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deejaybeam edited this page Jan 15, 2023 · 31 revisions

Thank you for your interest in my version for the NSPanel.

Here you can find a short navigation to the most important documentations.

If you like my version for the NSPanel I would be happy if you share my Github link. I would be very happy about a follow and a feedback and it helps that other people can find my project faster ;)




DE 🇩🇪

(DE) Erste Schritte | Installation und Einrichtung

(DE) Blueprint | Einrichtung und Erklärung vom Blueprint

(DE) HowTo | Alle wichtigen Dinge die man wissen sollte



EN 🇺🇸

(EN) First Steps | Installation and Setup

(EN) Blueprint | Setup and explanation of the Blueprint

(EN) HowTo | All important things you should know (coming soon)