All notable changes to the "language-matlab" extension will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Patches CVE-2024-4067 and CVE-2024-43788
- Symbol rename support
- Enables users to hide "feature not available" error popups
- Provides context menu option to add selected folder and subfolders to the path
- Leading or trailing whitespace in
setting is ignored when connecting to MATLAB
- Enable users to specify workspace-specific MATLAB install paths
- Improvements to code folding (requires MATLAB R2024b or later)
- Patches CVE-2024-37890
- Allow connection to MATLAB when a single quote appears in the extension installation path
- Resolve error with code navigation when using with MATLAB R2024b
- Various syntax highlighting improvements (Thanks @watermarkhu!)
- This extension will no longer support MATLAB R2021a in a future release. To make use of the advanced features of the extension or run MATLAB code, you will need to have MATLAB R2021b or later installed.
- Popups will be shown to inform the user when the connected MATLAB is not supported by the extension, or if support is planned to be removed in a future update.
- Resolved issue with connecting to Intel MATLAB installation on Apple Silicon machines
- Resolved error if MATLAB process is killed unexpectedly
- Fixed bug where "never" startup timing was ignored
- Tweaks to telemetry logging
- Resolved packaging failure on Mac
- Resolved connecting to MATLAB in proxy environment
- Extension now works with the New Desktop for MATLAB
- Fixed launching App Designer and Simulink through MATLAB code execution
- Code execution support
- Fixed linting diagnostic suppression with MATLAB R2024a
- Enabled language server features in untitled MATLAB files
- Fixed linting with mlint on Windows
- Fixed regression with code navigation when using with MATLAB R2024a
- Fixed code navigation when using with MATLAB R2024a
- Handle symbolic link to MATLAB when linting with mlint (Thanks @MoetaYuko!)
- Handle maca64 architecture when linting with mlint (Thanks @tiagovla!)
- Outline now includes section headers
- Fixed issue connecting to MATLAB with Visual Studio Code version 1.82 and later
- Patched CVE-2023-26136 and CVE-2022-25883
- Added missing file icon for MATLAB files
- Diagnostic suppression should be placed at correct location when '%' is contained within string
- Improved navigation to files inside MATLAB packages within the VS Code workspace but not on the MATLAB path
- Prevented navigation to private/local functions from other files
- MATLAB sign-in is no longer blocked on Windows
- Document symbol and outline support
- Prevent packaging of .github folder into extension
- Code folding no longer matches
when used in strings, comments, and to denote the end of a matrix
- Update
to to@vscode/vsce
to resolve CVE-2023-0842
- Updated display name from "MATLAB (MathWorks)" to "MATLAB"
- Initial Release
- Syntax Highlighting (via MATLAB Language grammar)
- Snippets
- Other language support features (via MATLAB language server)