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BillAgner edited this page Nov 21, 2018 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the hedera-sdk-dotnet-wrapper project. This project wraps the hedera-sdk-c project files and static library with a .NET managed C++ class library solution. The hedera-sdk-dotnet-wrapper solution will compile to a .NET assembly DLL w/ the Hedera SDK interfaces wrapped & statically linked in.

To use the hedera-sdk-dotnet-wrapper.DLL just include it in any .NET project and declare the "using hedera-sdk-dotnet-wrapper"; namespace at the top of your .NET project file. The classes have been organized and named similarly to the the official hedera-sdk-c naming, with the exception that they are now camel case.

In order to compile this hedera-sdk-dotnet-wrapper solution, the hedera-sdk-c project should be cloned at the same directory level as this project. References to the additional include directories and library are set for this directory structure.

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