This is an Express application that runs the TempHire backend using Sequelize, breeze-sequelize and sqlite.
Sets up the request handling, and starts the server listening on port 3000.
Specific request URLs (those starting with /breeze/
) are passed to routes.js
All others are assumed to be requesting HTML/JS/CS files from the docRoot
, which points to the main TempHire directory.
Handles AJAX requests for CRUD operations from the Breeze client. Most queries are handled by the get
method, which parses the query from the URL.
Other methods are for saving and for special query scenarios.
import.js - Used for importing data from the .sql script into a sqlite database
metadata.json - Breeze metadata, used for breeze-sequelize server config and also sent to the client
package.json - npm dependencies
query.js - Simple utility for running queries against sqlite
temphire.db - The sqlite version of the TempHire database
temphire.sqlite.import.sql - SQL script for creating and populating the database
In the Express directory:
npm install
node server
- Open browser to http://localhost:3000/
- Stop the server
- Move/rename the existing temphire.db
node import.js