This library complements the java-security
project with testing utilities.
It includes for example a JwtGenerator
that generates JSON Web Tokens (JWT) that can be used for JUnit tests, as well as for integration testing.
By default the generated token is Base64 encoded and signed with a generated RSA key.
- Java 8
- maven 3.3.9 or later
- JUnit 4, 5
If you use spring-boot-starter-test, you might be facing json classpath issues. See the Issues section for more information.
Find an example on how to use the test utilities here.
Using JwtGenerator
you can create tokens of type Token
, which offers you a getTokenValue()
method that returns the encoded and signed Jwt token. By default its signed with a random RSA key pair (as of version 2.8.1
). In case you like to provide the token via Authorization
header to your application you need to prefix the access token with Bearer
Token token = JwtGenerator.getInstance(Service.XSUAA, "client-id")
.withHeaderParameter(TokenHeader.KEY_ID, "key-id") // optional
.withClaimValue(TokenClaims.XSUAA.AUTHORIZATION_PARTY, azp) // optional
String authorizationHeaderValue = 'Bearer ' + token.getTokenValue();
In case you want to test your secured web application as part of your JUnit tests you need to generate JWT tokens and in order to validate the token you need also to mock the jwks endpoint of the identity service e.g. xsuaa.
The java-security-test
library uses third-party library WireMock to stub outgoing calls to the identity service. Furthermore it pre-configures the JwtGenerator
, so that the token is signed with a private key which matches the public key provided by the jwks endpoint (on behalf of WireMock). Furthermore you can specify the azp
for token generation, that it can be validated by the predefined set of Jwt validators.
Optionally, you can configure java-security-test
to start an embedded Jetty servlet container that comes equipped with an authenticator. The authenticator checks whether a request is done by an authenticated AND authorized party. You can also add your own servlets to the container. Only requests that contain a valid authorization header will be passed through to the servlet. See the following test code that triggers HTTP requests against the servlet container. One request does not contain the token inside the authorization header and is expected to result in HTTP 401
(unauthenticated). The other contains a valid token and is expected to succeed.
Use SecurityTestRule
, which is an ExternalResource
that set up WireMock
and optionally the Jetty servlet container before a test, and guarantee to tear it down afterward.
import static;
import static*;
public class HelloJavaServletTest {
private static Properties oldProperties;
public static SecurityTestRule rule = SecurityTestRule.getInstance(Service.XSUAA)
.useApplicationServer() // optionally customize application server, e.g. port
.addApplicationServlet(HelloJavaServlet.class, "/hi"); // add servlet to be tested to application server
public void tearDown() {
public void requestWithoutAuthorizationHeader_unauthenticated() throws IOException {
HttpGet request = createGetRequest(null);
try (CloseableHttpResponse response = HttpClients.createDefault().execute(request)) {
assertThat(response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode()).isEqualTo(HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED); // 401
public void requestWithValidToken_ok() throws IOException {
String jwt = rule.getPreconfiguredJwtGenerator()
.withLocalScopes("Read") // SecurityTestRule.DEFAULT_APP_ID + ".Read"
HttpGet request = createGetRequest(jwt);
try (CloseableHttpResponse response = HttpClients.createDefault().execute(request)) {
String responseBody = IOUtils.toString(response.getEntity().getContent(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
private HttpGet createGetRequest(String accessToken) {
HttpGet httpGet = new HttpGet(rule.getApplicationServerUri() + HelloJavaServlet.ENDPOINT);
if(accessToken != null) {
httpGet.setHeader(HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION, "Bearer " + accessToken);
return httpGet;
JUnit 5 does no longer support Rule
. As of java-security-test
version 2.7.8
you can implement using JUnit 5 extensions instead.
class as well as the IasExtension
class implements the BeforeAllCallback
to configure and start WireMock
as mock server for the identity service. Furthermore, it implements the AfterAllCallback
to stop the running server(s).
public class HelloJavaTest {
public void sayHello(SecurityTestContext context) {
String jwt = context.getPreconfiguredJwtGenerator()
// call endpoint with Authorization header "Bearer <jwt>"
Or in case you need to configure the ports or Jetty as servlet container, you can configure SecurityTestExtension
and register it as extension using @RegisterExtension
public class HelloJavaServletTest {
static SecurityTestExtension extension = SecurityTestExtension.forService(Service.XSUAA)
.setPort(4711) // sets the port of the identity service mock server
.useApplicationServer() // optionally customize application server, e.g. port
.addApplicationServlet(HelloJavaServlet.class, "/hi"); // add servlet to be tested to application server
public void sayHello() {
String jwt = extension.getContext().getPreconfiguredJwtGenerator()
// call endpoint with Authorization header "Bearer <jwt>"
import static*;
@TestPropertySource(properties = {
"xsuaa.uaadomain=" + DEFAULT_DOMAIN,
"xsuaa.xsappname=" + DEFAULT_APP_ID,
"xsuaa.clientid=" + DEFAULT_CLIENT_ID })
public class HelloSpringTest {
public void sayHello(SecurityTestContext context) {
String jwt = context.getPreconfiguredJwtGenerator()
// call endpoint with Authorization header "Bearer <jwt>"
⚠️ Please note, that@RegisterExtension
can NOT be used in combination with@TestInstance(TestInstance.Lifecycle.PER_CLASS)
This module requires the JSON-Java library. If you have classpath related issues involving JSON you should take a look at the Troubleshooting JSON class path issues document.
The java-security-test
library is used in the following samples: