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Releases: BindaCMS/binda

New layout, new features.

30 Dec 21:53
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How to upgrade

If you are coming from version 0.0.8.beta.3 please follow this steps:

  1. Add migration:
$ rails generate migration addVideoToBindaAssets
  def change
      add_column :binda_assets, :type, :string
      add_column :binda_assets, :video, :string
  1. Run migration and the following task
$ rails db:migrate

Be aware that Binda::Asset doesn't have a ImageUploader anymore, which as been moved to Binda::Image. The following helpers has_image, get_image_url, get_image_path have been updated. Also note that Binda stores images into asset folder so you might need to update your upload directory renaming it from asset to image.

Image large and medium version have been removed from image uploader. This is due to GIF generating memory leaks on production servers. This issue hasn't been totally solve, might be worth doing further investigation, possibly moving GIFs to another uploader. Please update your code accordingly.

  1. Create migration for Relation field.
rails generate migration CreateBindaRelation
create_table :binda_relations do |t|
  t.integer             :field_setting_id
  t.references       :fieldable, polymorphic: true, index: true

create_table :binda_relation_links do |t|
  t.references       :owner, polymorphic: true, index: true
  t.references       :dependent, polymorphic: true, index: true

Now it's possible to update videos:

rails binda:add_video_feature
  1. Check that you have setup a binda_field_settings_structures table. If you havent, please add it to the current migration.
create_table :binda_field_settings_structures do |t|
  t.belongs_to :field_setting
  t.belongs_to :structure
  1. Add a migration for the preview
$ rails generate migration addPreview

Modify the migration file with these lines:

def change
  add_column :binda_structures, :has_preview, :boolean, default: false

Run migrations

$ rails db:migrate
  1. If you don't have app/models/b.rb file, run the following command:
$ rails generate model B --no-migration --parent=::Binda::B

New Features

  • Complete new skin, not totally polished yet, but sufficient
  • Preview link for components
  • Video field
  • Default helpers available through the B class


  • sorting components has been extracted to a specific page, also limited to 1000 entries.
  • add documentation badge
  • add test coverage
  • components postion is set on after_save rather then in componets#create
  • update layout of index and sort components
  • Add loader/warning for components sort index
  • Remove jQuery File Upload plugin and created a custom one
  • Remove tests about generators
  • Add Select2 plugin


Infinite number of fixes


16 Sep 05:43
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0.0.8.beta Pre-release


  1. Better messages on component controller
  2. Better validation on field_type with allow_nil false
  3. Better generators output and cleaner install generator
  4. Official documentation moved to
  5. Add Github markup do Yard for documentation
  6. Optimized test and add Selenium to support Ajax requests and javascript
  7. Removed get_repeater from DefaultHelpers as it didn't make any sense
  8. Add visual uploader!!! 🙌
  9. Enhanced repeaters sorting!!! 🙌


  1. Issue with task binda:upgrade_to_v007
  2. Issues with default helpers and field helpers
  3. Issues with get_selection_choice and get_checkbox_choice
  4. Save value of string belonging to repeaters in components and boards editors
  5. Error when creating selection/checkbox/radio in a repeater
  6. Binda::FieldSetting wrong association naming
  7. wrong association naming for has_many repeater in Binda::FieldSetting
  8. selection not appearing on repeater editor


12 Sep 21:14
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This is a major release and we are now at 0.0.7.

If you upgrade from 0.0.6 follow these steps:

Save on a .txt file your website name and description. You will need to manually restore them later. Same goes for all fields which are set as strings. They will be still available on the database but Binda won't recognised them anymore.

Upgrade Binda gem

bundle update

Now running bundle show binda you should see version 0.0.7

Create first migration

rails g migration updateBinda
def change
  add_reference   :binda_settings, :structure, index: true
  add_column      :binda_structures, :instance_type, :string, null: false, default: 'component'
  add_column      :binda_texts, :type, :string

  create_table :binda_choices_selects do |t|
    t.belongs_to :choice, index: true
    t.belongs_to :select, index: true

  remove_reference :binda_choices, :selectable, polymorphic: true
  rename_table   :binda_selects, :binda_selections
  rename_table   :binda_choices_selects, :binda_choices_selections
  rename_column  :binda_choices_selections, :select_id, :selection_id
  rename_table   :binda_settings, :binda_boards

Now run this migration

rails db:migrate

Setup new dashboard

Run this task. There is everything you need in it.

rails binda:upgrade_to_v007

Create second migration:

Now that everything is setup you can delete columns we are not going to use anymore.

rails g migration removeUselessColumns
def change
  remove_column   :binda_boards, :content, :text
  remove_column   :binda_boards, :is_true, :boolean, default: false

Run this migration as well

rails db:migrate

New features

  1. We now have boards! Binda::Setting has been dropped in favour of Binda::Board which is fully customizable from the CMS.
  2. We have fully optimized Binda default helpers such as get_components
  3. Add selections with select, radio and checkbox!
  4. Strings are now a model called Binda::String which means that if you upgrade you will lose all previous content related to any string field.

Binda v0.0.6 release

12 Sep 21:14
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In order to update from the previous release you need to update the application schema with the following migration.

class AddColumnsToBindaFieldSettings < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.1]
  def change
    add_column        :binda_field_settings,   :allow_null, :boolean
    add_reference     :binda_field_settings,   :default_choice, index: true

    create_table :binda_choices do |t|
      t.string           :label
      t.string           :value
      t.belongs_to       :field_setting
      t.references       :selectable, polymorphic: true, index: true

    create_table :binda_selects do |t|
      t.belongs_to       :field_setting
      t.references       :fieldable, polymorphic: true, index: true
      t.string           :type

Beta for Rails 5.1

12 Sep 21:15
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Add repeater

Stable release for Rails 5.0

12 Sep 21:15
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initial release