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\r\nBoavizta Cloud-Scanner - Environmental impacts of EC2 instances and block storage",
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+ "content": "Cloud-scanner returns environmental impacts of your AWS usage.\n\nIt combines real time inventory and usage data from an AWS account with impact data from Boavizta API.\n\n## Resource considered\n\n- EC2 instances (type and CPU load)\n- Block storage (type and size)\n\n## Indicators\n\n- 🔥 Global Warming Potential - GWP (CO2eq)\n- ⚡ Primary Energy - PE (KWH or Mega Joules)\n- 🌍 Abiotic Depletion Potential - ADP: resources like mineral, water (kgSbeq)\n\n## Scopes\n\n- Use (displayed here for **one hour** of use)\n- Embodied impacts (i.e. manufacture related impacts, amortized for one hour of use)\n\n## Data and methodology\n\n- https://boavizta.github.io/cloud-scanner/\n- https://www.boavizta.org/en\n- https://boavizta.org/en/blog/empreinte-de-la-fabrication-d-un-serveur\n\n\n",
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"type": "prometheus",
+ "uid": "cloud-scanner-prometheus-demo-uid"
"disableTextWrap": false,
"editorMode": "code",
@@ -1167,7 +1118,7 @@
"datasource": {
"type": "prometheus",
+ "uid": "cloud-scanner-prometheus-demo-uid"
"fieldConfig": {
"defaults": {
@@ -1225,7 +1176,7 @@
"datasource": {
"type": "prometheus",
+ "uid": "cloud-scanner-prometheus-demo-uid"
"disableTextWrap": false,
"editorMode": "code",
@@ -1241,7 +1192,7 @@
"datasource": {
"type": "prometheus",
+ "uid": "cloud-scanner-prometheus-demo-uid"
"disableTextWrap": false,
"editorMode": "code",
@@ -1275,7 +1226,7 @@
"datasource": {
"type": "prometheus",
+ "uid": "cloud-scanner-prometheus-demo-uid"
"description": "",
"fieldConfig": {
@@ -1363,7 +1314,7 @@
"datasource": {
"type": "prometheus",
+ "uid": "cloud-scanner-prometheus-demo-uid"
"disableTextWrap": false,
"editorMode": "code",
@@ -1379,7 +1330,7 @@
"datasource": {
"type": "prometheus",
+ "uid": "cloud-scanner-prometheus-demo-uid"
"disableTextWrap": false,
"editorMode": "code",
@@ -1400,7 +1351,7 @@
"datasource": {
"type": "prometheus",
+ "uid": "cloud-scanner-prometheus-demo-uid"
"description": "",
"fieldConfig": {
@@ -1488,7 +1439,7 @@
"datasource": {
"type": "prometheus",
+ "uid": "cloud-scanner-prometheus-demo-uid"
"disableTextWrap": false,
"editorMode": "code",
@@ -1504,7 +1455,7 @@
"datasource": {
"type": "prometheus",
+ "uid": "cloud-scanner-prometheus-demo-uid"
"disableTextWrap": false,
"editorMode": "code",
@@ -1532,7 +1483,7 @@
"current": {},
"datasource": {
"type": "prometheus",
+ "uid": "cloud-scanner-prometheus-demo-uid"
"definition": "label_values(awsregion)",
"hide": 0,
@@ -1556,7 +1507,7 @@
"current": {},
"datasource": {
"type": "prometheus",
+ "uid": "cloud-scanner-prometheus-demo-uid"
"definition": "label_values(resource_type)",
"hide": 0,
diff --git a/dashboard-config/provisioning/datasources/prometheus-datasource.yml b/dashboard-config/provisioning/datasources/prometheus-datasource.yml
index 017ded86..47846635 100644
--- a/dashboard-config/provisioning/datasources/prometheus-datasource.yml
+++ b/dashboard-config/provisioning/datasources/prometheus-datasource.yml
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ datasources:
# Access mode - proxy (server in the UI) or direct (browser in the UI).
access: proxy
url: http://prometheus_boa:9090
+ uid: cloud-scanner-prometheus-demo-uid
httpMethod: POST