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dates mask in -g #2989

Answered by BurntSushi
QuAzI asked this question in Q&A
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The -g/--glob flag just accepts a glob. I don't see why it should have knowledge about datetimes.

On Unix, I would do something like this: rg --files | rg '[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-(10|11|12|13|14).md' | xargs rg -N --sort path '^(#+\s+)' -r ' '. If your file paths have spaces in them, you'd need some -0 and --null-data flags in there too I imagine.

I don't know if Windows has an equivalent to xargs, but it's insanely useful for this sort of thing.

If you need a portable program to emit dates, you can consider using Jiff in a Rust program. Drop this in a directory in a file named

use jiff::{civil::Weekday, ToSpan, Zoned};

fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    let monday = Zoned::now().t…

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