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Internal API Host

Jannes P edited this page May 14, 2018 · 2 revisions



pairs with a peripheral for the first time (or if the pairing was lost)

    context: "server",
    message_type: "request", 		
    message_code: "pair",
    data: { code: string }				//the pairing code that is displayed on the peripheral

response data:

	success: boolean


retrieves all available, already paired peripherals that are connected to the server

    context: "server",
    message_type: "request", 		
    message_code: "get_available_peripherals",
    data: null					//not used

response data:

	devices: [
    	{ id: number, name: string },	//id is a unique public identifier


connects to the peripheral with the given id

after a positive response came back from the server you are allowed to send 'device' context messages

    context: "server",
    message_type: "request", 		
    message_code: "connect_to_peripheral",
    data: { id: number }				//the id of the peripheral

response data:

	success: boolean
        id: int


disconnects from the currently connected peripheral without cutting the WebSocket connection

    context: "server",
    message_type: "request", 		
    message_code: "disconnect_from_peripheral",
    data: null

response data:

	success: boolean


removes the peripheral from the list of paired peripherals

    context: "server",
    message_type: "request", 		
    message_code: "pair",
    data: { id: number }				//the id of the peripheral you want to remove

response data:

	success: boolean
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