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Blackymas edited this page Jan 19, 2023 · 31 revisions

Thank you for your interest in my version for the NSPanel.

This Wiki will grow over time and we are trying to keep up with the rapid development. If you have any issues, concerns, requests or find something missing in the Wiki, please let us know!

If you like my version for the NSPanel I would be happy if you share my Github link. I would be very happy about a follow and a feedback and it helps that other people can find my project faster ;)



DE - Step by Step Einrichtungs und Konfigurations Video

EN - Overview and features




DE 🇩🇪

(DE) Erste Schritte | Installation und Einrichtung

(DE) Blueprint | Einrichtung und Erklärung vom Blueprint

(DE) HowTo | Alle wichtigen Dinge die man wissen sollte


EN 🇺🇸

(EN) First Steps | Installation and Setup

(EN) Blueprint | Setup and explanation of the Blueprint

(EN) HowTo | All important things you should know