diff --git a/components/core/src/clp/regex_utils/constants.hpp b/components/core/src/clp/regex_utils/constants.hpp
index 83ba3fabd..9833543fc 100644
--- a/components/core/src/clp/regex_utils/constants.hpp
+++ b/components/core/src/clp/regex_utils/constants.hpp
@@ -38,11 +38,12 @@ constexpr char cEscapeChar{'\\'};
 constexpr char cCharsetNegate{'^'};
 // Character bitmaps
-// The set of characters that can be preceded with an escape backslash. When escaped, these
-// characters are used as literals.
-constexpr auto cRegexEscapeSeqMetaCharsLUT = create_char_bit_array("*+?|^$.{}[]()<>-_/=!\\");
-// The set of metacharacters that need to be escaped in the wildcard syntax.
-constexpr auto cWildcardMetaCharsLUT = create_char_bit_array("?*\\");
+// The set of regex metacharacters that can be preceded with an escape backslash to be treated as a
+// literal.
+constexpr auto cRegexEscapeSeqMetaCharsLut = create_char_bit_array("*+?|^$.{}[]()<>-_/=!\\");
+// The set of wildcard metacharacters that must remain escaped in the translated string to be
+// treated as a literal.
+constexpr auto cWildcardMetaCharsLut = create_char_bit_array("?*\\");
 }  // namespace clp::regex_utils
diff --git a/components/core/src/clp/regex_utils/regex_translation_utils.cpp b/components/core/src/clp/regex_utils/regex_translation_utils.cpp
index 9f153aae0..61f8481f2 100644
--- a/components/core/src/clp/regex_utils/regex_translation_utils.cpp
+++ b/components/core/src/clp/regex_utils/regex_translation_utils.cpp
@@ -179,10 +179,10 @@ auto escaped_state_transition(
         [[maybe_unused]] RegexToWildcardTranslatorConfig const& config
 ) -> error_code {
     auto const ch{*it};
-    if (false == cRegexEscapeSeqMetaCharsLUT.at(ch)) {
+    if (false == cRegexEscapeSeqMetaCharsLut.at(ch)) {
         return ErrorCode::IllegalEscapeSequence;
-    if (cWildcardMetaCharsLUT.at(ch)) {
+    if (cWildcardMetaCharsLut.at(ch)) {
         wildcard_str = wildcard_str + cEscapeChar + ch;
     } else {
         wildcard_str += ch;