You need to have the following Android developer tools installed:
- "Android Command-line tools" version 9477386 recommended
- "Android SDK Build-tools" version 33.0.1
- "Android SDK Platform Tools" version 33.0.3 recommended
The above tools can be installed from the Android SDK manager.
git clone
cd green_android
The pre-built native libraries are the same versions used in the builds
published by Blockstream. Gradle/Android Studio will automatically use the latest.
To download and update manually native libraries to the latest supported run:
If you wish to make changes to the native libraries or would like to build
completely from source, you can compile GDK from its source code yourself.
This requires the "Android NDK" (version r23b recommended) from Android
developer tools, as well as SWIG. Most Linux
distributions have SWIG available, on debian for example you can install it
sudo apt-get install swig
You must set the environment variables ANDROID_NDK
correctly, then run:
cd crypto
cd ..
If you get errors building please ensure your are using the recommended NDK version.
./gradlew build
This will build both release and debug builds.
You can speed up builds by limiting the tasks which run. Use ./gradlew --tasks
to see a list of available tasks.
If you have docker configured and want to build the app in release mode without having to set up an Android development environment, run:
cd contrib
docker build -t green_android_builder .
cd ..
docker run -it -v $PWD:/ga green_android_builder
If you don't need to build the Docker image, you can instead run:
docker pull greenaddress/android && docker run -it -v $PWD:/ga greenaddress/android
Check for various settings of the build script by running it with --help
docker run -it -v $PWD:/ga greenaddress/android --help
Artifacts are generated in green/build/outputs/apk/[production]/[release]/