These changes were made for a particular project, without much care for backward compatibility. But the overall philosophy should be the same.
- Anything related with the GUI in Swing.
- Support for asynchronous agent has been dropped, you may still use then, but no promise are made for the visualization.
- Build system is now maven.
- Use JavaFX instead of Swing. JavaFX run on a different thread than the simulation, when updating the GUI from the simulation thread you must be extra careful for :
- Running JavaFX code on the JavaFX thread, by only using AMAKFX methods, or by learning how to use JavaFX's RunLater (see AMAKFX's RunLaterHelper)
- Not overload JavaFX call queue with draw call, leading to unpredictable result. For that purpose a new option has been added to Configuration : waitForGui, default at true. Each simulation cycle, AMAK will wait for JavaFX call queue to be empty. But queue overload can still happen inside a cycle. Symptoms are : long freeze, part of GUI not updating, or becoming white.
- The VUI has been overhauled, it now provide extra features :
- Drawable can detect events, and dispatch these events to linked drawables.
- VUI Explorer, a sided bar that show a list of visible Drawable in its VUI. Features : hovering an element in the VUI Explorer highlight it in the VUI. Search for element in the VUI Explorer with regex. Click an element to display additional info (when available).
- Plotting is now done with JFreeChart, AMAKFX provide an helper class : AmakPlot.
- Tabs can be drag-n-dropped to rearrange them. Dropping a tab outside the tab bar will open it in a new window (despite the mouse cursor showing it's impossible)
- Changes on how logging work, the a Log object now accept multiple action. Added the Loggable interface,with default methods, allowing a class to easily log to a file.
Maybe unexpected amas behaviour if the fixed bug was used as a feature ! (see bug-fix 3da519a
- Bug-fix (
) on messaging (PNE) - Bug-Fix (
) : on ExecutionPolicy.TWO_PHASES => before the correction, the execution policy was not executed correctly. (Before : perception agent 1 -> decision&action agent 1 -> perception agent 2 -> decision&action agent 2 | After : perception agent 1 -> perception agent 2 -> decision&action agent 1 -> decision&action agent 2)
- The agent ID can be specified when the agent is create: it is called "raw id".
- The possibility to send a message directly with the raw id (not only with
). - The
method andIAmakReceivedEnvelope
method simplify the message retrieval.
- Added the section "Communication agent with messages" in the readme file.
- When an agent is destroyed, its msgbox is deleted too.
- Some improvements in code quality using sonar reports
- All new features are tested
- Hot fix on messaging-agent library (0.1 > 0.2)
Add agent messaging
New AMAK version : new synchronous mode.
A new visualization system called VUI has been added. VUI features:
- Zoom
- Move view
- Optimized rendering
drawablePoint = VUI.get().createPoint(dx, dy);
//At runtime
drawablePoint.move(newX, newY);
Now you can tell agents to execute in two phases. During the first phase, every agent perceives. Then, once they have all perceived, they decide and act. And finally, they wait for each other before starting the next cycle. By default, the execution policy is ONE_PHASE.
Configuration.executionPolicy = ExecutionPolicy.TWO_PHASES;
MyAMAS amas = new MyAMAS(new MyEnvironment(), Scheduling.DEFAULT);
AMAK now includes the possibility to execute simultaneously multiple agents. By default, it is disabled. Before any calls, change the value of Configuration.allowedSimultaneousAgentsExecution to the amount of threads you wish to use for agent cycles.
Configuration.allowedSimultaneousAgentsExecution = 4;
MyAMAS amas = new MyAMAS(new MyEnvironment(), Scheduling.DEFAULT);
Also, the methods onSystemCycleBegin and onSystemCycleEnd are not called anymore. It is recommended to use onAgentCycleBegin and onAgentCycleEnd as it should produce the exact same results.
Please note that the environment is now schedulable as the Amas and DrawableUI. To ensure compatibility, check that every constructor of your classes inheriting Amas, Environment or DrawableUI make a call to their super constructor and pass a valid Scheduling option. In most cases, it is recommend to use default scheduler.
public class MyEnvironment extends Environment {
public MyEnvironment() {
Amak is a framework aiming at facilitating the development of multi-agent systems. For the framework to work properly, you need to create a type of environment, a type of agent and a type of multi-agent system.
Once you've created your three classes, you have to complete them by overriding methods present in higher level classes. Go into your classes, start typing "on" and press ctrl+space, a list of the most useful methods to override will show. At first, you will probably need to override onPerceive, onDecide and onAct in your agents, and onInitialAgentsCreation in your multi-agent system. All of these methods are called at the right time by the scheduler, you only have to implement them.
The scheduling of agents is loaded automatically when you create an instance of your multi-agent system.
Amak is packaged with other useful libraries (lx-plot, avt, ...). Also, if you need to draw something easily, have a look at the abstract class DrawableUI.
In this quick start example, we will do the first steps aiming at creating an adaptive multi-agent system to solve the philosopher's dinner problem.
Click on File -> New -> Java Project Enter a name : "Philosopher's dinner" Click on Finish
Download the latest jar file and add it to your project folder (drag and drop).
Right click on it, Build path ... -> Add to build path
In order to work, the Amak framework needs a type of environment, a type of agent and a type of multi-agent system.
Create the resource Fork. A fork can be taken or released by a philosopher.
public class Fork {
private Philosopher takenBy;
public synchronized boolean tryTake(Philosopher asker) {
if (takenBy != null)
return false;
takenBy = asker;
return true;
public synchronized void release(Philosopher asker) {
if (takenBy == asker) {
takenBy = null;
public synchronized boolean owned(Philosopher asker) {
return takenBy == asker;
Create a new class named "Table" which extends the abstract class "Environment". A table is initialized with 10 forks.
private Fork[] forks;
public Table() {
public void onInitialization() {
// Set 10 forks on the table
forks = new Fork[10];
for (int i = 0; i < forks.length; i++)
forks[i] = new Fork();
public Fork[] getForks() {
return forks;
Let's call the multi-agent system "MyAMAS". Create a class "MyAMAS" which extends the abstract class Amas
.During the initialization, we want to create a philosopher per fork and let them know their neighbors.
public MyAMAS(Table env) {
super(env, Scheduling.DEFAULT);
protected void onInitialAgentsCreation() {
Philosopher[] p = new Philosopher[getEnvironment().getForks().length];
//Create one agent per fork
for (int i=0;i<getEnvironment().getForks().length-1;i++) {
p[i] =new Philosopher(i, this, getEnvironment().getForks()[i], getEnvironment().getForks()[i+1]);
//Let the last philosopher takes the first fork (round table)
p[getEnvironment().getForks().length-1]=new Philosopher(getEnvironment().getForks().length-1, this, getEnvironment().getForks()[getEnvironment().getForks().length-1], getEnvironment().getForks()[0]);
//Add neighborhood
for (int i=1;i<p.length;i++) {
Create a class "Philosopher" which extends the class Agent<MyAMAS, Table>.
private Fork left;
private Fork right;
private double hungerDuration;
private double eatenPastas;
private int id;
public enum State {
private State state = State.THINK;
public Philosopher(int id, MyAMAS amas, Fork left, Fork right) {
super(amas); = id;
this.left = left;
this.right = right;
protected void onPerceive() {
// Nothing goes here as the perception of neighbors criticality is already made
// by the framework
protected void onDecideAndAct() {
State nextState = state;
switch (state) {
case EATING:
if (new Random().nextInt(101) > 50) {
nextState = State.THINK;
case HUNGRY:
if (getMostCriticalNeighbor(true) == this) {
if (left.tryTake(this) && right.tryTake(this))
nextState = State.EATING;
} else {
case THINK:
if (new Random().nextInt(101) >50) {
hungerDuration = 0;
nextState = State.HUNGRY;
state = nextState;
protected double computeCriticality() {
return hungerDuration;
protected void onUpdateRender() {
LxPlot.getChart("Eaten Pastas", ChartType.BAR).add(id, eatenPastas);
In any class, create the environment and then the multi-agent system and launch it.
public static void main(String[] args) {
Table env = new Table();
new MyAMAS(env);
If your agents need to exchange information by message, we recommend to use the CommunicatingAgent
class. The implementation of your agents must inherit this class. Otherwise you must manage the mailbox yourself (see CommunicatingAgent
implementation for an example).
When your agent inherits the CommunicatingAgent
class, an address is attached to your agent, it is called AID
(Agent ID). You should use the AID
to deliver messages.
To get the AID
, simply call getAID()
on the agent.
Various messaging methods are available, divided into two main concerns:
- Received messages :
- Get all received messages :
Collection<IAmakEnvelope> getAllMessages()
an AmakEnvelope contain :
the sent message IAmakMessage
the sender AddressableAID
(it is an AID
the metadata related to the sending.
- Alternatively, you can retrieve messages given a specific type:
<M extends IAmakMessage> Collection<M> getReceivedMessagesGivenType(Class<M>)
<M extends IAmakMessage> Collection<IAmakReceivedEnvelope<M, IAmakMessageMetaData, AddressableAID>> getReceivedEnvelopesGivenMessageType(Class<M>)
2.Sending messages:
- Sending with the
of receiver
sendMessage(IAmakMessage messageToSend, AID receiver)
sendMessage(IAmakMessage messageToSend, AID receiver, IAmakMessageMetaData metadata)
- Sending with the "raw id" of receiver
sendMessage(IAmakMessage messageToSend, String receiverRawID)
An Amak message should implement the IAmakMessage
interface, like this :
public static class MyMsg implements IAmakMessage {
private final String content;
public MyMsg(String content) {
this.content = content;
public String getContent() {
return content;
The agent 1 create a new message and send it to agent 2. Agent 2 receive and display the content of this message.
CommunicatingAgent<TestAMAS, TestEnv> communicantAgent1 = new CommunicatingAgent<TestAMAS, TestEnv>(amas, params) { ...
CommunicatingAgent<TestAMAS, TestEnv> communicantAgent2 = new CommunicatingAgent<TestAMAS, TestEnv>(amas, params) { ...
MyMsg msg = new MyMsg("Hello Agent 2!");
boolean sendingSuccessful = communicantAgent1.sendMessage(msg, communicantAgent2.getAID());
//can make something if sendingSuccessful == false
//the agent 2 must make a execution cycle to perceive the msg;
Collection<IAmakReceivedEnvelope<MyMsg, IAmakMessageMetaData, AddressableAID>> allMyMgsReceived = communicantAgent2
allMyMgsReceived.forEach(msg -> System.out.println("Agent 2 : I received a MyMsg from : "
+ msg.getMessageSenderAID() + ", he tells me : \"" + msg.getMessage().getContent() + "\""));
//Agent 2 : I receive a MyMsg from : 06fcd4fc-1674-4bc0-bffc-c6c33cbbaa53, he tells me : "Hello Agent 2!"
To ensure the uniqueness of agent identifiers, by default, the UUID class is used. Therefore, in the example, the identifier is "06fcd4fc-1674-4bc0-bffc-c6c33cbbaa53".
You can define your own agent name by specifying it in at creation with parameters:
Object params[] = { CommunicatingAgent.RAW_ID_PARAM_NAME_PREFIX + "Agent 1" };
communicantAgent1 = new CommunicatingAgent<TestAMAS, TestEnv>(amas, params) {...
//same code...
//Agent 2 : I received a message from : Agent 1, he tells me : "Hello Agent 2!"
The uniqueness of the "raw id" is the responsibility of the developer.
When you use your own agent ID, you can use this "raw id" to send messages:
communicantAgent2.sendMessage(messageToSend, "Agent 1");
However, the performance of this method can be degraded when the system has a lot of agents. You should prefer the AID
Metadata is attached to a sent message but is not contained in the message. Metadata is of particular interest when certain technical considerations must be taken into account but are not relevant to the agent. Metadata processing must be delegated to the technical layer of an agent or to the lower layer of an infrastructure.
To customize metadata, simply inherit the SimpleAmakMessageMetaData
interface or implement IAmakMessageMetaData
, like this :
public static class MyCustomMetadata extends SimpleAmakMessageMetaData {
// SimpleAmakMessageMetaData hasn't a sendingCost attribute
private final float sendingCost;
public MyCustomMetadata(float sendingCost) {
this.sendingCost = sendingCost;
public float getSendingCost() {
return sendingCost;
Messages are perceived during the perception phase. Thus, when an agent finishes his perception phase, any new incoming messages are not perceptible during the rest of the cycle (i.e. decision and action). They will be perceived for the next cycle.
By default, all received messages can only be processed during the current cycle. At the beginning of the next cycle, all messages perceived in the previous cycle are deleted. Message retention duration is only one cycle. If you want to change this policy, please refer to the following paragraph.
At the communicating agent creation, it is possible to indicate a mailbox reading strategy (use the constructor public CommunicatingAgent(A amas, IMessagingReader msgReader, Object... params)
). By default, this strategy is: MessagingReaderAllMsgsOfCycle
To redefine this strategy, you simply need to implement IMessagingReader
and give it at the agent creation.
All agents share the same messaging infrastructure. The infrastructures are completely thread-safe and optimized for this purpose. Amak uses the agent-messaging library :