(T)
- else
- H.shoveling = FALSE
+ if (H.shoveling)
+ ..()
+ if (T.icon == 'icons/turf/snow.dmi' && istype(H))
+ if (T.available_snow <= 0)
+ to_chat(user, SPAN_NOTICE("All the loose snow has been shoveled out of this spot already."))
+ return
+ H.shoveling = TRUE
+ user.visible_message("[user] starts to collect snow into a pile.", "You start to collect snow into a pile.")
+ playsound(src,'sound/effects/shovelling.ogg',100,1)
+ if (!do_after(user, rand(45,60)))
+ H.shoveling = FALSE
+ user.visible_message("[user] collects the snow into a pile.", "You collect the snow into a pile.")
+ H.shoveling = FALSE
+ H.adaptStat("strength", 1)
+ T.available_snow -= 1
+ new /obj/item/weapon/snowwall(T)
+ if (T.available_snow <= 0)
+ if (istype(T, /turf/floor/winter/grass))
+ T.ChangeTurf(/turf/floor/grass)
+ else if (istype(T, /turf/floor/dirt/winter))
+ T.ChangeTurf(/turf/floor/dirt)
+ else if (istype(T, /turf/floor/dirt) && istype(H) && !H.shoveling)
+ if (T.available_dirt > 0)
+ H.shoveling = TRUE
+ user.visible_message("[user] starts to collect dirt into a pile.", "You start to collect dirt into a pile.")
+ playsound(src,'sound/effects/shovelling.ogg',100,1)
+ if (do_after(user, rand(45,60)))
+ user.visible_message("[user] collects the dirt into a pile.", "You collect the dirt into a pile.")
+ H.shoveling = FALSE
+ H.adaptStat("strength", 1)
+ T.available_dirt -= 1
+ new /obj/item/weapon/barrier(T)
- user << "All the loose dirt has been shoveled out of this spot already."
- else if (istype(T, /turf/floor/beach/sand) && istype(H) && !H.shoveling)
- if (T.available_sand > 0)
- H.shoveling = TRUE
- user.visible_message("[user] starts to collect sand into a pile.", "You start to collect sand into a pile.")
- playsound(src,'sound/effects/shovelling.ogg',100,1)
- if (do_after(user, rand(45,60)))
- user.visible_message("[user] collects the sand into a pile.", "You collect the sand into a pile.")
- H.shoveling = FALSE
- H.adaptStat("strength", 1)
- T.available_sand -= 1
- new /obj/item/stack/ore/glass(T)
- else
- H.shoveling = FALSE
+ H.shoveling = FALSE
- ..()
+ user << "All the loose dirt has been shoveled out of this spot already."
+ else if (istype(T, /turf/floor/beach/sand) && istype(H) && !H.shoveling)
+ if (T.available_sand > 0)
+ H.shoveling = TRUE
+ user.visible_message("[user] starts to collect sand into a pile.", "You start to collect sand into a pile.")
+ playsound(src,'sound/effects/shovelling.ogg',100,1)
+ if (do_after(user, rand(45,60)))
+ user.visible_message("[user] collects the sand into a pile.", "You collect the sand into a pile.")
+ H.shoveling = FALSE
+ H.adaptStat("strength", 1)
+ T.available_sand -= 1
+ new /obj/item/stack/ore/glass(T)
+ else
+ H.shoveling = FALSE
@@ -990,31 +985,30 @@ var/mining_in_progress = null // Define the variable out of any scopes and the a
to_chat(H, SPAN_WARNING("It's probably not a good idea to drink saltwater."))
to_chat(H, SPAN_NOTICE("You start drinking some water from the ground..."))
- if (do_after(H,50,src))
- var/watertype = "water"
- if (radiation>0)
- watertype = "irradiated_water"
- if (watertype == "irradiated_water")
- H.rad_act(5)
- else
- var/dmod = 1
- if (H.find_trait("Weak Immune System"))
- dmod = 2
- if (H.find_trait("Strong Immune System"))
- dmod = 0.2
- if (prob(sickness*15*dmod) && !H.orc && !H.crab)
- if (H.disease == 0)
- H.disease_progression = 0
- H.disease_type ="cholera"
- H.disease = 1
- if (H.water < 0)
- H.water += rand(40,50)
- H.water += 75
- H.bladder += 25
- to_chat(H, SPAN_NOTICE("You drink some water from \the [src]."))
- playsound(H.loc, "drink", rand(10, 50), TRUE)
+ if (!do_after(H,50,src))
+ var/watertype = "water"
+ if (radiation > 0)
+ watertype = "irradiated_water"
+ if (watertype == "irradiated_water")
+ H.rad_act(5)
- return
+ var/dmod = 1
+ if (H.find_trait("Weak Immune System"))
+ dmod = 2
+ if (H.find_trait("Strong Immune System"))
+ dmod = 0.2
+ if (prob(sickness*15*dmod) && !H.orc && !H.crab)
+ if (H.disease == 0)
+ H.disease_progression = 0
+ H.disease_type ="cholera"
+ H.disease = 1
+ if (H.water < 0)
+ H.water += rand(40,50)
+ H.water += 75
+ H.bladder += 25
+ to_chat(H, SPAN_NOTICE("You drink some water from \the [src]."))
+ playsound(H.loc, "drink", rand(10, 50), TRUE)
+ return
diff --git a/code/game/turfs/turf.dm b/code/game/turfs/turf.dm
index b849f15a8d..60a17475bb 100644
--- a/code/game/turfs/turf.dm
+++ b/code/game/turfs/turf.dm
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ var/list/interior_areas = list(/area/caribbean/houses,
var/is_diggable = FALSE //can be digged with a shovel?
var/is_plowed = FALSE // ready to be farmed?
var/is_mineable = FALSE //can be mined with a pickaxe?
+ var/mining_in_progress = FALSE //Is it being mined actually?
//Mining resources (for the large drills).
// var/has_resources
// var/list/resources
@@ -135,25 +136,25 @@ var/list/interior_areas = list(/area/caribbean/houses,
var/turf/floor/dirt/underground/U = src
var/mob/living/human/H = user
if (H.ant)
- if(mining_in_progress)
+ if(src.mining_in_progress)
to_chat(user, SPAN_WARNING("You are already trying to break the rocky floor."))
// Set mining_in_progress to TRUE to indicate the process has started.
- mining_in_progress = TRUE
- visible_message("[user] starts to break the rock with their hands...", "You start to break the rock with the your hands...")
+ src.mining_in_progress = TRUE
+ user.visible_message(SPAN_NOTICE("[user] starts to break the rock with their hands..."), SPAN_NOTICE("You start to break the rock with the your hands..."))
if (!do_after(user, (160/(H.getStatCoeff("strength"))/1.5)))
- mining_in_progress = FALSE // In case we abort mid-way.
+ src.mining_in_progress = FALSE // In case we abort mid-way.
if (istype(src, /turf/floor/dirt/underground/empty))
var/turf/floor/dirt/underground/empty/T = src
- mining_in_progress = FALSE // Reset the variable after the process has finished.
+ src.mining_in_progress = FALSE // Reset the variable after the process has finished.
else if (!istype(src, /turf/floor/dirt/underground/empty))
- mining_in_progress = FALSE
+ src.mining_in_progress = FALSE
return TRUE
if (world.time >= user.next_push)
diff --git a/code/modules/materials/material_sheets.dm b/code/modules/materials/material_sheets.dm
index 75f2e884e1..760dccebba 100644
--- a/code/modules/materials/material_sheets.dm
+++ b/code/modules/materials/material_sheets.dm
@@ -399,6 +399,7 @@
flammable = TRUE
var/onfire = FALSE
var/ash_production = FALSE
+ var/splitting_in_progress = FALSE
amount = 25
@@ -414,27 +415,27 @@
-var/splitting_in_progress = null // Initialize the variable outside of the scopes and procedure attackby()
/obj/item/stack/material/wood/attackby(obj/item/T as obj, mob/living/human/user as mob)
if (istype(T, /obj/item/flashlight/torch))
var/obj/item/flashlight/torch/F = T
if(user.a_intent == "harm" && F.on && !onfire)
- user.visible_message("[user.name] tries to set \the [src] on fire!", "You try to set \the [src] on fire!")
+ user.visible_message(SPAN_RED("[user.name] tries to set \the [src] on fire!"), SPAN_RED("You try to set \the [src] on fire!"))
ash_production = 1
src.onfire = 1
- user.visible_message("[user.name] sets \the [src] on fire!", "You set \the [src] on fire!")
+ user.visible_message(SPAN_RED("[user.name] sets \the [src] on fire!"), SPAN_RED("You set \the [src] on fire!"))
if (istype(T, /obj/item/weapon/material/hatchet))
// var/obj/item/weapon/material/hatchet/SH = T
// Check if there's enough material
if (src.amount < 2)
to_chat(user, "You don't have enough material to try.")
+ return
// Check if splitting process is already in progress
if (splitting_in_progress)
- to_chat(user, SPAN_DANGER("You are already splitting \the [src]."))
+ to_chat(user, SPAN_DANGER("\The [src] is already being split."))
// Set splitting_in_progress to TRUE to indicate the process has started
splitting_in_progress = TRUE
@@ -444,17 +445,16 @@ var/splitting_in_progress = null // Initialize the variable outside of the scop
playsound(loc, 'sound/effects/woodfile.ogg', 100, TRUE)
// Set a delay for the splitting process
- if (do_after(user, (80/(user.getStatCoeff("strength"))), src)) // Was originally dividing by SH.chopping_speed after getstatcoeff but the flint hatchet has a faster chopping_speed than an iron one. TODO: refactor the speeds.
- // Finish the splitting process
- user.visible_message("[user.name] finishes carving \the [src] into a plank.", "You finish carving \the [src] into a plank.")
- src.use(2)
- var/obj/item/stack/material/woodplank/dropwood = new /obj/item/stack/material/woodplank(get_turf(user))
- dropwood.amount = 1 // You might expect to obtain anywhere from 2 to 4 planks from a single log. TODO: skill-based plank output
- dropwood.update_strings()
- splitting_in_progress = FALSE // Reset the variable to FALSE after the splitting process is complete
- else
+ if (!do_after(user, (80/(user.getStatCoeff("strength"))), src)) // Was originally dividing by SH.chopping_speed after getstatcoeff but the flint hatchet has a faster chopping_speed than an iron one. TODO: refactor the speeds.
splitting_in_progress = FALSE // In case we abort mid-way.
+ // Finish the splitting process
+ user.visible_message("[user.name] finishes carving \the [src] into a plank.", "You finish carving \the [src] into a plank.")
+ src.use(2)
+ var/obj/item/stack/material/woodplank/dropwood = new /obj/item/stack/material/woodplank(get_turf(user))
+ dropwood.amount = 1 // You might expect to obtain anywhere from 2 to 4 planks from a single log. TODO: skill-based plank output
+ dropwood.update_strings()
+ splitting_in_progress = FALSE // Reset the variable to FALSE after the splitting process is complete
return ..()