The purpose of this module is to allow the user to serialize and deserialize data in a binary format. This is useful for sending data over the network, or storing data in a file.
The module is designed to permit the user to define the structure of the transcoders easily and with a structured API. The user can define the structure of the transcoder using a builder pattern, and add new types of transcoders by implementing simple interfaces.
This module is a framework, in the sense that as long as one properly implement the provided interfaces, everything goes into place accordingly, and provide a simple API to the end user.
Fortunately, the module also provides a few smart defaults and built-in transcoders.
Here is how to encoder an integer into a byte array:
val encoder: Encoder<Int> = IntEncoder()
val encoded: ByteArray = encoder.encode(5) // [0, 0, 0, 5]
The same goes for decoding:
val decoder: Decoder<Int> = IntDecoder()
val decoded: Int = decoder.decode(byteArrayOf(0, 0, 0, 5)).get() // 5
And you can combine them to create a transcoder
val encoder: Encoder<Int> = IntEncoder()
val decoder: Decoder<Int> = IntDecoder()
val transcoder: Transcoder<Int> = Transcoder.create(encoder, decoder)
val encoded: ByteArray = transcoder.encode(5)
val decoded: Int = transcoder.decode(encoded).get()
Moreover, one can easily create more complex transcoders using a composition API:
class IntPair(val first: Int, val second: Int)
val pairEncoder: Encoder<IntPair> = composedEncoder<IntPair> { // it: IntPair
val pairDecoder: Decoder<IntPair> = composedDecoder<IntPair> {
val first: Int = int()
val second: Int = int()
IntPair(first, second)
Encoders are used to serialize data into a binary format. They are stateless, and can be reused multiple times. For a complete guide on how to use encoders, see
Decoders are used to deserialize data from a binary format. They are stateful, and should be created each time. For a complete guide on how to use decoders, see
Transcoders are, by definition, both encoders and decoders. They are stateful, and should be created each time. For a complete guide on how to use transcoders, see