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File metadata and controls

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#RHCSA Training ##Objectives




##Course Objectives

objectives: 1_recovery

The following objective is to Recover / Reset the root password on a RHEL 7 system.

###Rescue Process (lost root password)

  • start or reboot the system
  • at the grub menu, press the [ESC] key to interrupt the boot proc
  • press 'e' to edit the boot record
  • scroll down to the 'linux16' entry and press the [end] key
  • add rd.break console=tty1
  • press CTRL-X to boot
  • remount in r/w mode: mount -o remount,rw /sysroot
  • switch to chroot jail: chroot /sysroot
  • reset pw: passwd root
  • create SELinux blank file under root: touch /.autorelabel
  • type exit twice to reboot system

objectives: 2_essential_tools

###Archive, compress, unpack and uncompress files:

Tool Archive Extract
tar (gzip) tar cfzv archive.tar.gz tar xvf archive.tar.gz .
tar (bzip) tar cfjv tar xvf .
star star -c -f=archive.tar dir/ star -x -f=archive.tar .
gzip gzip file gunzip file.gz
bzip2 bzip2 file bunzip file.bz2

####Create a test directory with 3 files, list, change ownership

  • mkdir test && touch test/{file1,file2,file3} - create some directories
  • ls -l test/ - list in long mode
  • chown -R nobody:wheel test/ - recursively change owner & group

####Changing Modes (octal & ugo)

  • chmod 0755 test/file1 - change mode to 0755 octal way
  • chmod u=rwx,g=rx,o=rx test/file{2,3} - change mode to 0755 ugo way
  • ls -l test/ - list changes to verify

####Set Special Permissions (files / directories)

  • chmod 1750 test/file1 - Sticky Bit
  • chmod 2750 test/file2 - Set GID
  • chmod 4750 test/file3 - Set UID

objectives: 3_operate_running_systems

###Boot systems into different targets manually

  • systemctl list-units --type=target --all - view full list of targets
  • systemctl get-default - get default run-level
  • systemctl isolate - change to multi-user (RL 3)
  • systemctl isolate - switch to graphical (RL 5)
  • systemctl set-default - set default to graphical

###Identify CPU/memory intensive processes, adjust with renice & kill

  • open up new tab
  • nice -n -10 yes - start basic process with a nice level of -10
  • top - view nice level of existing programs renice [-n] priority [-g|-p|-u] identifiers (group, pid, user)


  • renice -n 5 -p 1701 - change priority to proc
  • renice -n 5 -g wheel - change priority by group
  • renice -n 5 -u johnny - change priority by user

####Start, stop and pause a process

  • kill (-SIGSTOP | -19) pid - suspend process to be continued later
  • kill (-SIGCONT | -18) pid - continue a process that was suspended
  • kill (-SIGTERM | -15) pid - kill a process, can be gracefully caught
  • kill (-SIGKILL | -9) pid - kill a process, cannot be caught

####Start, stop and check status of network services

  • systemctl status name.service - check status
    • same format for service: start, stop, restart, reload, enable
  • systemctl enable name.service - enable service at boot

objectives: 4_configure_local_storage

####List, create, delete partions on MBR and GPT disks

  • fdisk -l - list all partitions
  • fdisk /dev/vda - create a new primary partition
  • [n] - for new partition
  • [p] - primary
  • (1-4) - partition number
  • <size/sector> - choose appropriate sizing
  • [t] - filesystem type, 8e for LVM, 82 for swap
  • [w] - save the partition changes
  • partprobe - force kernel to read updated partition table
  • mkfs.ext4 /dev/vda1 - format the disk for ext4
  • mkfs.xfs /dev/vda2 - format the disk for xfs
  • mkfs.vfat /dev/vda3 - format the disk for vfat
  • mkdir /mnt/{ext4,xfs,vfat} - create mount points for each filesystem
  • blkid /dev/vda[n] - retrieve UUID for appropriate partition
  • update /etc/fstab with appopriate entry
UUID='...' /dev/vda1 /mnt/ext4 ext4 defaults 0 2
UUID='...' /dev/vda2 /mnt/xfs xfs defaults 0 0
UUID='...' /dev/vda3 /mnt/vfat vfat defaults 0 0
  • mount -a - mount all filesystems

####Create and remove physical volumes, assign physical volumes to volume groups, and create and delete logical volumes

  • lsblk -a - display current block devices and configuration
  • pvcreate /dev/vdb1 - create a physical volume
  • vgcreate <vgname> -s 8m /dev/vdb1 - create volume group, set extant size (4m default, set to 8m)
  • lvcreate -n <lvname> -L 25G <vgname> - create logical volume, assign name and size
  • mkfs.xfs /dev/<vgname>/<lvname> - create filesystem (xfs) on logical volume
  • mkdir /mnt/lvm - create mountpoint
  • blkid /dev/<vgname>/<lvname - display UUID
  • vi /etc/fstab - update fstab
UUID="..." /mnt/lvm xfs defaults 0 0
# or
/dev/vg1/lv1 /mnt/lvm xfs defaults 0 0

####Add swap to a system non-destructively

  • lvcreate -L 1G -n <lv_swapname> <vgname> - create new logical volume for swap space
  • mkswap /dev/<vgname>/<lv_swapname> - create swap
  • swapon /dev/<vgname>/<lv_swapname> - activate swap
  • swapon -s - verify swap summary
  • vi /etc/fstab - update fstab
  • /dev/vg/swap swap swap defaults 0 0 - entry

objectives: 5_file_systems

###Create, mount and unmount filesystems (ext4, xfs, vfat)

  • lvcreate -L 100M -n <lv_name> /dev/<vgname> - create new volume
  • mkfs.<ext4|xfs|vfat> /dev/<vgname>/<lvname> - create ext4 filesystem
  • mount /dev/<vgname><lvname> - manually mount the filesystem
  • vi /etc/fstab - update fstab for each filesystem
# /etc/fstab
/dev/vg1/lv1 /mnt/ext4 ext4 defaults 1 2
/dev/vg1/lv1 /mnt/xfs   xfs defaults 0 0
/dev/vg1/lv1 /mnt/vfat vfat defaults 0 0

#####Mount and unmount file systems (NFS)

  • yum install -y nfs-utils - ensure required NFS services are installed
  • systemctl enable rpcbind.service - enable rpcbind
  • systemctl start rpcbind.service - start rpcbind
  • systemctl enable - enable nfs-client target
  • systemctl start - start nfs-client target
  • vi /etc/fstab - add fstab entry for nfs4
nfsserver:/dir/share /mnt/nfs nfs4 defaults 0 0
  • mount -a - automount fstab entries

#####Mount and unmount file systems (CIFS)

  • yum install -y cifs-utils samba-client - ensure required CIFS services are installed
  • systemctl enable smb.service - enable samba
  • systemctl enable nmb.service - enable nmb
  • systemctl enable winbind.service - enable windbind
  • vi /etc/fstab - add fstab entry for CIFS
//smbserver/share /mnt/cifs cifs rw,username=user,password=pw 0 0
  • mount -a - automount fstab entries

#####Extend existing logical volumes

  • lvcreate -L 100M -n <lvname> /dev/<vgname> - create new volume if needed
  • mkfs.ext4 /dev/<vgname>/<lvname> - make an ext4 filesystem
  • mount /dev/<vgname>/<lvname> /mnt/ext4 - mount it somewhere logical
    • lvextend -l +100%FREE -r /dev/<vgname>/<lvname> - allocate ALL free space
    • lvextend -L +50M -r /dev/<vgname>/<lvname> - allocate additional 50M or what have you

#####Create and configure set-GID directories for collaboration

  • groupadd -g 50000 <gname> - create a new group
  • mkdir /share - create a shared directory in root
  • chown nobody:<gname> /share - change ownership of dir to gname
  • chmod 2770 /share - assign / set GID bit (SGID) to /share
    • (allows all members of group write privs, removes all for everyone else)
  • useradd -G <gname> <uname> - create new users and assign them this group

#####Create and manage ACLs

  • getfacl <file> - view file ACLs
  • setfacl -Rm u:<username>:rwx <file> - change file ACL to 7 for user
    • setfacl g:<groupname>:rwx <file> - same but for group
  • setfacl -x u:<username> <file> - remove ACLs from file
  • setfacl -b u:<username> <file> - completely remove ACLs from file

objectives: 6_maintain_systems

####Configure networking, update connections / devices

  • Devices and connections are two distinct things
    • devices are actual interfaces on the system
    • connections can be bound & be turned on/off
    • only 1 connection can be up at a time
  • nmcli con show or nmcli dev status - display network connections or devices
  • nmcli con del <name|UUID> - remove a connection / interface
  • nmcli con add con-name <name> ifname <interface> type ethernet ip4 gw4
    • create a connection (provide ip / gateway)
  • nmcli con reload - reload configs into network manager
  • ip address show or ip a - check configuration
    • nmcli con show <name> - all information about a connection
  • nmcli con down <name> - stop a connection
  • nmcli con up <name> - start a connection
  • To modify a connection:
    • nmcli con mod <name> ipv4.address - ip address
    • nmcli con mod <name> ipv4.gateway - gateway
    • nmcli con reload - reload configs into network manager
    • nmcli con up <name> - ensure connection is up
    • nmcli con delete <name> - delete the connection when through

#####Hostname updates: statically or dynamically

  • hostnamectl <--static|--transient|--pretty> - view all current hostnames (static, transient, pretty)
  • hostnamectl set-hostname <name> - set the hostname
    • use --static, --transient, --pretty for individual hostnames
  • hostname resolution relies on /etc/nsswitch.conf
    • hosts: files dns - entry resloves first through files (static) then dns (dynamic)
      • static comes from /etc/hosts file
      • dynamic comes from /etc/resolve.conf file
  • nmcli con mod <interface> +ipv4.dns - add DNS server
    • +ipv4.dns - adds a server
    • ipv4.dns - replaces it
    • -ipv4.dns - removes a server
  • nmcli con up <interface> - restart connection

####Schedule tasks using at and cron

Minute Hour Day Of Month Month Day Of Week CMD
0-59 0-23 1-31 1-12 1-7 /root/
  • crontab -u <username> -e - edit users crontab
  • wildcards * can be used to match every value
  • cron jobs that neet to run routinely can be placed in /etc/cron.{daily,weekly,monthly}
    • these must be executable

#####Configure time services using NTP

  • timedatectl - get current config
  • timedatectl list-timezones - list available time zones
  • timedatectl set-timezone <timezone> - set the timezone eg: America/Chicago
  • yum install -y ntp - install ntp
  • systemctl enable ntpd.service - enable ntpd at boot
  • systemctl start ntpd.service - start ntpd
    • config file is at /etc/ntp.conf

#####Configure time services using Chrony

  • yum install -y chrony - install chrony
  • systemctl enable cronyd.service - enable chronyd at boot
  • systemctl start cronyd.service - start chronyd
  • ntpdate <timeserver> - synchronize server
    • config file is located at /etc/chrony.conf

####Install and update packages from Redhat network, remote repo or local file system

  • yum-config-manager --add-repo= - leverage this tool to generate repo file
  • vi /etc/yum.repos.d/<remote>.repo - modify the repository to
name=added from
gpgcheck=0                        # <----- add this line!

objectives: 7_manage_users_and_groups

####Create, delete and modify local user accounts

  • useradd <username> - create a new user
  • useradd -G <group> <username> - add existing user to new group
  • usermod -aG <supgroup> <username> - add user to supplementary group
  • userdel -r <username> - remove the user completely from the system

####Change passwords and adjust password aging for local user accounts

  • chage -M <max_days> <username> - set the maximum password age
  • chage -I <username> - set the account / user to inactive
  • chage -d 0 <username> - force user to change password at next login
  • date -d "+180 days" - determine the date 180+ days from today
  • vi /etc/login.defs - update password policy configuration file

####Create, delete and modify local groups and group memberships

  • groupadd -r <groupname> - create a new system group
  • groupmod -n <newname> <groupname> - rename existing group
  • groupmod -g <groupid> <groupname> - assign a GID to group
  • groupdel <groupname> - delete existing group

####Configure a system to use an existing auth service for user/group info

  • using LDAP server:

#####LDAP Client Configuration

  • yum install -y openldap-clients nss-pam-ldapd - install LDAP tools
  • authconfig-tui - Text user interface wizard to setup LDAP
    • Cache Information
    • Use LDAP
    • Use MD5
    • Use Shadow
    • Use LDAP Auth
    • Local Auth
    • In LDAP Settings:
      • Use TLS: ldap://, dc=example,dc=com
  • /etc/openldap/cacerts - location of LDAP server cert
  • yum install -y autofs nfs-utils - ensure NFS/AUTOFS tools are installed
  • vi /etc/auto.master.d/home.autofs - create the master entry
    • /home /etc/auto.home - add the primary mountpoint, point to config
  • vi /etc/auto.home - create home automount
    • *-rw,sync --fstype=nfs4 - add this line to /etc/auto.demo
  • systemctl start autofs.service - start up autofs
  • systemctl enable autofs.service - enable it
  • su - <ldapuser> - test the configuration

#####Kerberos Configuration

  • yum install authconfig-gtk krb5-workstation - install Kerberos tools
  • system-config-authentication - run the CLI tool to connect to IPA
    • ensure Kerberos is checked, and DNS is unchecked
      • verify with getent and ssh (TODO: figure more out about this)
  • kerberos
  • yum install ipa-client - ensure IPA tools are installed
  • ipa-client-install --no-ntp --mkhomdir - connect to test IPA
    • Enter AD credentials provided for adding Linux computers

objectives: 8_selinux

####Firewall Management (firewall-cmd, firewalld, iptables)

  • Configure firewall settings using firewall-config, firewall-cmd, or iptables
  • firewall-cmd --permanent <cmd> - must add --permanent for changes to persist
  • firewall-cmd --list-all - list configuration
  • firewall-cmd --list-services --zone=<zone|default> - list added services to default or specific zone
  • firewall-cmd --get-services - available services to enable
  • firewall-cmd --add-service=<service> - enable service in default zone
  • firewall-cmd --add-port=<port/protocol> - add a port if not defined
  • firewall-cmd --reload - reload changes
  • firewall-cmd --get-default-zone - see context of default zone

####Diagnose and address routine SELinux policy violations

  • sestatus - show status
  • setenforce Enforcing (or 1) - set SELinux to enforcing mode
  • vi /etc/selinux/config - config file to set perm state
  • chcon -t <type_t> <file> - test changing type label context
  • setsebool -P <boolean> 1|0 - turn an SELinux boolean on or off
  • ausearch -m avc - audit failures and review
  • grep AVC /var/log/audit/audit.log - secondary way to get errors
  • audit2allow -wa - generate steps to make the AVC failure allowed
  • audit2allow -aM <name>.local - create a new module/policy package
  • restorecon <file> - restore contexts: /etc/selinux/targeted/contexts/files/
  • semanage fcontext -l - view all file contexts (grep if needbe)
  • yum install -y settroubleshoot-server - install SELinux troubleshooting tools
  • sealert -a /var/log/audit/audit.log - displays SELinux policy violations