draw.DrawCircle(iPosX = 0, iPosY = 0, iRadius = 100, iVertices = 200, bCache = nil)
- Draws a filled circle, unlike surface.DrawCircle
draw.DrawArc(iPosX = 0, iPosY = 0, iRadius = 100, iStartAngle = 0, iEndAngle = 360, bCache = nil)
- Draws a filled circle with an angle
draw.DrawProgressBar(iPosX = 0, iPosY = 0, iWidth = 100, iHeight = 100, tColor = Color(255, 255, 255, 255), flRatio = 1, tOutlineCol = Color(20, 20, 20, 100), bOutline = nil)
- Draws a rectangle progress bar thingy, the width is relative to the ratio
draw.BouncingText(sText = "", sFont = "DermaLarge", iPosX = 0, iPosY = 0, tColor = Color(255, 255, 255, 255), iHorizAlign = 0, iVertAlign = 0, iAnimHeight = 20, iAnimSpeed = 1)
- Draws bouncing text (mexican wave sorta thing)
draw.QuadBezier(p0, p1, p2, step = 0.02)
- Each point should be a Vector2 and the step should be no more than 0.2
draw.CubicBezier(p0, p1, p2, p3, step = 0.02)
- Each point should be a Vector2 and the step should be no more than 0.2
draw.DrawRing(iPosX, iPosY, iRadius, iThickness, iStartAngle, iEndAngle, tCachedMiddle, tCachedRing)
draw.DrawRing(tCachedMiddle, tCachedRing)
- The tCachedMiddle is returned by draw.DrawCircle, and the ring is returned by draw.DrawArc, should've probably not named it 'tCachedRing'