installation instruction
Install build dependencies of node:
sudo apt-get install build-essential libssl-dev
sudo apt-get install git curl
git clone git:// ~/.nvm
Add following code into the end of your shell startup script (.bashrc
for BASH):
if [ -s "$HOME/.nvm/" ] ; then
. ~/.nvm/ # Loads NVM into a shell session.
Reopen terminal. Install node (long), and set default version:
nvm install v0.8.16
nvm alias default 0.8
Install fontello sources & dependencies:
sudo apt-get install zip inotify-tools
git clone git://
cd fontello
git submodule init
git submodule update
npm install
Compile font-builder binaries (ttf2eot & ttfautohint), and install dependencies
cd support/font-builder
sudo make dev-deps
make support
Rename example configs in ./config/
folder to real files, and edit, if needed.
In dev, with auto-restart on files change:
make dev-server
Now you can point your browser to the page http://localhost:3000
Detailed description will be added soon.
make rebuild-fonts