migrate databases to k8s cluster
migrate databases to k8s cluster
add swarm batch ids for sepolia and holesky
add swarm batch ids for sepolia and holesky
fix: deployment script now stops indexer before updating the api and …
fix: deployment script now stops indexer before updating the api and …
add playbook update-openssh-server
add playbook update-openssh-server
update indexer docker tag
update indexer docker tag
update swarm env configuration
update swarm env configuration
Reduce prometheus metrics and run swarm-batch-exporter and bee-dashbo…
Reduce prometheus metrics and run swarm-batch-exporter and bee-dashbo…
deploy bullmq-prometheus exporter
deploy bullmq-prometheus exporter
terraform: update swarm disk type to pd-ssd
terraform: update swarm disk type to pd-ssd
update ansible configuration
update ansible configuration
Enable swarm only in ethereum mainnet production
Enable swarm only in ethereum mainnet production
nginx: Remove /api prefix from API domain
nginx: Remove /api prefix from API domain