The problem of answering multiple choice questions, based on the content of documents has been studied extensively in the machine learning literature. We pose the due diligence problem, where lawyers study legal contracts and assess the risk in potential mergers and acquisitions, as a multiple choice question answering problem, based on the text of the contract. Existing frameworks for question answering are not suitable for this task, due to the inherent scarcity and imbalance in the legal contract data available for training. We propose a question answering system which first identifies the excerpt in the contract which potentially contains the answer to a given question, and then builds a multi-class classifier to choose the answer to the question, based on the content of this excerpt. Unlike existing question answering systems, the proposed system explicitly handles the imbalance in the data, by generating synthetic instances of the minority answer categories, using the Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique. This ensures that the number of instances in all the classes are roughly equal to each other, thus leading to more accurate and reliable classification. We demonstrate that the proposed question answering system outperforms the existing systems with minimal amount of training data.
We are concerned with investigating the apparent effectiveness of Radford et al.’s “Sentiment Neuron,” [9] which they claim encapsulates sufficient knowledge to accurately predict sentiment in reviews. In our analysis of the Sentiment Neuron, we find that the removal of the neuron only marginally affects a classifier’s ability to detect and label sentiment and may even improve performance. Moreover, the effectiveness of the Sentiment Neuron can be surpassed by simply using 100 random neurons as features to the same classifier. Using adversarial examples, we show that the generated representation containing the Sentiment Neuron (i.e., the final hidden cell state in a LSTM) is particularly sensitive to the end of a processed sequence. Accordingly, we find that caution needs to be applied when interpreting neuron-based feature representations and potential flaws should be addressed for real-world applicability.
In this paper, we examined several algorithms to detect sentence boundaries in legal text. Legal text presents challenges for sentence tokenizers because of the variety of punctuations and syntax of legal text. Out-of-the-box algorithms perform poorly on legal text affecting further analysis of the text. A novel and domain-specific approach is needed to detect sentence boundaries to further analyze legal text. We present the results of our investigation in this paper.
We present a portfolio of natural legal language processing and document curation services currently under development in a collaborative European project. First, we give an overview of the project and the different use cases, while, in the main part of the article, we focus upon the 13 different processing services that are being deployed in different prototype applications using a flexible and scalable microservices architecture. Their orchestration is operationalised using a content and document curation workflow manager.
While document signatures are a well established tool in IR, they have primarily been investigated in the context of web documents. Legal due diligence documents, by their nature, have more similar structure and language than we may expect out of standard web collections. Moreover, many due diligence systems strive to facilitate real-time interactions and so time from document ingestion to availability should be minimal. Such constraints further limit the possible solution space when identifying near duplicate documents. We present an examination of the tradeoffs that document signature methods face in the due diligence domain. In particular, we quantify the trade-off between signature length, time to compute, number of hash collisions, and number of nearest neighbours for a 90,000 document due diligence corpus.
In due diligence, lawyers are tasked with reviewing a large set of legal documents to identify documents and portions thereof that may be problematic for a merger or acquisition. In an effort to aid users to review more efficiently, we sought to determine how document-level clustering may help users of a due diligence system during their workflow. Following an iterative design methodology, we conducted several user studies with different versions of a document-level clustering feature consisting of three distinct phases and 27 users. We found that the interface should adapt to a user’s understanding of what “similar documents” means so that trust can be established in the feature. Furthermore, the ability to negotiate with the underlying algorithm is facilitated by the establishment of trust. Finally, while the usage of this feature may be influenced by a user’s role, it remains primarily a project management tool.
In legal due diligence, lawyers identify a variety of topic instances in a company’s contracts that may pose risk during a transaction. In this paper, we present a study of 9 lawyers conducting a simulated review of 50 contracts for five topics. We find that lawyers agree on the general location of relevant material at a higher rate than in other assessor agreement studies, but they do not entirely agree on the extent of the relevant material. Additionally, we do not find strong differences between lawyers who have differing levels of due diligence expertise. If we train machine learning models to identify these topics based on each user’s judgments, the resulting models exhibit similar levels of agreement between each other as to the lawyers that trained them. This indicates that these models are learning the types of behaviour exhibited by their trainers, even if they are doing so imperfectly. Accordingly, we argue that additional work is necessary to improve the assessment process to ensure that all parties agree on identified material.
In Mergers and Acquisition due diligence, lawyers are tasked with analyzing a collection of contracts and determine the level of risk that comes from a merger or acquisition. This process has historically been manual and resulted in only a small fraction of the collection being examined. This paper reports on the user-focused redesign of our document viewer that is used by clients to review documents and train machine learning algorithms to find pertinent information from these contracts. We present an overview of the due diligence task and the user stories, generated through analysis of support tickets, user interviews, and usability testing sessions, that we used to redesign our document viewer to accommodate the variety of workflows that our clients employ. Additionally, we detail the important design decisions made and discuss the implications of our redesign beyond our particular use case.
In the TREC Total Recall Track (2015-2016), participating teams could employ either fully automatic or human-assisted (“semi-automatic”) methods to select documents for relevance assessment by a simulated human reviewer. According to the TREC 2016 evaluation, the fully automatic baseline method achieved a recall-precision breakeven (“R-precision”) score of 0.71, while the two semi-automatic efforts achieved scores of 0.67 and 0.51. In this work, we investigate the extent to which the observed effectiveness of the different methods may be confounded by chance, by inconsistent adherence to the Track guidelines, by selection bias in the evaluation method, or by discordant relevance assessments. We find no evidence that any of these factors could yield relative effectiveness scores inconsistent with the official TREC 2016 ranking.
OpenEDGAR is an open source Python framework designed to rapidly construct research databases based on the Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval (EDGAR) system operated by the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). OpenEDGAR is built on the Django application framework, supports distributed compute across one or more servers, and includes functionality to (i) retrieve and parse index and filing data from EDGAR, (ii) build tables for key metadata like form type and filer, (iii) retrieve, parse, and update CIK to ticker and industry mappings, (iv) extract content and metadata from filing documents, and (v) search filing document contents. OpenEDGAR is designed for use in both academic research and industrial applications, and is distributed under MIT License at
Over the last 23 years, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission has required over 34,000 companies to file over 165,000 annual reports. These reports, the so-called "Form 10-Ks," contain a characterization of a company's financial performance and its risks, including the regulatory environment in which a company operates. In this paper, we analyze over 4.5 million references to U.S. Federal Acts and Agencies contained within these reports to build a mean-field measurement of temperature and diversity in this regulatory ecosystem, where companies are organisms inhabiting the regulatory environment. While individuals across the political, economic, and academic world frequently refer to trends in this regulatory ecosystem, far less attention has been paid to supporting such claims with large-scale, longitudinal data. In this paper, we document an increase in the regulatory energy per filing, i.e., a warming "temperature." We also find that the diversity of the regulatory ecosystem has been increasing over the past two decades, as measured by the dimensionality of the regulatory space and distance between the "regulatory bitstrings" of companies. These findings support the claim that regulatory activity and complexity are increasing, and this measurement framework contributes an important step towards improving academic and policy discussions around legal complexity and regulation.
The United States Code (Code) is a document containing over 22 million words that represents a large and important source of Federal statutory law. Scholars and policy advocates often discuss the direction and magnitude of changes in various aspects of the Code. However, few have mathematically formalized the notions behind these discussions or directly measured the resulting representations. This paper addresses the current state of the literature in two ways. First, we formalize a representation of the United States Code as the union of a hierarchical network and a citation network over vertices containing the language of the Code. This representation reflects the fact that the Code is a hierarchically organized document containing language and explicit citations between provisions. Second, we use this formalization to measure aspects of the Code as codified in October 2008, November 2009, and March 2010. These measurements allow for a characterization of the actual changes in the Code over time. Our findings indicate that in the recent past, the Code has grown in its amount of structure, interdependence, and language.